9bp缺失,9 bp deletion
1)9 bp deletion9bp缺失
1.Deficiency and Relevant Strategies of Web-based Courses Design;网络课程设计缺失与应对策略
2.Analysis of essentials and establishment of All-Purpose/Self-Construct Model on ISD——A discussion on deficiency of teacher analysis in ISD;ISD要素分析和“普适—自建构模型”搭建——兼论ISD中教师分析的缺失
3.On the deficiency and reconstruction of internet culture in college student;大学生网络文明的缺失及重构

1.excision repair deficient mutant剪切修复缺失突变型
2.angiospastic anesthesia血管痉挛性感觉缺失
3.congenital absence of endometrium先天性子宫内膜缺失
4.traumatic absence of endometrium外伤性子宫内膜缺失
5.achlorhydria apepsia分泌缺失性消化停止
6.glove-and-stocking anesthesia手套-长袜式感觉缺失
7.congenital absence of organ of Corti先天性柯替氏器缺失
8.Decline or absence of sexual desire.性欲减弱,性欲缺失
9.Lack and Breakthrough of“Point”,“Line”and“Plane”;“点”、“线”、“面”的缺失与突破
10.Comparison of Methods to Handle Missing Values in Linear Models with Missing Data缺失数据下线性模型中缺失值处理方法的比较
11.The Legal and Policy Defects in Bilingual Teaching;“双语教学”的法律缺失与政策缺陷
12.Loss of accounting credibility and defect in coorporation managerial structure;会计诚信缺失与公司治理结构的缺陷
13.Vocal But Not Meaningful--Deficiency in Meaning in the Sound and the Fury有声缺义:论《喧哗与骚动》中的意义缺失
14.Analysis on Teachers' Predicaments of Lack and Loss of Practical Knowledge教师实践性知识缺乏与缺失困境分析
15.A segment of magnetic tape on which expected information is absent.遗失信息磁带上所需信息缺失的一段
16.Brand Absence, What did we Lose?丁邦清]品牌缺失,我们失去了什么?
17.The Deficiency of Legal Responsibility in Accounting Information Distortion;会计信息失真法律责任的缺失与完善
18.hormone deficiency, imbalance激素缺乏、 失调.

1.Deficiency and Relevant Strategies of Web-based Courses Design;网络课程设计缺失与应对策略
2.Analysis of essentials and establishment of All-Purpose/Self-Construct Model on ISD——A discussion on deficiency of teacher analysis in ISD;ISD要素分析和“普适—自建构模型”搭建——兼论ISD中教师分析的缺失
3.On the deficiency and reconstruction of internet culture in college student;大学生网络文明的缺失及重构
1.Polymorphism of deletion in mitochondrial DNA region V among 26 Han Chinese;26例健康汉族人线粒体DNA region V 9 bp缺失多态性的检测
2.Study on 4977 bp deletion mutation of mitochondrial DNA in non-small lung cancer;非小细胞肺癌线粒体基因组大片段缺失突变研究
3.Association of mtDNA~(4977bp) deletion of spermatozoa between Uighur and Han nationality males with asthenozoospermia;维吾尔族和汉族弱精子症病人精子mtDNA~(4977bp)缺失相关性研究
1.Lack of Humanistic Cultures in Medical Postgraduate and Its Countermeasure;医学专业研究生人文素养的缺失及其对策
2.The Study on the Lack of Vigorous Spirit on Current University Student;浅谈当前大学生刚健精神之缺失
1.Multifarious views on loss of educational fairness;教育公平缺失的多维度透视
2.On the Information Loss of Pictures and Images——Rational Consideration on Picture Information under Communication Discourse (Ⅲ)论画面图像的信息缺失——传播语境下的影像信息理性思考之三
3.Methods: 86 patients with maxillary lateral incisor loss were selected and the abutments were prepared routinely.目的:观察用粘结桥、单端固定桥两种方法联合修复上颌侧切牙缺失的临床效果。
1.The College Students Absence of Ideology and its Reconstruction against the Background of Cultural Clash;文化震荡背景下大学生的信仰缺失与重建
2.On the Absence of Feminine Discourse Right Reflected from the Defeats of Marriage Breakthrough——Comments on the Image of Scarlett in Gone with the Wind;婚姻突围失败所折射的女性话语权的缺失——小说《飘》主人公郝思嘉形象辨析
3.Analysis and Reflections on the Absence of Cultural Education for Some Elite Sportsmen in China;我国优秀运动员文化教育缺失的分析与思考
