参与式观察,participant observation
1)participant observation参与式观察
1.The main methods to acquire data of ethnographic research include participant observation and non-structure interview,and it follows induction logic,persists the principle that researchers should not conjecture or influence natural phenomenon,and all these contribute the validity of ethnographic research.人种学研究收集数据的主要手段是参与式观察和非结构性访谈,遵循的是归纳逻辑,坚持研究者对所研究的现象不推测、不干涉的原则,保证了研究现象的原初状态;同时,人种学研究强调研究者的在场和参与,这种田野研究也保证了研究结果更符合生活世界的真相。
2)participant observation参与观察
1.In order to explore those behavior norms shared by the members of HROs,a participant observation study was conducted in a petrochemical plant for 103 days,by collecting and recording their behavior and background on the spot,and then making these records into behavior cards,it was found by three experts that the behav.为探讨该类组织成员的行为规范,笔者采用参与观察方法对某石油化工厂进行研究。

1.non participant observation非参与观察参与观察
2.nonparticipant observer非参与观察者非参与观察
3.Characteristics of Participant Observation and it’s Application in the Study of News Media参与观察法的特征及其在新闻传媒研究中的运用
4.having become knowledgeable or skillful from observation or participation.从观察或者参与中变得在行或者熟练。
5.( Loebner participates mainly as an observer.(布纳则主要是作为观察员参与其中。
6.the content of direct observation or participation in an event.直接观察或参与实践的内容。
7.Role of PI3K/Akt in endothelial progenitor cells differentiation in vitroPI3K/Akt参与内皮祖细胞分化的体外观察
8.Under the Siberian Chipmunk Harm Forest the Seed Observes the Research and the Prevention花鼠危害林下参参籽的观察研究与防治
9.From "Observer" to "Participator" --the new perspective of second language teacher educatio n research;从“观察者”到“参与者”——外语教师教育研究的新视角
10.Observer,Participator,Intervener:the Trend of Methodology of Pedagogy观察、参与、介入:教育学方法论的演变趋势
11.A delegate sent to observe and report on the proceedings of an assembly or a meeting but not vote or otherwise participate.观察团一个代表团,派去观察并报告集会或会议进展,但不投票或参与其它活动
12.The effect of the injection of milkvetch root and red sage root on lupus nephritis patients and its nursing黄芪与丹参注射液联合治疗狼疮肾炎的疗效观察与护理
13.Next time you visit the zoo, watch the monkeys carefully.下次你们参观动物园,要仔细观察猴子。
14.Experimental study and clinical observation on therapy of chronic gastritis with Shen Xiang Yang Wei San参香养胃散治疗慢性胃炎的实验研究与临床观察
15.The Observation of Clinical Efficacy and Research on the Molecular Mechanism of Shen Yi Jian Zhong Tang in Treating Gastric Tumor;参苡建中汤治疗胃肿瘤临床疗效观察与分子机理研究
16.Curative effect of Shenmai,dopamine or dobutamine on chronic heart failure参麦、多巴胺或与多巴酚丁胺联合治疗心衰疗效观察
18.The relation between platelet indices and vascular lesion in patients with T_2DM2型糖尿病患者血管性病变与血小板参数变化的观察

participant observation参与观察
1.In order to explore those behavior norms shared by the members of HROs,a participant observation study was conducted in a petrochemical plant for 103 days,by collecting and recording their behavior and background on the spot,and then making these records into behavior cards,it was found by three experts that the behav.为探讨该类组织成员的行为规范,笔者采用参与观察方法对某石油化工厂进行研究。
3)participant observation method参与观察法
4)participant observer参与观察者
5)nonparticipant observation非参与观察
6)nonparticipant observer非参与观察者非参与观察者

参与观察  见观察。