3000年前人,ancient people
1)ancient people3000年前人

1.Comparative analysis of tooth wear between human samples from 3000 years ago and modern adults3000年前人与当代人牙齿磨耗的对比性研究
2.Morphological study of permanent teeth of people about 3000 years ago excavated from shaolingyuan;少陵原西周墓遗址3000年前人牙齿形态学研究
3.The Epidemiologic Study of Permanent Tooth Morphology and Oral Disease of People Excavated from Shaolingyuan 3,000 Years Ago in Xizhou Dynasty;少陵原西周墓遗址3000年前人牙齿形态和口腔疾病的流行病学研究
4.Historical evidence shows, for example, that people who lived over 3,000 years ago ate salted fish.例如,历史证据表明,3000多年前的人就吃咸鱼。
5.The Yangtze Gorges were created 30-50 million years ago.三峡形成于3000-5000万年前。
6.The number of those earning more than -- 1m a year in salaries and bonuses has risen to 3,000 from 750 five years ago.年薪和分红挣到100万英镑的人数由5年前的750人增加到了3000人。
7."Qigong, one of China' s most intriguing mental and physical exercise, originated at 3,000 years ago."气功是中国最诱人的心理和身体锻炼方法之一,它源于3000多年前。
8.The Egyptians first used papyrus around the year 3000 B.C. to make a kind of paper.埃及人首先在西元前3000年左右使用纸莎草制造的一种纸。
9.a Cretan who lived in the bronze-age culture of Crete about 3000-1100 BC.生活在公元前3000-1100年克里特岛青铜文明时代的人。
10.In this farming culture site, the archaeologists discovered farm tools from 3000 years ago.在这个农耕文明遗址中, 考古人员发现了3000年前的农具。
11.From about 3,000 BC until the beginning of the Industrial Revolution,从公元前3000年直至近200年前的工业革命开始,
12.Mophological Study of Mandible Evolution during 3000 Years;3000年来人下颌骨演化的形态学研究
13.It was probably around 3,000 years age that people first began making things to help them measure the passage of time.可能在3000年前左右,人们开始制造一种东西来帮助人们度量所度过的时间。
14."The ancient human figure sculpture in China can go back to 3,000 B,C,two small nude human figures were uncovered."中国古代人物雕刻可追溯到公元前3000年,两件当时的小型裸人物雕塑已被发掘。
15.Believed it or not, however, there were already accounts of automated devices in China's ancient documents over 3,000 years ago.但是,早在3000多年前的中国古代文献中就已经有了关于机器人的记载。
16.Huan activities began 3,000 year ago in Xinping. The stone circle unearthed in Mosha is what left from the New Stone Age.新平早在3000年前就有人类活动,在漠沙出土的石环属于新石器时代的遗物。
17.The history of the pyramids in Egypt dates back to about 3.000 B.C.埃及金字塔的历史可以追溯到公元前3000年。
18.Most experts believe kites originated in China about three thousand years ago.许多专家认为风筝大约源于3000年前的中国。

3 000 a BP距今3000年
3)a youngster with a future前程远大的年轻人
4)Men's/Women's Team Sprint男子/女子个人追逐赛(男4000米,女3000米)
6)man year人年
