怒族群体,Nu ethnic population
1)Nu ethnic population怒族群体
1.Objective To investigate the mitochondrial DNA D-loop region HVRⅡsingle nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) of Nu ethnic population from Yunnan Province of China and to provide basic database of mtDNA sequence polymorphism for forensic identification purpose.目的观察中国云南怒族群体线粒体DNA D-环高变区Ⅱ(HVRⅡ)单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)的群体遗传特点,为法医学鉴定提供线粒体DNA序列多态性的基础数据。
3)Nu Nationality怒族
1.Computerized measurement study about craniofacial organs of Nu Nationality in Yunnan.;怒族头面部计算机图形图像测量研究
2.The somatotype of 317 Chinese Nu nationality adults (183 males and 134 females) in Yunnan province are measured and studied by Heath-Carter method.运用Heath-Carter人体测量体型方法对云南省怒江州的贡山县丙中洛乡和福贡县匹河乡怒族成年人317例(男为183例,女为134例)进行了体型评定。
3.Based on the field investigation and by understanding the cultural ecology of society and culture of Nu nationality,the author combines the cultural ecology with the core of the traditional culture of Nu nationality and gives a relevant research on acculturation.从人类学的视角,以田野调查资料为基础,通过对怒族社会-文化的文化生态学解读,结合文化生态学与怒族传统文化的“文化核”和文化适应的关联性研究,认为云南怒族的传统生存方式的产生和存在自有其内在必然性。

1.A Study on the History of the Lisu and Nu Ethinic Peoples from Tang Dynasty to Ming Dynsty;唐至清代傈僳族、怒族流变历史研究
2.Study on Cognitive Development of the Nu Nationality and the Li-su Nationality and the Jing-po Nationality Children怒族、傈僳族和景颇族儿童认知发展研究
3.Distribiution of CSFIPO, TPOX and THOl loci in three minority nationalities in Yunnan province of China;云南佤族、怒族和独龙族CTT基因座的遗传多态性
4.Such dances are like the "Xiangbaga"(Dance to Offer Sacrifices to the God of Hunting) of the Nu nationality,如怒族的"香巴嗄"(祭猎神舞),
5.Computerized measurement study about craniofacial organs of Nu Nationality in Yunnan.怒族头面部计算机图形图像测量研究
6.The Personalities of the Nu Women in the Evolution of Social Culture;社会文化变迁中怒族女性的人格主体
7.A Study of the Poverty-related Problems in Gongshan Dulong-Nu Autonomous County of Yunnan;云南贡山独龙族怒族自治县贫困问题研究
8.(2)The students of Lisu nationality were better on creativity(the score is 0.3)than the students of Nu and Jingpo nationalities (both of the scores are 0.2).(2)傈僳族学生创造力得分率(0.3)优于怒族和景颇族学生(0.2左右);
9.A study on development of cognitive styles and the relations between cognitive styles and creative ability of Nu, Jingpo and Lishu nationalities students;怒族、景颇族、傈僳族学生的认知方式发展与创造力关系的研究
10.HAND's first clinic is located in the village of Zhiziluo in the Fugong County of Yunnan.这是从乐夫爱心诊所所在的怒江州福贡县怒族人村寨知子罗村望下来的怒江照片。
11.The Cultural Meaning of the Traditional House of the Nu Nationality: Fieldwork of the Nu Villages of Bingzhongluo Township, Gongshan County and Pihe Township, Fugong County;论怒族传统民居的文化意义——对贡山县丙中洛乡和福贡县匹河乡怒族村寨的田野考察
12.Genetic Polymorphisms of 5 X-STR Loci in Yunnan Nu Population;云南怒族X染色体5个STR基因座遗传多态性
13.Survey and Analysis of Four Group Antigens on Red Blood Cell on Nu Ethnic;云南怒族八种红细胞血型抗原调查分析
14.The current situation of the development of the Nu childrens non-intelligence factors and its solutions;怒族儿童非智力因素的发展现状及教育对策
15.A Tentative Study of the Multi-development Model of the Weak Groups in the Area Inhabited by Multi-Ethnic Groups;多民族杂居区弱势人群多元化发展研究——以云南贡山怒族为例
16.Pedagogic condition and Strategy of Bilingual education of Derun and Nuzu in Gongshan county,Yunnan Province;云南贡山县独龙族怒族双语教育现状与对策思考
17.The Minority Marriages with Multi-religious Backgrounds:A Case Study of the Nu People in Gongshan of Yunnan Province多元宗教背景下的少数民族婚姻——以云南贡山怒族为例
18.Cognitive style of Lishu nationality students are inclined to field-independent, Cognitive style of Nu and Jingpo nationalities students are inclined to field-dependent;傈僳族学生的认知方式偏向于场独立性 ,怒族和景颇族学生的认知方式都偏向于场依存性 ;

3)Nu Nationality怒族
1.Computerized measurement study about craniofacial organs of Nu Nationality in Yunnan.;怒族头面部计算机图形图像测量研究
2.The somatotype of 317 Chinese Nu nationality adults (183 males and 134 females) in Yunnan province are measured and studied by Heath-Carter method.运用Heath-Carter人体测量体型方法对云南省怒江州的贡山县丙中洛乡和福贡县匹河乡怒族成年人317例(男为183例,女为134例)进行了体型评定。
3.Based on the field investigation and by understanding the cultural ecology of society and culture of Nu nationality,the author combines the cultural ecology with the core of the traditional culture of Nu nationality and gives a relevant research on acculturation.从人类学的视角,以田野调查资料为基础,通过对怒族社会-文化的文化生态学解读,结合文化生态学与怒族传统文化的“文化核”和文化适应的关联性研究,认为云南怒族的传统生存方式的产生和存在自有其内在必然性。
4)Chinese Han population汉族群体
1.Objective To illuminate the preliminary genotype and allele frequency distribution of D6S477 and the other four short tandem repeat(STR) loci in Chinese Han population in Qingdao area and to probe the possibility of their genetic application.目的了解D6S477等5个基因座在青岛地区汉族群体中基因型分布及等位基因频率等遗传多态性数据,初步探讨其应用价值。
2.Objective To know preliminary genotype and allele frequency distribution of D1S549, D3S1754 and D12S375 in Chinese Han population in Qingdao area and to study the three STR loci for genetic application.目的 了解D1S549、D3S1754和D12S375基因座在青岛地区汉族群体中基因型分布及等位基因频率等遗传多态性数据,初步探讨其应用价值。
5)Dai population傣族群体
1.The frequencies distribution of FMO3 mutant alleles among 4 Dai populations living in different locations,was analysed by using PCRRFLP method.采用PCR-RFLP方法对云南同一个少数民族4个不同地区的傣族群体进行FMO3基因突变频率分析,发现FMO3基因突变频率在这4个群体间有差异。
6)American ethnic groups族裔群体
1.Resources and Influence——An analysis of the political resources and the power of influence of the American ethnic groups in the making of American foreign policy;资源与影响力——美国族裔群体影响美国外交政策的政治资源分析
