景观生态网络规划,landscape ecological network planning
1)landscape ecological network planning景观生态网络规划
1.County landscape ecological network planning and design is defined as the plan set in a large background,"overall plan the urban and rural development,promote the building of new socialist countryside".县域景观生态网络规划与设计是指在“统筹城乡发展,推进社会主义新农村建设”的大背景下,运用景观生态学原理,以区域景观生态系统优化为基本目标,在景观生态分析、综合和评价的基础上,建立县域景观生态系统优化利用的空间网络结构和模式。

1.County Landscape Ecological Network Planning and Design-Suixi County; Anhui Province皖北濉溪县域景观生态网络规划与设计
3.Artificial neural network (ANN) model of landscape ecological planning in urban fringes城市边缘区景观生态规划的人工神经网络模型
4.Research on Measurement of Urban Landscape Ecological Network Connectivity and Planning;城市景观生态网络连接度评价及其规划研究
5.Landscape Pattern Analysis and Landscape Ecological Planning in Chengdu;成都市景观格局分析与景观生态规划
6.Study on Landscape Pattern and Landscape Ecological Planning of Nantong;南通市景观格局与景观生态规划研究
7.The Landscape Pattern Dynamics Analyst and Landscape Ecological Planning in Laoshan Scenery Spot;崂山风景区景观格局动态分析及景观生态规划
8.Landscape-ecology and greenbelt ecological layout in habitation;景观生态学与居住区绿地景观生态规划
9.A Study on Landscape-Ecological Planning of Shugang-Slender West Lake Scenic Spot in Yangzhou City;蜀冈—瘦西湖风景区景观生态规划研究
10.Sustainable Planning of Tourism Spot Based on Landscape Ecology;基于景观生态学的风景区保护性规划
11.Study on application of ecotourism programming and landscape ecology theory;生态旅游规划与景观生态学应用研究
12.Study of the Urban Landscape's Constitution、Planning and Designing;城市景观空间格局及景观生态规划与设计研究
13.Study on Landscape Characteristics and Ecological Planning of Landscape in Zherong County;福建柘荣县景观特征及景观生态规划的研究
14.The Preliminary Discussion on the Plan and Design of Tour Landscape in Urban Districts-- An Enlightenment from Landscape Ecology;城区旅游景观规划设计初探——景观生态学的启示
15.Research on the Landscape Ecology Planning of Nanhu Wetland Park in Tangshan City;唐山南湖湿地公园景观生态规划研究
16.Studies on Landscape Ecological Planning and Design about Urban Waterfront;城市滨水区景观生态规划与设计研究
17.A Study on Landscape Ecological Planning of Green Space in Daqing Xicheng District;大庆市西城区绿地景观生态规划研究
18.The Research on Landscape Eco-Planning of Chang Zhu Tan Xiang jiang River Strand;长株潭湘江河岸带景观生态规划研究

landscape eco-planning景观生态规划
1.Hence,in this paper a landscape eco-planning plan on sustainable land use in the process of urbanization is advanced on the basis of an analysis of landscape ecosystem in these areas.文章在对这些区域的景观生态分析的基础上,探讨了城市化进程中土地持续利用的景观生态规划。
2.Furthermore, landscape eco-planning of sustainable use for rocky desertification land integrates the relevant two kinds of eco.石漠化土地可持续利用景观生态规划是基于格局优化的目标规划和基于干扰分析的问题规划的结合,并借鉴预案研究的方法和思路。
3.One is that landscape eco-planning is the best approach to urban biodiversity conservation.简要论述了城市生物多样性的含义和价值,城市生物多样性保护的发展过程,着重分析了城市生物多样性保护的途径,指出景观生态规划是城市生物多样性保护的最佳途径,城市生物多样性保护的最终目的是通过建立可持续发展的城市景观生态系统从而促进城市的可持续发展。
3)Landscape ecological planning景观生态规划
1.Integrative Application of Landscape Ecological Planning in Biodiversity Conservation;景观生态规划途径在生物多样性保护中的综合应用
2.Landscape ecological planning of green food base.;绿色食品基地的景观生态规划
3.Landscape Pattern Analysis and Landscape Ecological Planning of Chongqing Heishishan-Gunziping Scenic Area;重庆市黑石山—滚子坪风景名胜区景观格局分析与景观生态规划研究
4)Ecological Landscape Planning景观生态规划
1.Study on the Ecological Landscape Planning of Mining City-A Case of Xuzhou;矿业城市景观生态规划的研究——以徐州市为例
2.A study on the ecological landscape planning in new technology development zone of Wuhan Dong Hu;武汉市东湖新技术开发区景观生态规划研究
3.Proceeding with the practical significance of the ecological landscape planning in modern forest park,the writers of this article propose the countermeasure and suggestion of this planning in Yunshan National Forest Park by field research on landscape resources and analyze the current situation so as to make new breakthrough in this program with their great efforts.文章从现代森林公园景观生态规划的现实意义入手,通过对云山森林公园的实地景观资源调查和现状分析,提出了云山森林公园景观生态规划的对策和建议,力图使森林公园景观生态规划的内涵有新的突破。
5)program for ecological landscape生态景观规划
6)landscape ecology network景观生态网络
1.The landscape ecology network, multiple, material and energy circulation, and construction shape angle are respectively used to explain this university planning practically and predictably.沈阳建筑大学规划在满足学校功能的同时,充分发挥大学园区生态功能,利用景观生态学原理诠释了新校区规划,即分别从景观生态网络角度、多样性角度、物质与能量循环角度、建筑形态角度解读了校园规划的实效性和前瞻性。

城市总体规划与国土规划、区域规划的关系 国土规划、区域规划、城市总体规划是在不同层次、涉及不同地域范围的发展规划。国土规划、区域规划、城市总体规划组成一个完整的规划系列,国土规划和区域规划应当是城市总体规划的重要依据。而全国和区域性的江河流域、土地利用等专业规划则是国土和区域规划的重要组成部分,城市土地利用规划又是城市总体规划的重要组成部分。 我国的国土规划、区域规划以及江河流域规划、区域性土地利用总体规划等工作起步较晚,目前正在有计划、有重点地逐步展开,还没有法定的审批程序和审批成果。而全国绝大多数城市总体规划已经各级政府按法定程序审批,并在不断完善和深化,在实际工作中存在着相互联系和交叉的情况,因此本法原则确定应当相互协调的关系是必要的。