灰坑,ash pits
1)ash pits灰坑
1.In 2005,there are fourteen ash pits excavated at Huangjiacun Site eastern to Dengcheng City Site in Xiangfan.2005年,在襄樊邓城城址东侧的黄家村遗址清理出灰坑14座,出土较多的陶器,器类主要有鬲、甗、盆、盂、豆、罐等,其时代为西周晚期至春秋早期,文化面貌具有典型的中原周文化风格,灰坑所在的村落遗址属邓国文化遗存。

1.A heap of roast potatoes has been cheated to the ash.灰坑了有一堆烤土豆。
2.Excavation of Zhou Period Ash-pits on the Huangjiacun Site in Xiangfan City,Hubei湖北襄樊市黄家村遗址周代灰坑的清理
3.Excavation on the Ash Pits of Zhou Dynasty at the Western District of Huangjiacun Site at Dengcheng County in Xiangfan City;襄樊邓城黄家村遗址2005年西区周代灰坑发掘简报
4.A Preliminary Excavation of No.1-3 Ash Pits of Yonghong Ancient City in Jixian,Heilongjiang;黑龙江省集贤县永红城址一、二、三号灰坑清理简报
5.Brief Report on Excavation of Ash Pits of Erlitou Culture at Falong Wangshugang Site, Xiangyang, Hubei Province;湖北襄阳法龙王树岗遗址二里头文化灰坑清理简报
6.That was why in his poem he cried out, 'Emperor Qin, desist! Burn not the books, bury no more scholars!'故而大声喊出:“祖龙休拨坑灰火”。
7."Yes. Those found under water are the subdued color of butter, those from ravines are vivid, and those dug from the ground are transparent. These last are deemed the best."对。水坑石呈灰黄色;山坑石呈多种不同色彩;田坑石鲜艳透明,被认为是最佳石料。
8.Study on Slope Stability of Deep Foundation Excavation Based on the Gray System Theory;基于灰色系统理论的深基坑边坡稳定性研究
9.Back Analysis and Monitoring Research on the Retaining Structure of Fly Ash Foundation Pit粉煤灰基坑支护结构的反演分析与实测研究
10.Study on deformation prediction of a deep foundation pit based onthe unequal interval grey model非等间隔时序灰色模型的深基坑变形预测研究
11.Gray System Theory: Application to Observation of Foundation Pit Deformation灰色系统理论在基坑变形观测中的应用
12.Research on Predicting Deformation of Foundation Pit Based on Grey System Theory基于灰色系统理论的基坑变形预测研究
13.A gray sky of drizzle after two weeks of downpours and puddles in the parking lots wouldn't give way.下了两周大雨,停车场上满是水坑,灰色天空仍不停地飘着毛毛雨。
14.He was covered from head to toe in coal dust, like a miner coming up from the pit.他从头到脚全是煤灰,就象一个矿工刚从坑道里出来一样。
15.Synthesis Use of Lime-Loess in Ground Treatment and Pit Support;灰土换填技术在地基处理和基坑支护中的复合应用
16.Application of gray correlation fault tree analysis for unprotected open cut excavations灰色关联故障树分析法在基坑工程放坡开挖中应用
17.An optimization model of grey matter element analysis of supporting schemes for deep foundation pit and its application深基坑支护方案灰色物元分析优化模型及其应用
18.Research of the Prediction of Foundation Deformation Based on Gray BP Neural Network Combined Model基于灰色BP神经网络组合模型的基坑变形预测研究

ash pit灰坑
1.This paper discusses the concepts of layered deposit,ash pit and interface and the way to deal with those archaeological features in digging and recording.本文详细探讨了地层堆积、灰坑和界面等遗迹现象的概念、形成过程、方式、年代,以及相应的考古发掘清理和记录方法。
3)cinder pit灰斗,灰坑
4)ash pit door灰坑门
5)wastewater from ashpit灰坑污水
