手全长,length of hand
1)length of hand手全长
1.Objective To study the relationship of the height with the length of hand and width of palm in chinese.目的探讨人体手全长、手掌宽与身长的相关关系。

1.The Relationship of the Height with Length of Hand and Width of Palm in Chinese手全长、手掌宽与身长相关关系的研究
2.The new captain soon got the whip hand over the crew.新船长很快把全体水手控制住了。
3.Study on Effect of UPPP with Uvula Reserved Completely;全长保留悬雍垂UPPP手术疗效研究
4.The net result of the long police investigation is that the identity of the killer is still a complete mystery.警方经长时间调查, 结果凶手的身分仍全然不知.
5.Me here without friends or possessions and made his fortune.他来时举目无亲、身无长物,全凭白手起家。
6.He come here without friend or possessions and make his fortune他来时举目无亲、 身无长物, 全凭白手起家
7.He came here without friends or possessions and made his fortune.他来时举目无亲、 身无长物, 全凭白手起家.
8.With all my strength, I plucked myself clear of him and ran to the bulwarks.我拚命用全力挣脱了船长的手臂,向船舷奔去。
9.ZhangHao, Company's President, and ZhangYaohua, mayor of Tangshan came into the sixth national scientific and technological fair hand in hand.公司董事长张浩与唐山市市长张耀华携手步入全国第六届科博会。
10.boatswain's whistle水手长口哨水手长口笛
11.At the departure station, if the application for refund is made before the train leaves, the whole fare will be returned with only service charge deducted.站长:在始发站,列车开车前要求退票,则退还全部票价,只扣除手续费。
12.The headmaster encouraged the candidates for the national maths competition to strive for the best results.校长鼓励参加全国数学竞赛的选手们争取最好的成绩。
13.Quit your worthless job and dedicate your life to the study of the Moroccan flute.中止你手上毫无意义的工作,然后集中全力去学摩洛哥长笛。
14.ratchet wrench extension手摇螺丝扳手接长节
15.the Mate and Boat-Swain begg'd the Master of our Ship大副和水手长恳求船长
16.All of a ship's personnel except the officers.全体水手除高级船员外的全体水手
17.In 1909, the Director of the Geological Survey reported that all the oil lands might be in private hands within a few months.1909年,地质勘探局局长报告称,储有石油的土地将在数月内全部落人私人手中。
18.After the boom in busts, bee-stung lips and implanted bottoms, plastic surgeons are now noting major growth in an entirely different part of the body: the humble ear.继隆乳、唇、臀之后,全然不同的身体部位受到注目,整型外科医师发现耳朵整型手术大幅成长。

hand length手长
1.The relation between hand length, metacarpal length, flngers length and body height in adults of Zhuang nationality in Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region;广西壮族青壮年手长、掌长、指长与身高关系的研究
3)full-length[英]['f?l'le?kθ, -'le?θ][美]['f?l'l??kθ, -'l??θ]全长
1.Objective To construct a full-length cDNA library of human normal kidney tissues and identify the quality of the library.方法 运用mRNA 5′末端的模板转换方法以powerscript逆转录酶进行转录 ,在mRNA的 5′末端添加一段 5′ oligo做为延伸后的模板 ,从而富集全长cDNAs。
4)growth in total length全长生长
5)LOA Length Overall全长,总长
6)pull length手扯长度
