古人类遗址测年,dating of paleoanthropological sites
1)dating of paleoanthropological sites古人类遗址测年
2)Yunxian Palaeoanthropological Site郧县古人类遗址年代
3)Hominid site古人类遗址

1.Human Sites and Ecological Survey in Northwest Area of Hunan Province;湖南省西北地区古人类遗址及其生态考察
2.Geographical environment characteristics of ancient human activities in the Lingjiatan Site of Chaohu City,Anhui Province,China巢湖凌家滩遗址古人类活动的地理环境特征
3.The landform on which ancient human activity relic located was interfluvial floodplain on Yongding River Alluvial Fan.古人类活动遗址所处地貌部位为古永定河冲积扇的河间冲积平原。
5.On the Dongting Lake Geological Changes and Impact on the Formation of Ancient Human Activities and Remain Sites论洞庭湖的地质变迁对古代人类活动和遗址形成的影响
6.There are other cultural attractions; namely, biological fossils of remote antiquity, relics of the ancients' sites, Moya Carved Stone, ancient pagoda, Yao Ethnic Minority Village and Hakka Round House.还有远古生物化石、人类活动遗址、崖石刻和古代宝塔、族村寨、家围屋等古建筑物可供游客观赏。
7.Taking early ruins of the old Stone Age in Donggutuo as axis and taking 10-25 km as radius,we can confirm the action range of Nihewan ape-man.以东谷坨旧石器早期遗址群为轴点,以10-25公里为半径,可以确定泥河湾古人类活动的范围。
8.Distribution Feature of Ancient Ruins in South Edge of Tarim Basin and Relationship with Environmental Changes and Human Activities;塔里木盆地南缘古遗址的分布特征及其与环境演变和人类活动的关系
9.Archaeoastronomers have greatly expanded their search for such ancient sites.考古天文学家们广泛开展了对这类古代遗址的探索。
10.People said that it was part of the ruins of a old castle.人们说,这是一座古老城堡的遗址的一部分。
11.New Discovery in Archaeology and Exploration of Living Environment of Ancestors from Guangfulin Relics in Shanghai;广富林遗址考古新发现及先人生活环境探析
12.Archaeological Discovery and Study of the "Xuchang Man" Site at Lingjing in Xuchang,Henan河南许昌灵井“许昌人”遗址考古发现与探索
13.Archaeological Ensemble of the Bend of the Boyne博恩河河曲考古遗址群
14.The Archaeological Monuments Zone of Xochicalco霍奇卡尔科考古遗址区
15.City Site of Old Alexandria亚历山大里亚古城遗址
16.The racial Type of Human Skulls Unearthed from the Shugenji Site of Kitakyusyu City in Japan;日本北九州宗玄寺遗址出土人骨的种族类型
17.On the contribution Fu xi made to mankind studied from the Da Di Wan historical site relics;从大地湾遗址文物看伏羲对人类的贡献
18.An Anthropological Analysis of Several Folk Customs on Tanshishan Cultural Relics人类学的视角:昙石山遗址中若干民俗的再认识

Yunxian Palaeoanthropological Site郧县古人类遗址年代
3)Hominid site古人类遗址
4)Cave fissure filling deposits古人类文化遗址
5)ancient ruins人类遗址
1.Based on the archaeological documents and the historical records,it was found that the ancient ruins in south edge of Tarim basin have inimitable distribution feature: The abandonment time concentrated on certain periodes;The ancient ruins in south edge of Tarim basin abandoned in the 4th~5th century,7th~8th century,11th century and 13th century.通过考古发掘资料、零星的历史记载资料和环境变迁研究成果的综合研究表明,塔里木盆地南缘的古人类遗址分布在时空上具有自身独特的特征:在时间上有相对集中于某一时期的特征,塔里木盆地南缘的古城废弃主要集中在4~5、7~8、11和13世纪四个时期;在空间上具有逐步向山前地带退缩的趋势。
6)palaeoanthropic vestige古人类遗迹
