1.Study on adult somatotype of Derung by Heath-Carter method;独龙族成人的Heath-Carter法体型研究
2.Studies on 7 kinds of behavioral traits of lateral functional dominance in Derung of Yunnan;云南独龙族7项不对称行为特征的研究
3.A Study of the Physical Characteristics of the Derung and Mang Peoples in China;中国独龙族与莽人的体质特征

1.Distribiution of CSFIPO, TPOX and THOl loci in three minority nationalities in Yunnan province of China;云南佤族、怒族和独龙族CTT基因座的遗传多态性
2.A Brief Account of the Dulong Society, Economy and Culture before 1910;1910年以前独龙族社会经济文化略论
3.A Study of the Poverty-related Problems in Gongshan Dulong-Nu Autonomous County of Yunnan;云南贡山独龙族怒族自治县贫困问题研究
4.Investigations on the Dulong Ethnic Group since 1950s in Retrospect and in Prospect;20世纪50年代以来独龙族调查研究回顾与前瞻
5.Pedagogic condition and Strategy of Bilingual education of Derun and Nuzu in Gongshan county,Yunnan Province;云南贡山县独龙族怒族双语教育现状与对策思考
6.Based on the results of a field survey,the paper discusses the marriage system and variation of Drung ethnic minority group.采用田野调查的方法,对独龙族的婚制及变化进行研究。
7.Ethnic minorities traditional education and modern education;少数民族传统教育与现代教育的交响变奏曲——以云南贡山小茶腊独龙族为例
8.Physical Anthropology Analysis of Dragon Canoe Race of Miao Nationality苗族独木龙舟竞渡的体质人类学分析
9.Modern Nationalism and the "Independent" Local Regime of Longyun近代民族主义与龙云地方“独立”政权
10.Tianqin is a unique folk stringed instrument of Zhuang nationality in Longzhou.天琴是龙州一种具有独特民族风格的民间弹弦乐器。
11.Practical Research of Sports Anthropology Fieldwork--For Example of Miao Minority Canoe Dragon Race体育人类学“田野工作”运用实践——苗族独木龙舟竞渡调查方法例证
12.United National Independence Party联合民族独立党(民独党)
13.Because of their magical origin, Draconians are insightful in regards to its research and the skills surrounding wizardry.由于他们的起点很高,龙族执政官对于巫术的研究与技能的开发很有自己独到的见解。
14.The dragon is a totem of the Chinese nation.龙,本是华夏族的图腾,
15.The Clan Narrative of Absalom, Absalom! and Thunder Storm《押沙龙,押沙龙!》与《雷雨》的家族叙事比较
16.Way to Self-esteem and Independence:On Judith in Absalom,Absalom!建构自我 走向独立——《押沙龙,押沙龙!》中的朱迪思
17.Way to Self-esteem and Independence:On Judith in Absalom,Absalom!;建构自我 走向独立——《押沙龙,押沙龙!》中的朱迪思
18.They fought for national independence.他们为民族独立而战。

Dulong nationality独龙族
1.The circumference and its variation with age changes of the adults of Dulong nationality;独龙族成人围度值及其年龄变化
2.In this article,the author tries to make a root-seeking analysis on the Dulong Nationality,including those who "live within Chayu and Laoyu region…,and descendents of those who speak languages similar to the Dulong People" through combining relevant materials from historic books,travel notes and translated versions with his years of field investigation along the Dulong River Basin.就此从有关史籍、游记、译著中,结合多年深入独龙江流域的调查研究,对"居住在察隅和珞瑜的许多民族……,说着和今独龙语相近语言的人的后裔"——独龙族,作一点寻根溯源式的学术探讨。
3)the Dulong nationality独龙族
1.Based on the first-hand investigation of t he traditional farming culture of the Dulong nationality, this article discusses and analyses the types of their cultivated land, modes of farming,afforestation tradition,biological and ecological protection as well as their sustainable development.本文对独龙族传统农耕文化进行了实地田野考察,从独龙族传统的耕地类型、耕作方式、植树习俗、生物多样性保护及生态保护可持续发展等方面进行了论述。
4)Derung nationality独龙族
1.Methods:The method we adopt is constitutional measurement,calculation of index and classification of physique of 120 people of Derung nationality in Dulong river town and Qiunatong village of Gongshan County according to principle of random sampling were carried out.目的:探讨云南省贡山县的独龙族与怒族人群体质特征。
6)Dulongzu wenxue独龙族文学
