1.Disenchantment and Reenchantment: Surveying Environmental Crisis with Natural View;“祛魅”与“返魅”——环境危机产生的自然观审视
2.This paper criticized and analysed the viewpoint of the constructive postmode s natural reenchantment,which is combined with the recent development of the scientific development to point out the new approach to Natural reenchantment.以大卫·格里芬为代表的建设性后现代主义关于自然返魅的观点,缺乏起码的科学依据。

1.Has the Post-modernist s Viewpoint of Charm Retained the Original Charm of Modern Science?;后现代科学返魅观使现代科学返魅了吗
2.Enclose to,Return to and Imitate the Evil Spirit:Cultural Logic of the Image of Xiangxi;附魅、返魅与仿魅:影像化湘西的文化逻辑
3.From "Disenchantment" to "Reenchantment"-Research on Aesthetic Self-discipline;从“祛魅”到“返魅”—对审美自律性之考察
4.Disenchantment and Reenchantment: Surveying Environmental Crisis with Natural View;“祛魅”与“返魅”——环境危机产生的自然观审视
5.Disenchantment and Aphasia--Reflections on the Present Situation of College Chinese Education;祛魅与返魅——关于大学语文教育现状的思考
6.Un-concealment Re-enchantment Deepening--The Research of Shen Congwen in the 30 years of Reform and Opening;祛蔽·返魅·深化——改革开放30年来的沈从文研究
7.The New Approach to Natural Reenchantment --Viewed from the Scientific Development;自然返魅的新途径——从科学发展的角度看
8.Return to Women Charm--Read "The Double-fish Star";阴性返魅——解读徐小斌中篇小说《双鱼星座》
9.A Perspective of constructive post-modernism:Traditional Chinese Medicine How to re-enchantment?建设性后现代主义视角下的中医:如何返魅
10.Research on Contemporary Literature in New Academic Fields--Elimination of Frauds and Rejuvenation of Glamours;新学术视野中的当代文学研究——评蔡世连《祛蔽与返魅
11.The Eternal Charm of Dreaming Island--From "Little Swordsman Peter Pan" to "Back to Dreaming Island";梦幻岛的永恒魅力——从《小飞侠彼得·潘》到《重返梦幻岛》
12.The Rational Basis and Shift in Law;神魅、人魅与祛魅——法律的理性基础及其变迁
13.the lure of adventure [Paris]冒险 [巴黎] 的魅力
14.Charms of Alliteration;头韵(Alliteration)的魅力
15.Repatriation and Return Operation 1997 [UNHCR in Bosnia and Herzegovina]1997年遣返和回返行动
16.To be brilliantly, often deceptively, attractive.有魅力有魅力,常指虚假地,华而不实地
17.From Disenchantment to Enchantment: The Transformation of Paradigm of Instructional Design;从“祛魅”到“附魅”:教学设计的范式转换
18."Disenchantment" and "Enchantment": Engineering Ethics Thought;“祛魅”与“赋魅”:工程的伦理之思

1.A Perspective of constructive post-modernism:Traditional Chinese Medicine How to re-enchantment?建设性后现代主义视角下的中医:如何返魅
2.As the reconstruction of modern literature subject of China,the research of Shen Congwen in the 30 years of Reform and Opening has gone through a clear process of un-concealment,re-enchantment and deepening: first whisk away the dust of history,restore the original state of history against the background of thought emancipation,then reconstruct the resource and basement of social spirit.改革开放30年来的沈从文研究,如同整个中国现代文学学科的重建一样,经过了一条印痕鲜明的"祛蔽——返魅——深化"的历程:首先拂去历史的积尘,在思想解放的大语境中拨乱反正,还原史事本相,在此基础上拓展思路,深化认识,并以此作为重造当代社会人文精神大厦的资源与基础。
3.And this helps us understand further the theme of Laurence s novels and the re-enchantment artistic feature.劳伦斯小说中神话因素非常丰富,从神话原型与宗教象征角度出发,可以发现他的小说中性爱主题与太阳神话有着紧密的联系,从而为我们解读劳伦斯小说的主题和“返魅”的艺术特色提供了有力的神话学注脚。
3)reenchanted postmodern philosophy后现代返魅哲学
1.This Article gives an objective and dialectical comment on the reenchanted postmodern philosophy, which refers to the organic distinction in the implicate depth of material reality in cosmos.本文客观辩证地述评了后现代返魅哲学世界观关于宇宙物质实在深层有机差异的新见解 ,初步提出和运用特异物质自然力的概念来批判后现代返魅哲学世界观模糊意识概念、夸大偶然性和可能性以及拒斥或淡化矛盾斗争普遍性的理论错误 ,并历史唯物地扼要探析了后现代返魅哲学社会历史观关于后现代“三大关系”、社会总体转向和现代性的继承诸问题的一系列观点之是非得失 ,旨在体现出真正的马克思学派在当代应坚持的理论思维取
4)The Reflection on the Reenchantment of the Nature自然返魅之追思
1.The fascination in different meanings of Chinese reading;汉语阅读中的“歧义”的魅力
2.Those descriptions of music have unique fascination in terms of presentation and content.《老残游记》中多处笔法奇绝的音乐描写显示了作者刘鹗卓越的艺术手腕,《老残游记》的音乐描写在艺术手法及表现内容等方面呈现出与众不同的独特魅力。
3.The most noteworthy fascination of his educational theory covers: the basis of human ideology of the interaction in relation to environment; the purpose of the ideology of children s emancipation; the strong emphasis on practice and his masterstroke on the specialization of instruction.其教育理论的魅力在于:人与环境交互作用的思想根基;儿童解放的思想宗旨;理论具有强烈的实践性;教学专业化的思想主线。
1.Poem ending and glamour of the modern novel;现代小说的诗化结尾及其魅力
2.The Glamour and Characteristics of Harvard University in America:I am know the Harvard University美国哈佛大学的魅力与特色——我所了解的哈佛大学
3.A literary work without prolonged glamour will lose its value in the face of literature, only the excellent glamorous one will undergo the test of the time and will not be eliminated.一部作品,如果缺乏经久性的魅力,一见文学史便会化为乌有;只有优秀的具有经久性魅力的文学作品,才能经受住残酷的时间老人的考验而不被淘汰。
