近代华北人,Recent Northern Chinese
1)Recent Northern Chinese近代华北人
2)Modern North China近代华北
1.Farm Economy and Stock in Modern North China;近代华北农家经济与农具配置

1.Modern Trade Systems of Groundnut of North China (1908-1937)近代华北花生的运销体系(1908-1937)
2.Simple Analysis on the Social Background of the Large - scale Migration from North China to Northeast China in Modern Times;浅析近代华北移民大规模迁居东北的社会背景
3.Obstacles in commodity economy development of contemporary North China s countryside;阻碍近代华北农村商品经济发展的因素
4.Development of North China Port Towns in Modern Times and Economic Center Towards the East;近代华北港口城镇发展与经济重心的东移
5.Natural Calamities in Modern North China and Marginalizing Urban Poor Stratum in Tianjin;近代华北自然灾害与天津边缘化的贫民阶层
6.Cohesion and Openness:The Influences of Cotton to Villages in North China of Modern Times;内聚与开放:棉花对近代华北乡村社会的影响
7.A Review on Urban and Rural Popular Beliefs in North China --Taking some counties in East Hebei Province as an example;近代华北城乡民间信仰述评——以冀东诸县为例
8.Mobility and Migration of Village Population in Modern North China--Based on the Case Study of Houjiaying in Hebei Province;近代华北乡村人口的流动迁移——以河北省侯家营村为个案
9.Economic Commercialization and Land Authority Decentralization of Rural North-China in the Early 20th Century:The case of Qingyuan county in BaoDing,Hebei Province;近代华北农村经济商品化与地权分散——以河北保定清苑农村为例
10.Alienation between Grass Roots Administrative System and Rural Social structure: Centered On Borough System Change in Modern North China;基层政制与乡村社会结构的错离:以近代华北区制的变动为中心
11.Production Condition of Farmer, Farming Combination and Village Community of Modern North China Village;近代华北农村的农家生产条件·农耕结合·村落共同体
12.Population Change and Mobility in Modern Rural North China;近代华北农村人口消长及其流动——兼论黄宗智“没有发展的增长”说
13.Endogenous Origin and Implant: the Double Discourse of North China’s Village in Modern Time--in Case of Zhili Province Huolu County近代华北乡村社会治理的双重话语——以获鹿县为例
14.The Formation and Character of Water Right in North-China Rural Society in Pre-modern;前近代华北乡村社会水权的形成及其特点——山西“滦池”的历史水权个案研究
15.Expression and Practice of Water Right in the Rural Society of the North-China in Pre-modern;前近代华北乡村社会水权的表达与实践——山西“滦池”的历史水权个案研究
16.On Livestock-raising Industry in Agricultural Modernization in Northern China between 1895~1936;论1895~1936年华北农业近代化中的家庭养殖业
17.Spring festival customs and social changes--Taking the countryside of modern North China as an example;事变俗移:从春节习俗看社会变迁——以近代以来华北农村为例
18.On the Rising and Declining of Village s Semi-industrialization of Modern China;论近代中国乡村“半工业化”的兴衰——以华北乡村手工织布业为例

Modern North China近代华北
1.Farm Economy and Stock in Modern North China;近代华北农家经济与农具配置
3)Chinese labors in modern times近代华工
4)modern Hebei近代河北
5)the Northwest of Modem China近代西北
6)Modern northern Henan area近代豫北
