图瓦人,Tuwa Nationality
1)Tuwa Nationality图瓦人
1.On the Sports Cultural Characteristic of Tuwa Nationality in Xinjiang我国图瓦人体育文化特征分析

1.On the Relations between Beliefs and Taboos of Xinjiang Tuvinian People and Ecology;论新疆图瓦人民间信仰和禁忌与生态关系
2.Feasibility on Establishing An Eco-Museum of Chinese Tuvinians in Xinjiang;新疆建立图瓦人生态博物馆的可行性研究
3.Picking up and Transmission:an Interpretation on Chinese Tuvinian's Memory of Archery Ceremony拾回与传述:中国图瓦人射箭比赛记忆解读
4.Genetic relationships between Tuva population and the neighboring populations in the Altai Region of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region新疆阿勒泰地区图瓦人与邻近人群遗传关系初探
5.Eco-tourism Development in Cultural Fragile Eco-region--Enlightenment on Tourism Development in Tuwa Village;文化生态脆弱区的生态旅游开发探析——图瓦人村寨旅游开发的启示
6.of or relating to a dialect of Sotho or the Bantu people who speak it.属于或关于茨瓦纳方言或说茨瓦纳语的班图人的。
7.A member of a Bantu people inhabiting Botswana and western South Africa.茨瓦纳人居住在博茨瓦纳和南非西部的班图族的一支
8.a member of a Bantu people living chiefly in Botswana and western South Africa.主要居住在博茨瓦纳和西南非的班图人。
9.Ethnic Composition: Hutu( Buntu)-85%; Tutsi( Hamitic)-14%; Twa( Pygmy)-1%. There is also about5,000 Europeans and South Asians.民族:胡图族占85%图西族占14%特瓦族占1%另有5000名欧洲人和南亚人。
10.Vanrevar Bush is the founder of digital library and computer invention.万尼瓦尔·什是数字图书馆的奠基人,电子计算机发明的铺路人。
11.Founder of Digital Library-Vnarevar Bush s Ability to Science Management;数字图书馆奠基人—万尼瓦尔·布什对科学的管理才能
12.The cattle-raising people, popularly known as Watustsi, ruled neighboring Rwanda until deposed by the Hutu majority.这个畜牧民族,一般被称之为瓦图西人,统治着靠近卢旺达的地方直到被胡图人废黜。
13.A native or inhabitant of Geneva, Switzerland.日内瓦人瑞士日内瓦的本地人或居民
14.The dialect of Ojibwa spoken by the Ottawa.奥塔瓦语奥塔瓦人的语言,属奥吉瓦语的方言
15.a laborer who carries supplies to masons or bricklayers.为泥瓦匠或砖瓦匠供应材料的人。
16.The Turkic language spoken by the Chuvash.楚瓦什语楚瓦什人说的突厥语
17.Tiwanaku: Spiritual and Political Centre of the Tiwanaku Culture提瓦纳库——提瓦纳库人的文化政治中心
18.The Tanoan language of the Kiowa.基奥瓦语基奥瓦族人的塔诺语言

Chinese Tuvinian中国图瓦人
1.Picking up and Transmission:an Interpretation on Chinese Tuvinian's Memory of Archery Ceremony拾回与传述:中国图瓦人射箭比赛记忆解读
3)Tuwa people图瓦
1.Adopt investigation of field and interview about the exist of the Tuwa people s health condition surveying on the spot in our country .采用田野调查法、访谈法对地处新疆阿勒泰地区的图瓦人健康情况进行实地调研。
1.Cultivation Techniques of CHINESE DRY-LAND RICE NO. 3 in Vanuatu;旱稻3号在瓦努阿图的栽培技术
6)Tile Map瓦片地图
1.The application of pre-generation thinking to geographic information services from tile map,bus transfer and the grid-index is discussed.从瓦片地图、栅格索引、公交换乘三方面阐述了预生成思想在地理信息服务中的应用,论证了预生成思想在提高地理信息系统的响应速度方面具有重大的意义。
