澎溪河,Pengxi River
1)Pengxi River澎溪河
1.The paper takes Pengxi River in Kaixian County as an example for study.本文以开县澎溪河为研究对象,在对山地河流的河溪等级结构分析的基础上,构建了河流生境的分类体系,从形态学和生态学两个角度分别对河流生境进行了划分。

1.Pattern and Biodiversity of Plant Community in Water-Level-Fluctuation Zone of Pengxi River After Impoundment of Three Gorges Reservoir三峡水库蓄水后澎溪河消落带植物群落格局及多样性
2.Research of Wetland Plant Resources in Pengxihe Wetland Nature Reserve,Chongqing City重庆市澎溪河湿地自然保护区湿地植物资源研究
3.This site is located at the tableland of Mingyue dam,southern bank of Pengxi River,northern Changjiang River,and belongs to Zouma Village,Gaoyang Town,Yunyang Town of Chongqing City.明月坝遗址位于长江北恻支流澎溪河南岸的明月坝台地上,属重庆市云阳县高阳镇走马村。
4.Small rivers and large brooks are both called streams.小河和大溪都称作溪流。
5.Fame, like a river, is narrowest at its source and broadest afar off.名声如江河,源之涓涓细流,锦远奔腾澎湃。
6.where the creek joins the river.小溪与河流的汇合之处
7.And still they sing a vehement, eager chant, the chant of the turbulent waters.就这样他们还是唱着激昂而热切的号子,那汹涌澎湃的河水号子。
8.of or relating to or located on the banks of a river or stream.河岸的,关于或位于河或溪沿岸的。
9."My friends have been false like a stream, like streams in the valleys which come to an end:"我的弟兄诡诈,好像溪水,又像溪水流干的河道。
10.The brook warbled over its rocky bed.小溪潺潺流过多石的河床。
11.The river divides and forms two streams.这条河分开了,并形成了两条小溪。
12.explored the rivers and streams about the estate.探究地产周围的河流和小溪
13.A body of water such as a sea, lake, river, or stream.水体如海、湖、河或溪等大片的水
14.large salamander of North American rivers and streams.北美江河溪流中大型的蝾螈。
15.Two streams connecting to form a river.两条小溪汇流成一条大河
16.Every spring the river floods the valley.每年春天, 河水都会淹没这个溪谷。
17.Some Problems in the Design of Arch Dam on Liu-Hsi-Ho论流溪河工程拱?紊杓浦械娜舾晌侍
18.Guizhou is rich in many water courses, streams and rivers.贵州水利资源丰富,有众多大河小溪。

Pengxihe Wetland Nature Reserve澎溪河湿地自然保护区
1.Research of Wetland Plant Resources in Pengxihe Wetland Nature Reserve,Chongqing City重庆市澎溪河湿地自然保护区湿地植物资源研究
1.Near natural stream control techniques and its assessment system;河溪近自然治理技术及其评价方法
2.Assessing the ecological conditions of stream ecosystems in the suburb of Beijing using a Channel-Wetland-Riparian Index;基于河道-湿地-缓冲带复合指标的京郊河溪生态评价体系
3.Near-natural Assessment System and Its Application in Near-natural Control of Stream Ecosystems in the Suburb of Beijing京郊河溪近自然生态评价及其治理研究
5)Ganxi river甘溪河
1.To the problems of water environment of the mines of Sanshiliuwan,analyzing the environment problems and the reason in the Ganxi river.针对三十六湾矿区的水环境问题,首先分析了三十六湾矿区存在的环境问题及原因;然后通过在甘溪河甘溪坪峡口内设置的四个取样点取样做尾砂污染物析出试验;进而得出甘溪河河床尾砂污染物析出存在一定的规律,说明了三十六湾矿区排放的尾砂及废水对甘溪河水质污染严重;最后对三十六湾矿区的水环境问题提出了一定的控制措施。
6)cangxi river苍溪河

陈家河桃子溪战斗陈家河桃子溪战斗Chenjiahe-Taozixi, Battle of Cheniiahe一TaoZIXi ZhQndou陈家河桃子溪战斗(ehenjiahe一Taozixi,Battle 00土地革命战争时期,中国工农红军第2、第6军团,在湖南省桑植县陈家河、桃子溪地区对国民党军的进攻作战。 1935年2月初,国民党军对新创建的湘郑川黔苏区进行大规模“围剿”,企图将红军消灭于湘鄂两省西部边境地区。红军第2军团军团长贺龙、政治委员任弼时指挥红军第2、第6军团进行反“围剿”作战。4月12日,红2、红6军团离开塔卧、龙家寨向北机动。同日下午,在陈家河西南蒋家娅地区,与由桑植沿澄水西进,企图阻止红军北进的国民党军第58师第172旅遭遇。红军前卫第10团立即发起攻击,歼灭其警戒分队,占领有利地形。贺龙、任弼时当即决定集中n个团的兵力,分割围歼态势孤立的第工72旅。13日8时,红军打退庙凸山守军1个营的反扑,乘势发起攻击,一举夺占庙凸山、张家湾、吴家湾3个制高点。接着向陈家河南北高地发动进攻,红51团第3营直插陈家河,歼其旅部,使该旅失去指挥,战至黄昏,将其全部歼灭。陈家河l线斗开始后,国民党军第58师师部及174旅(欠第348团)由桑植向陈家河增援,进至两河门时,发现第172旅被歼即掉头南撤,准备暂宿桃子溪,企图等待留守桑植的第348团到达后,再继续撤至塔卧。15日黄昏,红2、红6军团回师塔卧途中,乘国民党军忙干宿营,迅即抓住战机,突然发起攻击,经2小时战斗,将其全歼,并乘势收复厂桑植县城。这次战斗,歼国民党军1个师部和2个旅,俘2 000余人,缴获枪2 000余支(挺)、山炮2门。(孙世福)