文化承载力,cultural carrying capacity
1)cultural carrying capacity文化承载力
2)cultral legacy文化承载

1.The Culture-carrying Function of Language in the Teaching of College English;从大学公共英语课看语言的文化承载功能
2.The Function of a Language as a Carrier of Culture--Comparison of German and Chinese;从汉德语言对比论语言的文化承载功能
3.Words and Meaning with Its Cultural Load-bearing-The Cross-cultural Consciousness in the Word Teaching of College English词汇与意义及其文化承载性——大学英语词教学中的跨文化意识培养
4.On the Approaches to Translating Culture-loaded Words in "Moment in Peking"民族文化的承载者与传递者——小议《京华烟云》中文化负载词的翻译
5.The Chinese language, like the culture it carries, is old and yet vigorous and dynamic.汉语,如同它所承载的中华文化,古老而生机勃勃。
6.The Volunteers for the 6th Asian Winter Games Bearing Cultural Idears and Value;第六届亚冬会志愿者所承载的文化理念及价值
7.Imitative Wushu: the Cultural Signs of the Traditional Thought Method;象形武术:承载传统思维方式的文化符号
8.On Jade Article s Carrier of Traditional Culture from the Perspective of Material Aesthetic;论玉器对传统文化的承载——从材质审美出发
9.Examination on the Inheriting Characteristics of the National Traditional Sport Culture in the West Region;西部地区民族传统体育文化传承载体特征研究
10.On the Inheritance of Administrative Public Interests Litigation System to Traditional Chinese Culture论行政公益诉讼制度对我国传统文化的承载
11.On the Origination and Cultural Significance of the Dragon-Boat Race驾起承载雅俗文化的龙舟——论龙舟竞渡的起源及其文化意义
12.Moral Inheritance and Enlightenment in Ancient Chinese Literary Selections Teaching文以载道 以道育人——《古代汉语》文选教学的道德传承与教化
13.The place names are the result of national culture,also living fossil bearing culture,various nationalities have different features of culture.地名是民族文化的产物 ,不同的民族有不同的文化特征 ,而地名又是承载文化的活化石。
14.Research on cdma2000 IP RAN Solutionscdma2000 RAN IP化承载方案探讨
15.Construct a Model for Promoting and Inheriting Wushu Culture Based on the Carrier of Student Mass Organization;构建以学生社团为载体的武术文化传播传承模式
16.Conveyance of Culture and Life--On Historic Consciousness of Fictions with Family Themes in the New Period;承载文化和生命的形式——论新时期家族小说的历史观
17.Education Come Back To Life --Thinking on The Culture of Birth and Its Educational Values;教育回归生命本原——对生育文化及其所承载教育价值的思考
18.On the Universal Spreading of Wushu After China s Entry into WTO;加入WTO后武术在全球性传播中国民族文化中的承载作用

cultral legacy文化承载
3)cultural loading-bearing文化承载性
4)bearing capacity change承载力变化
5)bearing capacity decline承载力退化
1.the aesthetic amusement, informative condensation, cultural-loading and pragmatic .一般来说,语言字符具有四种语用功能,即审美愉悦功能、信息压缩功能、文化承载功能和语用交际功能。

Smt-1卡车承载车辙式桥国别 波兰名称 smt-1卡车承载车辙式桥smt-1 truck-mounted treadway bridge研制单位 波兰pl生产单位 波兰pl现状 完成生产计划装备情况 波兰概述该车由4个跨度为11m的桥组构成,每个桥组安装在1辆(6×6)星(star)式卡车的后部进行运输。桥的架设是在卡车前端进行的。因桥是固定式,架桥前不必展开。每1条车辙道由用支柱、横梁和对角加强筋焊在一起的钢管束组成,在钢管束上部装有带网钢板筋。该车可与psmt-1急用支架连用,支架由平板和4个高低可调的桥架构成,桥架长5m,行军时折叠存放。支架采用泡沫塑料结构,可以漂浮在水面上,只需单轴拖车运送。性能数据驾驶室座位 1+2人驱动型式 6×6车重 9600kg车长 11.97m(预架设位置) 11.67m车宽 3.3m车高 3.15m车底距地高 0.27m轮距 1.804m轴距 2.858+1.2(m)公路最大速度 50km/h行程 500km燃料储备 300l涉水深 0.9m发动机型号 s-47类型 6缸水冷汽油机功率/转速 77.2kw/3000r/min传动装置类型 手动前进档/倒档数 5/1轮胎规格 11.00×20桥梁结构类型 机械化车辙桥,翻转式载重量 40t自重量 2300kg桥长 11m(每一桥跨)桥宽 3m架桥时间 3~5min