河流生境分类,Classification of river habitat Classification
1)Classification of river habitat Classification河流生境分类
2)river habitat河流生境

1.Studies on Habitat Assessment of Urban River in China's Plain Water Network Region;平原河网地区城市河流生境评价研究
2.Eco-environmental Water Demand about the Main Current of the Huifa River in River Course;辉发河干流河道生态环境需水量研究
3.Research on Eco-Environmental Water Requirement of Tarim Mainstream Watershed;塔里木河干流流域生态—环境需水研究
4.Research on eco-enviromental water requirement for main rivers in Haihe Basin海河流域控制性河流生态环境需水量研究
5.Study on Eco-environmental Water Requirement and Eco-environmental Early Warning of River System in TaiZhou;泰州市河流生态环境需水量及河流生态环境预警研究
6.Research on the Ecological and Environmental Water Requirements of the Highland and River Channel in the Yellow River Basin;黄河流域坡高地与河道生态环境需水规律研究
7.Study on the Minimum Water Requirement of Eco-environment of the Yellow River Artery in Henan;黄河干流河南段最小生态环境需水量研究
8.Study on Riparian Zone Habitat Assessment of Urban River in China s Plain Water Network Region;平原河网地区城市河流滨岸带生境评价研究
9.Study on Ecological Water Requirement of Stream-Channel in the Plain Reach of Hai-River Basin;海河流域平原河道生态环境需水量计算
10.The Influence of Flow Interruptions in the Yellow River on the Yellow River Delta;黄河断流对黄河三角洲生态环境的影响
11.Historical Variance of the Ecological Environment in the Inland River Area along the Hexi Corridor;河西走廊内陆河流域生态环境的历史变迁
12.Conceptual Models of Ecological Environment Evolution in Tarim River Basin塔里木河流域生态环境演变概念模型
13.Study of Eco-environmental Water Requirement of Zhangxi Drainage Basin in Ningbo City;宁波市樟溪河流域生态环境需水研究
14.Research on River Ecological & Environmental Modeling Based on Instream Flow Incremental Methodology;基于IFIM方法的河流生态环境模拟研究
15.Research on the Problem of Groundwater Eco-Environment in Haihe River Basin;海河流域地下水生态环境问题的研究
16.The Ecological Problem of the Groundwater in the Haihe River Valley and Its Solution;海河流域地下水生态环境问题及对策
17.Ecological Environment Evaluation of Fu River's Headstream-the Stream in Xue'Muling Mountain抚河源头血木岭山涧溪流水生生态环境评价
18.Ecological Environment Changes and Rational Utilization of Water Resources in the Keriya River Basin克里雅河流域生态环境变化与水资源合理利用

river habitat河流生境
3)river classification河流分类
1.The river classification phase occurs during the newly early stages of development of hydroecology.简要阐述河流分类的目的和方法,重点对基于地貌、水文、生态、价值的分类体系进行了回顾,按照时间顺序说明了各种分类体系的发展过程。
4)Ecology of river habitats河流生境生态学
5)riparian zone habitat of river河流滨岸带生境
6)river ecological factors河流生境因子
1.Under the background of cascaded hydropower development, intensive layout of cascade reservoir and the projects will make the effect on river ecological factors caused by the accumulative r.梯级开发背景下,梯级水库密集布置,各级水库对河流生境因子的影响会发生累积,河流生境因子中的生态流量关键组(脉动、洪水、低流量、极端低流量)和水温受梯级水库累积影响尤其明显,是本文研究的重点内容。
