早期智人,Early Homo sapiens
1)Early Homo sapiens早期智人
1.The restored calvarium presents larger parietal bones,a relatively narrow upper scale of occipital bone and a probable larger cranial capacity,and reveals affinities with early Homo sapiens rather than Homo erectus.这些研究的结果表明:1)南京2号头骨应属于早期智人而不是直立人。

1.The study also thought that harsh climate was one of the reasons for Human evolving to early Homo sapiens.L2时期恶劣的气候变化可能是直立人演化为早期智人的原因之一。
2.A Study on the Adaptability to Environment of Early Homo Sapiens and Human in Northern China中国北方早期智人与直立人对环境适应性比较研究——L_2时期的环境变化对人类演化的影响
3.Wu Xinzhi: A well preserved cranium of archaic type of early Homo sapiens from Dali, China. Scientia Sinica24(4):530-543.吴新智:中国大荔县发现的早期智人古老类型的一个完好头骨。中国科学,()200-206。.
4.On the Acquirement and Cultivation of Children’s Early Intellectual Ability in Human Communication;论儿童早期人际交往智能的习得与培养
5.The Man of Wisdom Delights in Water:Wisdom in the Early Confucian Tradition;智者乐水:早期儒家传统中的智慧观
6.Early to bed, early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起使人健康、富足、睿智。
7."Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. -- benjamin Franklin"早睡早起,使人健康、富有、明智。-- 富兰克林
8.The Study of Early Intervention to Enhance the Intellectual and Motor Development on Premature Infants;早期干预改善早产儿智能和运动发育的研究
9.Effect of early education on preterm infants intelligence development早期教育对早产儿智能发育的影响研究
10.Influence of early nursing intervention on intelligence development of premature infants早期护理干预对早产儿智能发育的影响
11.Effect of early education on infant intelligence development.;早期教育对婴儿智能发育的影响研究
12.The Practise and Study of Family Early Training on Exceptional Child;弱智儿童家庭早期干预的实践与研究
13.Early Intervention in the Development of Emotion and Intelligence in High-risk Neonates高危新生儿情感及智能发育早期干预
14.in an early stage; early forms of life; early man; an early computer.早期阶段;早期的生命形式;早期人类;早期的计算机。
15.Neanderthal Mystery: Did Early Man Mix It Up早期人类是混合人种吗?
16.OBJECTIVE:to offer evidence for preschool edu ca tion and preschool intervention by analyzing the result of the intelligence test for 478 children.目的:分析478例儿童智力测验结果,为早期教育、早期干预提供依据。
17.Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthily, wealthy, and wise. --Benjamin Franklin早睡早起,使人健康,富有而明智。——富兰克林
18.The Leads for the Development of Early Greek Philosophy from Parmenides to the School of the Wise早期希腊哲学从巴门尼德到智者派的发展线索

Early intelligence早期智力
3)Early Man早期人类
1.In order to explore the relation between the sports of the early man and culture, this paper makes deep research into the culture of remote ages and primitive sports by reading literature and using logical and synthetic analysis.结果表明:体育的产生是人类生存本能的需要,早期人类在求生存的生产劳动中发明了射箭与投掷等动作,并在生活中为了满足生理和心理的需求,又发明了舞蹈和游戏,这是体育产生的基础;其次,原始社会的战争进一步推进了体育的萌芽与发展。
4)Early blind human早期盲人
5)Early Qin people早期秦人
6)anatomically modern Homo sapiens晚期智人

早期智人  见尼安德特人。