1.With an analysis of Frost s poetry, this thesis is an attempt to discuss alienation and reconciliation that lie beneath his poems.本文力图通过分析弗洛斯特的诗歌,探寻其中蕴含的疏远和融合。

1.estrange sb. from his friends使某人跟朋友们疏远
2.a quarrel has estranged him from his family争吵使他与家人疏远了。
3.He became estranged from his friends.他和朋友们疏远了。
4.keep sb. at the stick's end疏远某人,不与某人接近
5.In a distant tone of voice she answered, "Thank you.鲍小姐疏远地说:“谢谢你!
6.To make hostile, unsympathetic, or indifferent;alienate.使疏远使怀有敌意,使不友善或使疏远;离间
7.Alienate a friend;alienate potential supporters by taking extreme positions.使朋友疏远;由于采取极端的主张而疏远了潜在的支持者
8.alienate a friend;alienate potential supporters by taking extreme positions.See Synonyms at estrange使朋友疏远;由于采取极端的主张而疏远了潜在的支持者参见
9.His behavior alienated his friends.他的行为使他疏远了朋友。
10.Misunderstandings severed the two friends.误会使这两个朋友疏远了。
11.The quarrel lead to a complete estrangement between her and her family这一争吵使她同家人完全疏远
12.His behavior estranged him from his brother.他的行为使他跟哥哥疏远了。
13.What has estranged the two friends from each other?是什么原因使这两个朋友疏远的呢?
14.Refused further traffic with the estranged friend.拒绝和被疏远的朋友进一步交往
15.Alcoholism often leads to the alienation of family and friends.酗酒常常导致家庭和朋友间的疏远
16.He's been estranged from his friends for no reason at all他完全没有理由就和朋友们疏远了。
17.The acrimony of his remarks alienated his audience.他说话尖刻, 这使观众和他疏远了。
18.Does your character stay in touch with them or has your character become estranged?你仍然有和他们联系?还是已经疏远了?

detach v.远离,疏远。
3)light and far萧疏淡远
4)estrange from使疏远
5)keep one's distance保持疏远
6)lose touch with和...疏远
