应用和竞争,application and competition
1)application and competition应用和竞争
2)harmonious competition和谐竞争
1.Then,the paper discusses the cause for the disorder of competition from four aspects,and proposes the countermeasures for the harmonious competition of telecommunication enterprises.首先深入分析了目前中国电信行业的现状,即竞争的不对称性、竞争的自我性、竞争的无序性、竞争的非正当性和非公正性,接着又从四个方面阐述了造成无序竞争的原因,在此基础上提出了电信企业和谐竞争的对策,即:一是加快电信立法;二是实现监管体制的转型;三是健全运营机制;四是实现增长方式的转型。
2.Raising the idea of harmonious competition is beneficial to enhancing the high-level ideas of China s market economy competition and to deepening the understanding of the dual functions of market economy competition and to comprehending the contents and requirements of building a harmonious society from the perspective of market economy competition.提出和谐竞争,有利于提升我国市场经济竞争的高层次理念;有助于深化认识市场经济竞争的二重性作用;有助于从市场经济竞争视角认识构建社会主义和谐社会的内容和要求。

1.Intellectual Property Rights Boundary--Harmonious Competition s Demand of Ruling by Law;知识产权的边界——和谐竞争的法治要求
2.When market competition becomes intense,he remains harmonious relations with competive opponents.当市场竞争时 ,维系和谐 ,利他经营 ;
3.Exploration of He Spirit and Competition Awareness in Corporate Culture;企业文化下和谐观与竞争意识的探讨
4.On the Local Government Competition in Building Harmonious Society;和谐社会构建中地方政府的竞争问题
5.Origin and Innovation of IEC;IEC百年起因与创新——竞争与和谐
6.Educational Competitive Order from the Perspective of Harmonious Society;“和谐社会”视野中的教育竞争秩序
7.On Building A Harmonious Order of Competition:Vertical Restrains and Its Regulation;和谐市场竞争秩序构建论——论纵向限制竞争及其规制
8.Cooperation and Competition:An Important Way of Social Interaction in Construcing Harmonious Gender Relations;合作与竞争:构建性别和谐的重要互动方式
9.The Objective Choice of Chinese Competition Policy in Building the Harmonious Society;论和谐社会构建中我国竞争政策目标的选择
10.The Correct Response to the Population Growth and Construction of the Competitive and Harmonious Capital;正确应对人口增长构建具有竞争力的和谐首都
11.Competition and Synergy: Innate Mechanism of Forming a Harmonious Society;竞争与协同是构建和谐社会的内在机制
12.Operation Moving Mechanism of Sustainable Development Society: The Theory of Competition,Synergy and Harmony;可持续发展社会运行机制:竞争·协同·和谐理论
13.It is said that foreigners like competitions, while the Chinese prefer harmony.有人说外国人喜欢竞争,中国人喜欢和谐,的确如此。
14.Research on the Harmony and Competition between China and the World against the Background of Economic Globalization;经济全球化背景下中国同世界的“和谐”与“竞争”探析
15.The Establishment of a Highly Competitive and Innovative Socialist Harmonious Culture with Vitality;建构具有竞争创新活力意识的社会主义“和谐文化”
16.Developing Enterprise Harmoniously by Deepening Internal Client Management and Cultivating Critical Competence;深化内部顾客管理培育核心竞争力走企业和谐发展之路
17.Comparison of International Market Competition and Mutual Harmony between Fujian and Taiwan;闽台农产品国际市场竞争力比较与和谐互补对策
18.From Competition to Harmony--About the modern development of the spirit of Olimpic Games从竞争到和谐——奥运精神的双重主题变奏与现代转向

harmonious competition和谐竞争
1.Then,the paper discusses the cause for the disorder of competition from four aspects,and proposes the countermeasures for the harmonious competition of telecommunication enterprises.首先深入分析了目前中国电信行业的现状,即竞争的不对称性、竞争的自我性、竞争的无序性、竞争的非正当性和非公正性,接着又从四个方面阐述了造成无序竞争的原因,在此基础上提出了电信企业和谐竞争的对策,即:一是加快电信立法;二是实现监管体制的转型;三是健全运营机制;四是实现增长方式的转型。
2.Raising the idea of harmonious competition is beneficial to enhancing the high-level ideas of China s market economy competition and to deepening the understanding of the dual functions of market economy competition and to comprehending the contents and requirements of building a harmonious society from the perspective of market economy competition.提出和谐竞争,有利于提升我国市场经济竞争的高层次理念;有助于深化认识市场经济竞争的二重性作用;有助于从市场经济竞争视角认识构建社会主义和谐社会的内容和要求。
3)Competitive reaction竞争反应
1.Thermal analysis was utilized to study the formation kinetics of high-temperature phase sulphoaluminate based on competitive reaction.基于竞争反应机理利用热分析实验对高温固硫物相硫铝酸钙的生成反应动力学进行了研究。
2.Based on the studies about the reaction mechanism,the conclusion can be made that some competitive reactions take place in plasma degradation process of oxygen.利用低温等离子体技术对哈隆类物质 CF2 Cl Br和 CF3Br进行了降解反应研究 ,发现无氧条件下某些降解产物的量随放电时间不同而出现波动 ,表明降解过程中存在竞争反应 ;而氧气过量条件下不存在竞争反应 ,其主要产物为 CF2 O等 。
3.By demostrating the common competitive reaction, the author discusses the reaction temperature, reaction material structure, and solvent influence in competitive reaction.通过列举有机化学中常见的竞争反应,讨论反应物结构、试剂、反应温度、溶剂等因素对竞争反应取向的影响,可更好地选择最佳条件提高主要产品的收率。
4)competitive reactions竞争反应
1.The steric effects have influence on some competitive reactions in organic reactions.在有机反应中,空间效应对某些竞争反应有明显的影响,它可控制反应的途径,决定产物的组成。
5)competitive effect竞争效应
1.Abstracts of Some Papers in English Competitive Effects and Regulations of Cross - border M&A;由控制投资转向控制竞争——跨国并购的竞争效应与竞争规制
2.Vertical integration can resolve update confliction of CI and EPI,but we have to consider if integration will lead to non-competitive effect in power-generating market.煤电矛盾的根源是价格双轨制和地区生产不对称性,纵向兼并能有效解决现阶段煤电矛盾,但一体化是否有反竞争效应却值得商榷。
3.glauca, Gordonia acumenata, Pinus massoniana) in the subtropic secondary evergreen broadleaved forest in Jinyun Montain was studied based on the competitive effect and competitive response models of neighbourhood interference among the dividuals of interspecies.glauca) 3个种群间的竞争效应与竞争反应 。
6)Competitive response竞争反应
1.The Impact of the Price Promotion on the Brand Equity: The Moderating Role of the Competitive Response;价格促销对品牌资产的影响:竞争反应的调节作用
2.glauca, Gordonia acumenata, Pinus massoniana) in the subtropic secondary evergreen broadleaved forest in Jinyun Montain was studied based on the competitive effect and competitive response models of neighbourhood interference among the dividuals of interspecies.glauca) 3个种群间的竞争效应与竞争反应 。
