西北汉族,Northwestern Han population
1)Northwestern Han population西北汉族
1.Polymorphism and forensic applications of miniSTR loci D10S1248,D2S441,D1S1677,D9S1122,and D10S1435 in Northwestern Han population西北汉族人群D10S1248、D2S441、D1S1677、D9S1122、D10S1435等5个miniSTR基因座的遗传多态性及其法医学应用

1.Integration of Ethno-Han Groups & Development In Northwest Area in the Ming & Qing Dynasties;明清时期西北汉族族群的整合与西北大开发
2.Formation & Human Characters of Han People of the West Corridor by Huanghe in Northwest China;西北汉族河西人的形成及其人文特征
3.The People from Lanzhou of the NorthWest Hans and Their Cultural Features;西北汉族兰州支系的形成及人文特征
4.A Study on the Genetic Structrue of the Northern Pinghua Han Population in Guangxi;广西北部平话汉族群体遗传结构的研究
5.Students University in the Northwest Region;西北地区回、汉族在校大学生性道德观之比较
6.Analysis on HLA haplotypes of loci HLA-A, -B, and -DRB1 in northwest Chinese Han population;西北地区汉族人群HLA-A、-B、-DRB1基因座单倍型分析
7.The Settings and Changes of Bei-di Jun and Activities of Minority Northwest in Qin and Han Dynasties论秦汉时期北地郡的设置及变迁与西北少数民族的活动
8.The Reform of the New PRC Government on Han s Countryside in New Northwest Liberated Area;共和国成立之初新政府对西北新区汉族农村改造研究
9.A Comparation Study of Direction of Economic Beharioun of the Hui and Han People in the Northwest of China;西北地区川山回汉人口民族经济行为取向比较分析
10.The Rules of Sanskrit-Chinese Phonetic Transcription in the Sutras Translated by Xixia(西夏) and the Dialect of Northwest China;西夏译经的梵汉对音与汉语西北方音
11.A Study on the Wealth Marriage and its Affecting of the Northwest Village in Minority Region:Take Ya Di Village as an Example西北少数民族地区汉族村落财婚的调查与分析——以张家川恭门镇崖低村为例
12.The products are sold well on Hebei, Shanxi, Beijing, Xian, Wuhan market, etc.产品畅销河北、山西、北京、西安、武汉等地。
13.Cultural Changes of Han Immigrants in Subei Mongolian Autonomous County;肃北蒙古族自治县汉族移民文化变迁
14.RHCE Genotyping in Chinese Han from north and Li from South;中国北方汉族和南方黎族RHCE基因分型
15.Chinese Cultural Training of the National Minority Aristocrats during the Period of the Northern Dynasty;北朝时期少数民族贵族的汉文化修养
16.Comparison Study of Personality Structure in Han, Zhuang, Mongol, Naxi Nationality;汉族、壮族、蒙族、纳西族人格结构的比较研究
17.Research on the Commodity Price of the Northwest Region during Han Dynasty--With Han Dynasty bamboo-slips for center;汉代西北边地物价述略——以汉简为中心
18.Dongxiang language is one of the Mongolian languages of Altai language family,while Linxia dialect is one of the Chinese Northwest dialects.东乡语是阿尔泰语系蒙古语族语言的一支,临夏话是汉语西北方言的一支。

northwest Chinese Han population西北地区汉族
1.Analysis on HLA haplotypes of loci HLA-A, -B, and -DRB1 in northwest Chinese Han population;西北地区汉族人群HLA-A、-B、-DRB1基因座单倍型分析
3)Beijing Han Population北京汉族
4)north China Han population北方汉族
5)Northeast Han东北汉族
1.Northeast Han Civil Minor is colorful and resourceful, which is a living epic of the working people.东北汉族的民间小调绚丽多姿、资源丰富,是当地劳动人民的一部生活史诗,它记录了当地劳动人民的千种体验、万缕情思;浸透着当地劳动人民的理想、智慧、憧憬和愿望。
6)Hebei Han population河北汉族

野驴(主要分布于中国西北干旱地区)野驴(主要分布于中国西北干旱地区)  野驴(主要分布于中国西北干旱地区)