生态服务,Ecological service
1)Ecological service生态服务
1.Assessment on the ecological services value of soil and water conservation;水土保持生态服务功能价值估算
2.So,the ecological services of farmland are more complicated than grassland and forest.2元/hm2;各地区农田的生态服务功能差别较大,其价值量波动在86。
3.Based on defining the urban forest ecological service,the paper analyzes the condition on residents demand on urban forest ecological service from three aspects of living condition,urban ecological environment and recognition on environmental protection.在界定城市森林生态服务内涵的基础上,从物质生活环境、城市生态环境、环境保护意识等3方面分析了居民产生城市森林生态服务需求的环境条件。

1.Ecosystem Services, Ecological Security and Ecological Risk Assessment;生态服务功能、生态安全和风险评价
2.A New Angle of View to Realize the Economic Value of Ecological Service Ⅱ--The Relativity of Ecological Services Value;实现生态服务价值的新视角(二)——生态服务价值的相对性
3.Analysis on Ecological Service Functions of Peanut Farming System in China中国花生种植系统生态服务功能分析
4.Valuation of Vegetation Ecological Services in Vulnerable Ecological Region;生态脆弱区植被的生态服务功能价值化研究
5.The Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Its Ecological Compensation for Wetland湿地恢复工程生态服务评价与生态补偿研究
6.Relationship between Ecological Water Demand and Vegetation Ecosystem Service in Beijing北京市植被生态需水量与生态服务功能的关系
7.Function and Value of Soil & Water Conservation Ecological Services;水土保持生态服务功能及其价值研究
8.Green GDP Accounting Based on Value of Ecological Services;基于生态服务价值的绿色GDP核算
9.Ecological mechanisms of ecosystem services生态系统服务的生态学机制研究进展
10.Dynamic changes of ecosystem service value in Pinggu District of Beijing.;北京市平谷区生态系统服务价值动态
11.Dynamic analysis of the ecological restoration service value in Xiaoliang Towership of Dianbai County,Guangdong Province of southern China广东小良生态恢复服务价值动态评估
12.Based on the theory of ecological services to build the model library services基于生态型服务理论的图书馆服务模型的构建
13.Construction of Service Platform for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction to Service for the Construction of a Green and Ecotypic Jiangxi搭建节能减排服务平台服务绿色生态江西建设
14.The Service Value and the Ecological Compensation of Forest Ecological System in Tibet;西藏森林生态系统服务价值与生态补偿
15.Research on the Relationship Between Ecosystem Services and Ecological Compensation生态系统服务功能与生态补偿关系的研究
16.Discrimination of concepts of ecosystem functions and ecosystem services生态系统功能与生态系统服务的概念辨析
17.The Main Terrestrial Ecosystem Services and Ecological Security in China中国主要陆地生态系统服务功能与生态安全
18.Inner Mongolia Grassland Ecosystem Services Function and Ecological Compensation内蒙古草地生态系统服务功能与生态补偿

ecosystem services生态服务
1.The valuation of ecosystem services based on temporal,spatial and benefit characters;基于时空尺度及利益关系的生态服务功能
2.Then the values of ecosystem services in different periods were calculated by reference of published studies.采用GIS技术分析兴化湾不同时期由于围填海所造成的各生态系统类型面积变化,并借鉴Costanza等研究的生态服务功能单位价值系数,评估围填海对滩涂湿地生态服务造成的累积影响。
3.This paper has three purposes:the first,to inquire into the sum of meanings and corresponding implications inherent in ecosystem services function and ecosystem service function value;the second,to study the methods of assessing ecosystem service function value;and the third,to analyze ave.生态服务的价值是生态系统为人类所提供服务的长期、真实、全面的价值,可用于衡量人类活动真实的效益和成本。
3)Ecosystem service生态服务
1.Evaluation of ecosystem services of Park of Nanhu Lake in Changchun city,China;长春市南湖公园生态服务价值评估
2.Remote sensing identification of earthquake trigged landsides and their impacts on ecosystem services:a case study of Wenchuan County;汶川大地震滑坡体遥感识别及生态服务价值损失评估
3.Ecological compensation of industrial activity and ecosystem security are closely associated with sustainable development, the goal of ecological compensation and ecosystem security research lies in comprehending the ability of regional sustainable development and the function of ecosystem service.产业活动造成的生态损失和生态系统安全与可持续发展紧密相连,研究的目的在于了解区域生存和发展的持续能力和生态服务功能。
4)ecological services生态服务
1.Policy measures for providing the ecological services of forest;森林生态服务供给的政策手段研究
2.Progress in ecological services evaluation of urban forest城市森林生态服务价值评估研究进展
3.Valuing ecological services of green space of West Lake scenic area in Hangzhou杭州西湖风景区绿地生态服务功能价值评估
1.Though most people are concerned with its environmental, biological, anti-seepage and landscape effects, the lake's plastic sealing project in Yuanmingyuan Ruin Park connected with the ruin's function, wetland's eco-service, water saving and exploring strategies, and the park's management instruments.圆明园塑膜防渗工程的表象在防渗膜的环境毒理、生物影响、防渗效果和景观效应,问题的根源却涉及圆明园的定位、湿地生态服务功能、水资源的开源节流和园区的建设和经营方针。
2.They are eco-service and quota system,eco-demand,environmental production,and eco-consumption,and they give expression to the latest deveolpment of the studies in this field.生态经济研究领域诞生了几个新概念 ,即生态服务及指标体系 ,生态需要 ,环境生产及消费过程生态化。
3.Although the countryside is no longer a pure production base of the agricultural products, it still provides the city with eco-service, scenery-service a nd residential.对于人多地少的发达地区来说,城市越发展,农村的土地、森林、水系和村落等资源的价值越珍贵,虽然农村作为农产品生产基地的功能弱化了,但它可以为城市提供生态服务、景观服务和居住服务等新的服务。
6)ecotype service生态型服务
1.Analysis into economic growth mode transition promoted by ecotype service;生态型服务促进经济增长方式转变分析

服务贸易自由化与服务贸易保护主义服务贸易自由化与服务贸易保护主义  服务贸易自由化与服务贸易保护主义国际服务贸易的政策和措施。在国际贸易中,服务贸易占1/3,西方发达国家服务出口占世界服务出口的80%。20世纪80年代以来,贸易保护主义盛行和债务危机加深,发展中国家工业制成品也越来越具有竞争力,发达国家就越来越重视服务贸易出口,并积极倡导服务贸易自由化。1986年9月关贸总协定乌拉圭回合《部长宣言》提出建立服务贸易原则和条例的多边框架,在提高透明度和逐步自由化的条件下扩大服务贸易,促进所有贸易伙伴的经济发展及国家的进步。服务贸易保护主义是在世界性经济萧条、服务市场竞争激烈的情况下,各国为了自己的利益,对服务贸易采取逐步实行的政策。尤其是服务业不甚发达的发展中国家更是如此,如阿拉伯国家为了保护阿拉伯国家利益,多次召开区域性国际会议,制定保护阿拉伯国家利益,限制外国承包商的法令和措施。西方发达国家一面倡导服务贸易自由化,同时对发展中国家劳动密集型服务贸易实行严格限制,如美国限制外籍普通服务人员入境,西欧各国近几年辞退发展中国家服务人员多达几万人。