相对齿尖基底面积,Relative basal cusp area
1)Relative basal cusp area相对齿尖基底面积
2)Crown basal area齿冠基底面积
3)footing area基底面积

1.The base area of the building is to show level of periphery of above of plinth of building ground floor is umbriferous area.房屋的基底面积是指建筑物底层勒脚以上外围水平投影面积。
2.A large elevated area of a sea floor.海底斜坡大面积倾斜的海底
3.Effects of Different Surface Treatments on Bond Properties of Porcelain Fused to Electroformed Copings;金沉积基底不同表面处理对金瓷结合性能的影响
4.Surface Morphology and Stress Relief Mechanism of Silver Films Deposited on Liquid Substrates沉积在液体基底上银薄膜的表面形貌及内应力释放机制
5.The area of a trapezoid is equal to the product of its altitude and half the sum of its bases.梯形的面积等于其高与其两底和的一半的乘积。
6.Three times. All are equal.生:3次,它们的底面积相等,高也相等。
7.basal cell carcinoma of face面部皮肤基底细胞癌
8.The high quality laser provides higher intensity/ surface ratio with less overall laser power and in this way avoids the potential danger of heating up the thin film or the substrate.高品质的激光器可以在较小的总功率提高光强和面积的比率,从而避免使薄膜或基底过热。
9.At the end of February, the bract attained approximately their full size, and a pair of anatropous ovules were initiated on the adaxial surface at the base of the fertile ovuliferous scale.2月底,苞片体积不再发生变化,珠鳞膨大端的基部的近轴面分化出2个倒生胚珠。
10.Parallele pipedal solids which are of the same height are to one another as their bases.同高的平行六面体(的体积)之比等于其底面(积)之比。
11.In addition, solids are apt to settle and sinter and stick on the flat bottom surface.此外,颗粒容易沉积,并熔结和粘贴在平底表面上。
12.Asked the real estate deal: We need to size the housing?反问房地产新政:我们到底需要多大面积的住房?
13.We really need new premises consumption articles size of housing?房产新政消费篇我们到底需要多大面积的住房?
14.Calculation of Minimum Area of Cultivated Land Conservation in Beijing and the Institution Based on Equivalent Area;北京耕保底线测算和“等效面积”耕保机制
15.Influence of the distance between the filament and the substrate on the growth of large area diamond film;灯丝平面与衬底间距对金刚石膜沉积的影响
16.Preferred orientation of Cu films prepared on flexible PI subtrate by electro-depositionPI衬底上电沉积Cu薄膜的晶面择优取向
17.Research on Setting the Roof Protection Layer for Extracting the Pillars in Large Rooms at High and Medium Levels高中段大面积矿房底柱回收护顶层留设研究
18.Layer-Oriented Integration Arithmetic of Conformal PML with Vector ABC Undersurface带ABC底面的共形完全匹配层按层积分算法

Crown basal area齿冠基底面积
3)footing area基底面积
4)base area底面积,基础面积
5)foundation area基础底面积
1.According to the rules in Foundation Design Standard of Building Ground,a reduced calculation method which can directly figure out the demanded foundation area is introduced.根据《建筑地基基础设计规范》中关于地基承载力计算及软弱下卧层承载力验算的相关规定,文章推导出一种可直接计算出满足设计要求的基础底面积的简便计算方法。
2.Two groups of equations, which were used to calculate the foundation area of single-story granary, were given in this paper.给出两组计算平房仓基础底面积的计算公式,分析按老规范进行偏心基础设计中因偏心距取值不当而出现的问题,同时根据新规范,以基础底面积最小为优化目标,针对影响基础偏心距的一些因素,分析在不同条件下基础偏心距对基础可靠度和经济性的影响,从而确定基础偏心距的合理取值。
6)Sedimentary basement沉积基底面

基底恩的芝诺  古希腊斯多阿学派创始人。出生于希腊殖民地塞浦路斯的基底恩, 父亲是商人。据说芝诺 22岁时因所乘商船遇难而来到雅典,就此留下学习哲学。他尊崇苏格拉底,先后就学于小苏格拉底学派中犬儒学派的格拉特和麦加拉学派的斯第尔波,以及柏拉图学园的波莱蒙等。他的伦理学和逻辑学深受犬儒学派和麦加拉派的影响;他的物理学主要来自赫拉克利特,而在细节上也吸收了亚里士多德的哲学。苏格拉底的"美德即知识"的观点和目的论思想,对芝诺有重大影响。芝诺以建立有德性的生活标准为目的,糅合以上不同学派的思想,形成了自己的哲学。约于公元前 300年左右,芝诺建立自己的学派,即斯多阿学派。芝诺第一个明确地把哲学分为逻辑、物理学和伦理学,并且为斯多阿学派哲学的三个部分提供了基本思想。以后经过他的学生克雷安泰,特别是经过号称斯多阿学派的第二个建立者克吕西波的发展,斯多阿学派哲学才形成基本上稳定的体系。芝诺的著作有《共和国》和《论依照自然生活》等。但是包括芝诺在内的所有早期斯多阿派哲学家的著作大都遗失,依据现存的残篇和后人的著述,对他们各自的思想进行分别论述已有困难,故后世学者多把他们的思想作为一个学派的思想来论述。