乡土景观,Vernacular landscape
1)Vernacular landscape乡土景观
1.This paper discussed vernacular landscape along the highway, and the meanings of vernacular landscapes and their implication to the design of modern highway landscape.本文对沿线乡土景观进行发掘,并论述了解读乡土景观对现代高速公路景观设计的意义。
2.Vernacular landscapes are complexes of land, human habitats on the land including villages, towns, cities, and places of spirits.该文探讨了乡土景观的含义,论述了解读乡土景观对现代景观设计的意义,提出乡土景观是指当地人为了生活而采取的对自然过程和土地及土地上的空间及格局的适应方式,是此时此地人的生活方式和价值观在大地上的投影。
3.The concept of vernacular landscape is increasingly suffused and blurry.当前的乡土景观概念日益泛化与模糊。

1.Inherit the Bouyeis' Culture and Create the Vernacular Landscapes传承布衣文化 营造乡土景观——以贵阳市偏坡布依族乡村寨规划为例
2.Ecology,Thrift and Legacy--Application of Earthy Landscape Elements in Urban Wetland Park Planning and Design生态、节约与传承——城市湿地公园规划设计中的乡土景观元素
3.Research on the Coordinated Development between Human Settlements of New Socialist Countryside and Rural Landscape Based on Environment-behavior View从环境行为学探讨新农村人居环境与乡土景观的协调发展
4.Construction of new countryside to protect and reflect the local characteristics--A Case Sdudy of Landscape Planning and Design in Anji Gangkou village新农村建设中乡土景观的保护和再现——以安吉港口村景观规划设计为例
5.Study on Vernacular Architecture Landscape Construction in Fujian Provincial Rural Tourism福建省乡村旅游景观中乡土建筑景观营造研究
6.Study of the Localization to Landscape Planning and Design of Rural Tourism乡村旅游景观的本土化规划设计研究
7.Discussion on Local Characteristic Landscape Design with Indigenous Plants乡土植物营造地方特色园林景观探讨
8.The Landscape Design and Architecture of Native Bush Garden in Lushan Botanical Garden庐山植物园乡土观赏灌木园景区规划与造景
9.Land Use and Landscape Dynamics in a Rural Area乡村土地利用与景观格局动态变化研究
10.The Researches about Indigenous Design of the Waterfront Landscape in Cities of Western China;中国西部城市滨水景观环境乡土化设计探研
11.The Impaction of Indigenous Plant on Green Space in Cityscape Constitution;乡土植物与城市园林绿化中的景观营造
12.Investigation and Tentative Planning on Landscape of Vernacular Residential Districts in JiangNan;江南乡土住区环境景观调研及设计探索
13.Landscape Eco-planning of the Sustainable Use of Land in Urban Border Area;城乡结合区土地持续利用的景观生态规划
14.Developing Local Fine Arts Education in Tianshui Human Landscape;利用天水的人文景观进行乡土美术教育
15.The Cultural Analysis of Tujia Traditional Rural Settlement Landscape in South West Hubei鄂西南土家族传统乡村聚落景观的文化解析
16.Vernacular Design--Landscape Design Method Based on Regional Prototype乡土设计——基于地域原型的景观设计方法
17.Division of land gradient zone and analysis of landscape structure in eastern Harbin urban and suburb哈尔滨东部城乡土地梯度带的划分及景观结构
18.Landscape Construction of Yiling Forest Park Based on Vernacular Poetic Imagery基于乡土意境的夷陵森林公园景观营造

vernacular landscapes乡土化景观
1.In the last several years, the rapid growth of urbanity has brought unprecedented impact to vernacular landscapes.乡土化景观是人们在长期的生产生活中发展形成的,是人们对自然环境的适应。
3)local rural landscape乡土田园景观
1.During the design of expressway, it is not only to fully consider the combination of the horizontal, longitudinal and cross sections, but also consider the expressway how to harmonize and syncretize with the surrounding local rural landscape.高速公路的环境设计是高速公路设计的重要组成部分,在进行高速公路设计时不仅要充分考虑平、纵、横断面的结合,而且还要考虑高速公路如何与周围的乡土田园景观协调融合。
4)The Study on Vernacular Landscape乡土化景观研究
5)Local landscape design乡土景观设计
6)earthy landscape element乡土景观元素
1.Through the analysis of problems in urban wetland park design such as transitional state of the park,landscape homogenization,and cultural elements shortage,the paper holds that the application of earthy landscape elements can save resources and improve ecological efficiency and transmit local cultural legacy.通过对当前城市湿地公园建设中出现的过度公园化、景观同质化、文化缺位等问题的分析,指出了乡土景观元素在城市湿地公园规划中的应用可以起到节约资源、提高生态效益和传承地域文脉的作用。

乡土人家酒楼名  称: 乡土人家酒楼经营特色: 香辣虾、双味鱼头丸地  址: 海淀区北蜂窝路101号(西客站铁道大厦北50米)地  段: 公主坟、万寿路地区、翠微地区、军博地区、军事博物馆地区、中华世纪坛地区、西客站地区、西站地区营业时间: 10:00-22:00 服 务 费: 无乘车线路: 374支路北京西站下车、320、414、特6到铁路医院下车 客 容 量: 300人均消费: 50 停 车 位: 40