手掌宽,width of palm
1)width of palm手掌宽
1.Objective To study the relationship of the height with the length of hand and width of palm in chinese.目的探讨人体手全长、手掌宽与身长的相关关系。

1.The Relationship of the Height with Length of Hand and Width of Palm in Chinese手全长、手掌宽与身长相关关系的研究
2.A wide, flat part, as of one's hand.宽大扁平的部分,如宽大的手掌
3.A unit of length equal to either the width or the length of the hand.一掌长,一掌宽与手掌的长或宽相等的一种长度单位
4.a linear unit based on the length or width of the human hand.长度单位以手掌的长度或宽度为依据。
5.The little, fragile cymbidium, in his large, harsh hand.小小的,柔弱的兰花,躺在他宽大的,粗糙的手掌中。
6.Helmsman, Helmsman, turn me for home.掌舵手,掌舵手,请你送我回宾转
7.The part of a glove or mitten that covers the palm of the hand.(手套的)掌份覆盖手掌的物体或手套的一部分
8.Any of the seven fleshy cushions around the edges of the palm of the hand in palmistry.掌丘手掌上的7个位于掌部边缘的小肉凸
9.To govern with the right extent of tolerance is an art.掌握“宽”的尺度是一门学问。
10.He gave the pickpocket a good cuff.他给那扒手狠狠一巴掌。
11.He put his two hands together and felt the palms.他合上双手,摸摸掌心。
12.gloves with leather palms掌部为皮革的手套.
13.He slapped with the palm of his hand on the table.他用手掌拍击桌子。
14.The manager took his hands away from the old man's shoulders.掌柜的说,松开了手。
15.fingernails biting into his palms.手指甲都把掌心戳痛了。
16.Hearn, cupping his chin in his hand.侯恩手掌托着下巴。
17.The initiative rests with us.主动权掌握在我们手里。
18.The palm of one's hand is slightly concave.人的手掌是微凹的。

1.Division of Palm Regarding Total Palmar Digital Nerve and Total Palmar Digital Artery;手掌分区与指掌侧总神经和指掌侧总动脉
2.Division of palmregarding median nerve and ulnar nerve;手掌分区与正中神经和尺神经
3.The preparation of palmar layer-by-layer combination specimens;手掌逐层组合标本的制作
4)length of the foot脚掌宽
1.In order to study the relationship between the height and the measured results of body parts,the height,the length of the foot,the weight of the foot palm of 489 young people were measured and the data was then analyzed by the computer.对489名男女青年进行了脚长、脚掌宽与身高的测量,并记录相关数据,将测量数据输入计算机中进行回归分析,得出脚长、脚掌宽推测身高的直线回归方程,利用脚长推测身高:男性:y=93。
5)width of sole掌宽值

手掌手掌palm  由5块掌骨构成,表面皮肤粗糙,角质层较厚,皮下有较厚的脂肪垫,并有很多垂直的纤维间隔,将皮肤与掌筋膜、指骨、腱鞘等深部组织相连,使皮肤的移动性少,从而握物体时较稳,不易滑脱。手掌部皮肤有与关节活动相适应的皮纹。即大鱼际纹或近端掌纹,适应拇指单独活动。远端掌横纹,从示、中指的指蹼间到手掌尺侧,适应尺侧3个手指的屈曲活动。还有掌中横纹,从大鱼际纹的桡侧开始,朝着远端掌横纹相平行的方向。手掌皮下有掌筋膜呈三角形。其顶点在近侧,附在腕横韧带的掌面,与掌长肌腱相连。掌筋膜远端呈放射状,紧密连结在示、中、环和小指的屈指肌腱的腱鞘上。在腱鞘两旁还有垂直的纤维束,包绕指神经血管束及蚓状肌,形成8个间隙。值得注意的是掌筋膜并不延伸至拇指,故掌筋膜挛缩时不会影响拇指活动。