1.The Establishment of Hui Bao and Its Attempt at Shareholding System;《汇报》的创办及其股份制尝试
2.On the whole establishment of Yan-chang oil deposit in the late Qing Dynasty;清末陕西延长油矿创办始末
3.The establishment of the University took only five months.其干劲之足,速度之快,都是罕见的,以董泽为首的愿意振兴祖国、服务家乡的留学生们为云南高等教育的萌兴作出了巨大的贡献;东陆大学创办后,近代时期的四位校长董泽、华秀升、何瑶、熊庆来均为留美、留欧学生,他们积极借鉴和推行欧美国家的现代高等教育模式,使近代云南大学在经历私立东陆大学、省立东陆大学、省立云南大学、国立云南大学四个发展阶段的过程中一步步从边疆走向中国,又从中国走向了世界。

1.He launched a new enterprise.他创办了一个新企业。
2.He embarked on a new enterprise.他着手创办新企业。
3.The hospital dates back to 1900这家医院创办于1900年。
4.They floated a new business company.他们创办一家新公司。
5.People mention the educational theories of its creators,如其创办者的教育理论、
6.This company was founded in 1724.这家公司创办于1724年。
7.Chen Duxiu's Experience of Running Newspaper before the foundation of The Youth Magazine陈独秀创办《新青年》之前的办报经历
8.Zhejiang Wanli, A New University is on the Way--Powered by Self-developing Mechanism and New Creative Educational Modes;建立自我发展机制,创新办学模式,创办新型大学
9.Create Learning Organizations to Cultivate Students Independent Creativity;创办学习型组织 培养自主创新能力
10.Thought and Suggestion on entrepreneurship education and Building up Students Entrepreneurship Base in Higher Vocational College高职院校创业教育暨创办大学生创业基地探究
11.He start the business with an initial expenditure or initial investment of 500他用500英镑的开办费或初期投资创办了此企业
12.He started the business with an initial expenditure or initial investment of £500.他用500英镑的开办费或初期投资创办了此企业。
13.Establishing Fiscal Charges Consultation Company and Embodying Characteristics of the Major of Accounting;创办财税咨询公司,将会计专业办得更有特色
14.Analysis of Motive of Business Enterprise’s Establishment in Colleges and Universities in Western Region;西部地区高校创办校办企业的动因解析
15.the meaning and idea of Haidian university setting up housekeeping specialty.;海大创办现代家政管理专业的意义、思路和办法
16.John Harvard was not the founder of Harvard College; and the College started in 1636.哈佛先生也不是哈佛大学的创办者;并且哈佛创办于1636年。
17.Return to the Primary Purpose of Independent Colleges: Innovating the System of Colleges and Optimizing Educational Resources;办学机制创新与教育资源优化——回归创办独立学院的根本目的
18.Forming a corporation is more costly than starting a sole proprietorship.创建一个公司比创办一个独资企业成本高得多。

1.The main purpose of its establishment was not for profit, but for retrieving sovereign right, for serving the people ,and for promoting the business of Shanghai Commercial and Saving bank.由于当时的历史条件以及创办人“服务社会”的经营理念 ,它的创办主要不是以营利为目的 ,而是为了挽回利权、发扬国光、辅助工商、便利旅行和推动上海银行的业务。
2.He established Hunan Self-study university and trained a lot of leaders for the Revolution.他亲手创办的湖南自修大学,曾为中共培育了一批工农运动的领导骨干,创造了许多教育改革成功的经验,在中国高等教育史上写下了光辉的一页。
3)establishing form创办形式
4)originate the special issue programme创办专刊
5)creating famous columns创办名栏
6)establishing principle创办原则
