鼻梁高耸,Strongly projecting nasal bones
1)Strongly projecting nasal bones鼻梁高耸
2)Highly projecting nasal bones高耸鼻梁
3)Protruding nasal profile高鼻梁

1.Roman nose: nose with a high bridge鹰钩鼻(高鼻梁).
2.Eyeglasses clipped to the bridge of the nose.夹鼻眼镜夹鼻梁的眼镜
3.The upper bony ridge of the human nose.鼻梁人鼻的上端骨质梁架
4.When he looked askance at me, superciliousness gushed from his eyes down the bridge of his nose and then off the corners of his mouth.他斜视着你,他那高傲的眼光从鼻梁经过嘴角而后往下流着。
5.Study on Construction Technology of Poured-In Place Concrete Box Girders Applied for Xiangbi Flyover in the Leyi Expressway;乐宜高速公路象鼻互通立交桥现浇连续箱梁施工工艺研究
6.He gave me a bash on the nose.他一拳打在我鼻梁上。
7.She wore spectacles over the bridge of her nose.她在鼻梁上架了副眼镜。
8.The part of a pair of eyeglasses that rests against this ridge.眼镜的鼻梁架眼镜架在鼻梁上的那部分
9.The part of a pair of eyeglasses that fits across the nose.鼻梁架眼镜上在鼻架上的部分
10.A nasal part or bone, forming part of the bridge of the nose.鼻骨鼻的一部分或骨头,形成鼻梁的一部分
11.Allergens Pedigree of Patients with Chronic Rhinosinusitis in Lvliang Region吕梁地区慢性鼻-鼻窦炎患者吸入变应原谱研究
12.She's bit taller than me, and she has a little, oval face with a few faint pockmarks beside her nose-though you wouldn't notice them unless you looked.是比我略高一些,小圆脸儿,鼻梁旁边有几粒细白麻子,不留心是看不出来的。
13.He is handsome!The smiling face of the sunlight, sexy lips, high stand of bridge of nose, Pure white skin,moving voice, that is he, Pan Wilber!他真帅!阳光的笑脸,性感的嘴唇,高挺的鼻梁,白皙的皮肤,动听的声音,那就是他,潘玮柏!
14.Sarah is a tall girl with a round face, straight nose, fine eyes and a full mouth t hat appear to be characteristics of her family.莎拉是个高身材姑娘,圆脸,直鼻梁,眉清目秀,嘴唇丰满,这一切看来都是这家人的特征。
15.He laughed and jabbed his spectacles back on his nose(John Barth)他边笑边推鼻梁上的眼镜(约翰 巴思)
16.Beads of sweat dripped from his nose.汗珠从他的鼻梁上流下来。
17.For his interference, he received a broken nose.他因多管闲事给打断了鼻梁骨。
18.Steel-rimmed glasses rode down on her nose.她鼻梁上架着一副钢丝边眼镜。

Highly projecting nasal bones高耸鼻梁
3)Protruding nasal profile高鼻梁
4)to rise high and erect; to tower; to soar high; to dominate高耸
5)tall structure高耸结构
1.Accuracy of P-Δ effect analysis of tall structures;高耸结构P-Δ效应分析的精度问题
6)T wave heightT波高耸
1.By analyzing the ECG resources of TWA from 1995-2005 in Guangxi Sports hospital,comparing the cause of illness,the reason of evoking and medical symptom,the author suggests that the sport medical care for T wave height and T wave flat should be different.过去认为各型T波变异(TWA)均为运动员运动生理性适应,通过分析1995年至2005年经我院确诊的T波改变的不同类型的的心电图临床资料,对比T波高耸和T波低平的病因,诱因,临床表现及愈后,建议对不同类型的TWA的运动医务监督的侧重点应不同。

鼻梁鼻梁 鼻梁   人体解剖部位名称。见《证治准绳·杂病》。也即鼻柱。详见该条。