1.Qualitative research methodology originated from ethnology,which was introduced into the field of education research in china in the late 1980s but has always been regarded as questionable.人种学作为质性研究方法的源头,在20世纪80年代后期开始进入我国教育研究界,但一直遭到质疑。

1.Phases of ethnographic interviews【人种学调查阶段】
2.an anthropologist who studies ethnology.研究人种学或人类文化学的人类学家。
3.Paleontology, geology, zoology, and ethnology.收藏古生物学、质学、物学和人种学
4.of or relating to ethnology.属于或关于人种学的。
5.Preparing for ethnographic interviews为人种学调查做准备
6.an anthropologist who does ethnography.研究民族志或人种学的人类学家。
7.The branch of anthropology that deals with the origin, distribution, and characteristics of the races of humankind.人种学是人类学中研究各人种的起源、分布和各自特征的分支科学
8.A group of people with the same colour skin, shape of head and type of hair is called a race - some ethnologists think so.具有同种肤色、头形和头发的人群称为人种——有些人种学家这样认为。
9.The collections in the National Museum of Namibia are the zoological specimens, entomology, arachnology, ornithology, ethnology, and archaeology.收藏动物标本、昆虫学、鸟类学、人种学及考古学。
10.The collections of the museum includes the specimens of plant and animal ,ornithology ,herpetology, and ethnography.收藏动植物标本、鸟类学、爬虫类学及人种学
11.Existential literature is a literature of life and philosophy.存在文学是一种人生文学、学文学。
12.International Association for Ethno-Psychiatry and Ethnopsychoanalysis国际人种精神病学和人种精神分析学会
13.The branch of anthropology that deals with the scientific description of specific human cultures.人种志人类学的一个分支,是涉及各种人种文化的科学性描述
14.Archaeological and Anthropological Study of Hun Ethnic Group;关于匈奴人种的考古学和人类学研究
15.Diversity comparment on vision discrimination acuity of the yellow race and the caucasoid race student黄种人与白种人学生视觉识别敏度差异的比较
16.Intellectual:A Kind of Humanity Hypothesis of Pedagogy of Higher Education知性人:高等教育学的一种人性假设
17.I learned from the man a way to study.我从那人身上学到一种学习方法.
18.an honorary degree in the humanities.一种人文学科的名誉学位。

5)Hirschsprung Disease/ethnicHirsehspruny病/人种学
