1.The answers to this issue by the traditional western philosophy are basic views such as mechanical determinism, indeterminism and libertarianism, and so on.西方传统哲学对这个问题的解答主要有机械决定论、非决定论和自由意志论等几种基本观点 ,而当代西方哲学中又出现了调和论、取消论等 ,但所有这些理论都在不同程度上陷入偏颇和困惑。
2.The theory of Three Worlds based on the indeterminism is the ontological presumption of Popper s philosophy, and the establishment of Popper s idea about indeterminism resorts to the belief in Human freedom.以非决定论为基础的三个世界理论是波普尔哲学的本体论预设,而波普尔非决定论思想的确立又诉诸于对人类自由的信仰。

1.Decisiveness--Reanalysis of the Nature of Determinism and Non-determinism;决定性———决定论与非决定论本质的再分析
2.On the dialectic nature of Marxist historical determinism;论马克思主义历史决定论的辩证性质——兼驳历史非决定论对历史决定论的非难
3.Statistical Law and Causality, Determinism,Neodeterminism统计规律与因果性、决定论及非决定论──兼与统计因果论者商榷
4.Using dialectical determinism to scan social developmental law--and animadverting on undeterminism;以辩证决定论观念审视社会发展规律——兼对非决定论的批判
5.On the Logic of Argumentation and its Criticism of Karl Popper′s Non-Historicism;波普历史非决定论思想的证立逻辑及其批判
6.Cause of the Effect Produced by Karl Popper s Historic Indeterminism;波普尔“历史非决定论”思想产生影响的原因探析
7.Mistakes of Historical Indeterminism on the Borderline between Nature and Social History;历史非决定论在自然与社会界限问题上的误区
8.Now, evidence of an external kind to decide between determinism and indeterminism is, as I intimated a while back, strictly impossible to find.正如我刚才所说明的,根本不可能找到任何外部证据以在决定论与非决定论间做出选择。
9.and somewhere, indeterminism says, such possibilities exist, and form a path of truth.非决定论说,这样的可能性存在于某个地方,构成了真理之路。
10.The indeterminists say another volition might have occurred in its place;非决定论者说,可能出现的是取而代之的另一意志;
11.an inconclusive reply; inconclusive evidence; the inconclusive committee vote.非决定性的回复;非结论性的证据;非决定性的委员投票。
12.Decoherence,Locality and Causation Without Determinism退相干、定域性与非充分决定论的因果关系
13.inconclusive arguments, discussions, evidence, etc无结果的辩论、 非决定性的讨论、 无效的证据.
14.The Thesis of Underdetermination and K.Popper s Falsificationism;非充分决定性论题与波普尔的证伪方法
15.K.Popper s Falsificationism and Underdetermination;波普尔的证伪方法与非充分决定性论题
16.Discuss About Traffic Accident Responsibility Cognizance Administrative1y Non-actionable--Concurrent1y discuss about administrative arbitration behavior non-actionable;交通事故责任认定的行政非诉性评析——兼论行政裁决行为的非诉性
17.and (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency action, findings, and conclusions found to be-(二)判定机关的行为、决定和结论非法并予以撤销,如果发现其--
18.The Details and Tendencies of the Economic Growth Theory;经济增长论的发展与动向——关于均衡的安定性与非决定性

1.Using dialectical determinism to scan social developmental law——and animadverting on undeterminism;以辩证决定论观念审视社会发展规律——兼对非决定论的批判
2.The ideological trend of undeterminism comes from certain historical background,cognitive and social reasons.以波普尔为代表的非决定论思潮的泛起是有历史背景、认识根源和社会原因的。
1.Study on non-determinism from aspects of color sense, scientific instrument and uncertainty principle;从色觉、科学仪器、测不准原理看非决定论
2.New solutions to many philosophical problems were found predicated on theories concerning“metaphysics”and“non-determinism”.哲学思考从物理学的“场”和“场论”得到如下提示 :将“相互作用及其连续性”的观点引入哲学领域 ,并进行全面的拓展与全面的深化 ;以“非实体主义”的基本理论为参照系 ,为众多的哲学问题求索新的答案 ;以“非决定论”的基本理论为参照系 ,引导相关的哲学问题寻找新的回应 ;“非决定论”与“非实体主义”结伴而行 ;“场”和“系统”这对范畴、“相互作用”的两套理论模式 ,可分可合、相互补充 ;与“物理场”相似 ,“哲学场”中相互作用的多方相对相关、互渗互补 ;摹拟理论物理学的“大统一场论” ,建构包含古今中外多种哲学体系之间和流派之间相互作用的“哲学理论场的场论”。
5)historical indeterminism历史非决定论
1.The reasons that historical indeterminism deny the laws of social history are very complicated.历史非决定论否定社会历史发展规律的原因是十分复杂的。
2.his historical indeterminism,is on the whole groundless,even though it has widespread influence and is widely accepted in the world.波普尔对马克思主义历史决定论的驳斥,即他的"历史非决定论"思想从总体上讲是站不住脚的。
