身长,body length
1)body length身长
1.Relationships between the mineral contents in the cord serum and the pregnant woman's serum and newborn's body length脐血清与临产妇血清钙、铁、锌含量与新生儿身长的关系
2.Objective To investigate the osteoclast′s function levels in infants and toddlers and the relationship between the osteoclast function and sex,age,body length,body weight and body mass index(BMI).目的探讨婴幼儿破骨细胞功能状态,了解抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶5b(TRAP5b)、脱氧吡啉啶(DPD)与年龄、身长、体质量和体块指数之间的关系。
3.Objective To inquire into the effect of genetic factor and feeding method on body length and weight of rats.目的探讨遗传因素及喂养方式对大鼠身长体重的影响。

1.The dog has a long and shaggy coat.这条狗长着一身长长的蓬松的毛。
2.He stands six feet in his stockings.他不穿鞋身长六英尺。
3.The coat is too long, but she' ll grow into it.这件外衣太长,不过她长一长会合身的。
4.she was laid to rest beside her husband; they had to put their family pet to sleep.她长眠于丈夫的身旁。
5.The horse has a fine coat of hair.这匹马长了一身好毛。
6.The back of the shirt is too long.这件衬衫的后身太长了。
7.She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground.她穿着一身拖地长裙。
8.The bride's long train dragged behind her.新娘的长裙拖在身后。
9.Her long shirt was trailing along behind her.她的长裙拖在身后。
10.button front jumper前身钉钮无袖外长衣
11.ctenophore have long tentacles and flattened body.长触须、扁身体的栉水母。
12.As former Commissioner for the Department of Public Safety,身为前公共安全部部长,
13.The body is a long and narrow sound box made of wood.琴身为狭长形木制音箱,
14.several phases of physical development身体成长的几个阶段
15.slender long-tailed monkey of Asia.身体瘦尾巴长的亚洲猴。
16.He had a small stunted body.他发育不良,身材长得矮
17.A porcupine is covered with prickles.箭猪身上长满了刺。
18.He is no less a person than a minister.他的身份不亚于部长。

1.Objective To observe the effect of neonatal swimming for 30 days on the babies growth including neonatal on neonatal weight, height and chest measurement.目的探索连续游泳水疗30d对新生儿体重、身长、胸廓发育的影响。
2.Methods Collecting the data of weight and height of infant, calculating the body surface area of every infant by Du.方法 直接获取新生儿的体重、身长值,采用Du。
3.Objective To study the relationship of the height with the length of hand and width of palm in chinese.目的探讨人体手全长、手掌宽与身长的相关关系。
3)long campaign shaft长寿炉身
4)long roller body长筒身
5)birth body length出生身长
1.Results The infants birth body length of exposure group is significantly lower than that of control group by t test.目的 探讨化工作业女工子女出生身长的影响因素。
1.These productoids are dominated by the forms of the families Productellidae and Productidae,and have only a few representatives of the echinoconchids and monticuliferids.在广西北部兴安县高尚镇金子山剖面下石炭统鹿寨组底部,新发现了长身贝类腕足化石,包括1新种、1相似种、6未定种和2属种未定类型。

身长身长body height  从头顶至足底的垂直长度。多以厘米(cm)表示,是评价小儿体格发育的指标之一。平均出生身长为50cm,1岁时达75cm,2岁时达85cm,2岁以后身长(cm)=年龄×5+75。身长显著增高见于先天性骨骼发育异常或内分泌疾病;身长低于标准30%以上为身材矮小,见于佝偻病、营养不良、呆小病、侏儒症、糖尿病及软骨发育不全等。