主要种类,major species
1)major species主要种类
1.Functional groups of communities and their major species at high trophic level in the Yellow Sea ecosystem黄海生态系统高营养层次生物群落功能群及其主要种类

1.The main groups of vertebrates are: fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.脊椎动物的主要种类是鱼类,两栖动物,爬行动物,鸟类和哺乳动物。
2.There are four principal types of limestones.石灰岩有四种主要类型。
3.The Principal Component Analysis of Central Trace Elements in Four Shellfish4种贝类主要微量元素的主成分分析
4.There are two main types: tent structures and pneumatic structures.有两种主要类型:帐篷结构与气压结构。
5.Graph the three major types of cost functions.三种主要类型价值函数的曲线图。
6.Please name some types of vessels in the world.请讲讲当今世界上的主要船舶种类。
7.The Studies of Germ Plasm Among Some Allium lines and the Analysis of Main Characters;大葱种质资源分类及其主要性状分析
8.Main Categories of Red Mud and Its Environmental Impacts我国主要赤泥种类及其对环境的影响
9.Major Kinds of Diseases and Insect Pests of Illicium verum and Corresponding Control in Funing County富宁县八角主要病虫害种类及其治理
10.Ecological features: Description of the main habitats and vegetation types, listing the dominant plant communities and species.生态特征:描述主要的湿地和植物类型,列出主要的植物群落和种类。
11.There are two main types of lipid pneumonia: endogenous and exogenous.类脂性肺炎主要有两种类型:内源性和外源性。
12.Major Commercial Fishes Species and the Development and Application Prospect贵州省主要经济鱼类种类及开发应用前景
13.Investigation of hosts and natural enemies of Liriomyza huidobrensis in Guiyang贵阳地区南美斑潜蝇主要寄主与天敌种类调查
14.a religion founded primarily on the revelations of God to humankind.主要根据神对人类各种启示的一种宗教。
15.Mollusea of them mainly includes 34 kinds of Conus,two kinds of Aplysia and 3 kinds of Cephalopoda,altogether 39 kinds;软体动物主要包括芋螺 34种、海兔 2种和头足类 3种共 39种 ;
16.Any of various fishes that are predominantly blue, such as the pollack.蓝色鱼任一种主要为蓝色的鱼类,如青鳕
17.As is often the case, humans are the primary cause of extinction.通常情况下,人类是物种灭绝的主要原因。
18.the products of human art are chiefly instruments which assist this appropriation.人类的制造品主要是用作这种采集的辅助工具。

major species groups主要种类组
3)major capture species主要捕捞种类
1.Optimum first capture standards of major capture species of the northern South China Sea;南海北部主要捕捞种类最适开捕规格研究
4)main pest species主要害虫种类
6)main tree species主要树种
1.By using the data of area and main tree species of Guizhou province from 2000 to 2007,and eight different scenarios have been schemed for the annual area of GGP-forests during 2008~2010 and harvest options.再依据贵州省森林资源清查中不同树种的的历史数据和生长参数建立生长方程,并结合生物量扩展系数、木材密度和碳含量等参数,预测出贵州省未来50年不同情景下的退耕还林主要树种树生物质碳储量及变化。

主要1.把握事物的关键。 2.指事物中关系最大,起决定作用的。