中医皮肤科学,Dermatology of Traditional Chinese Medicine
1)Dermatology of Traditional Chinese Medicine中医皮肤科学
2)Chinese medicine Dermatology中医皮肤科
1.With literature research method, combined with oral materials, for the first time academic schools in Chinese medicine Dermatology are put out by studing the academic papers, books, medical cases, medical words of Zhao Bingnan, Zhu Renkang, Gu Bohua and their disciples.迄今为止,在中医皮肤科学术领域尚未有学术流派的划分。
3)Chinese dermatology中医皮肤病学

1.Analysis and Studying of the Contribution to Development of the Chinese Medicine External Treatment of Dermatology That "Li Yue Pian Wen";《理瀹骈文》对中医皮肤病学外治法发展的贡献之分析与研究
2.The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology中国皮肤性病学杂志
3.a doctor who specializes in the physiology and pathology of the skin.专攻皮肤生理学和病理学的医师。
4.The Study and Application of Telemedicine In Dermatology and Venerology;皮肤性病远程医学的理论探讨与应用
5.The branch of medicine that is concerned with the physiology and pathology of the skin.皮肤学与皮肤的生理学和病理学有关的医学分支
6.Skin Bank [University of Hong Kong Medical Centre]皮肤库〔香港大学医学中心〕
7.Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitor-Associated Cutaneous Toxicities: Analysis of Etiology、Pathogenesis and Treatments Based on Syndrome Differentiation in TCMEGFRIs相关皮肤毒性中医病因病机及辨证治疗分析
8.Biomedical Photonics Study on Pigmented Skin Diseases of Yellow Race黄种人皮肤色素性疾病的生物医学光子学研究
9.The patient with the skin disorder is under the care of a dermatologist.那个有皮肤病的病人正在皮肤科医师的照顾下。
10.Lmmunohistochenical study of skin-homing T Lymphocytes in the skin of patients with Psoriasis Vulgaris;寻常型银屑病患者皮肤中皮肤归巢T细胞免疫组织化学研究
11.In the clinical practice, many dermatologists have neglected skin disease pathogenesis treatment, caused the effect to be slow, poor effects and the course of an illness procrastinated.临床实践中,许多皮肤科医生忽略了皮肤病的病机治疗,导致了起效慢、效差、程迁延的结果。
12.International League of Dermatological Societies国际皮肤病学协会联盟
13.International Society of Tropical Dermatology国际热带皮肤病学会
14.The Application Research of Autologous Skin Fibroblasts in Medical Cosmetology;自体皮肤成纤维细胞在医学美容中的应用研究
15.The Expression of TLR2、TLR4 in the Skin Wound Healing and Its Forensic Significance;皮肤切创愈合过程中TLR2、TLR4表达及其法医学意义
16.China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases中国麻风皮肤病杂志
17.Initial Try on Medical Psychology;医学心理的实践尝试——高校学生皮肤病患者心理探索
18.The doctor diagnosed my illness as a rare skin disease.医生诊断我的病为罕见的皮肤

Chinese medicine Dermatology中医皮肤科
1.With literature research method, combined with oral materials, for the first time academic schools in Chinese medicine Dermatology are put out by studing the academic papers, books, medical cases, medical words of Zhao Bingnan, Zhu Renkang, Gu Bohua and their disciples.迄今为止,在中医皮肤科学术领域尚未有学术流派的划分。
3)Chinese dermatology中医皮肤病学
1.The Investigation of Hand-Foot Mycosis in 461 Cases of Chinese Dermatologists;461例皮肤科医生手、足真菌病调查分析

常见皮肤病中医治疗简编常见皮肤病中医治疗简编 皮肤科著作。梁剑辉编。分上、下篇。上篇简述皮肤病的中医辨证方法,内治法、外治法以及中医外用药各种剂型及其适应证;下篇列举90种常见皮肤病,从中医命名、病因、病理、诊断要点和中医中药治疗等方面加以阐述。1979年由人民卫生出版社出版。