1.From the perspective of cultural sociology, the paper observes the new generation of film and related media field interaction, thinking how academia and mass media within the field of public opinion construct in the process of naming new generation of film, in order to meditate film and television criticism in the current popular culture environment.本文从文化社会学的角度来观察新生代电影与相关舆论场域的互动关系,思考舆论场域内部的学术界和大众媒介在新生代电影“命名”过程当中起到什么样的建构作用,以此来反观当下大众文化环境下的电影创作和影视批评。

1.associated with academia or an academy.与学术界或学术有关的。
2.The academic environment, community, or world.学术界,学术团体,学术环境
3.the establishment in scholarly circles of a new theory学术界新理论的建立
4.She chose an academic career.她选择了学术界职业.
5.A consequential figure in the academic community.学术界举足轻重的人物
6.Crux of Scientific Circle Being Divorced from Business One:A Rational Discussion;管理学术界与企业界脱节的问题分析
7.A person who has an academic viewpoint or a scholarly background.学术界人士有学术观点或学术背景的人
8.It is an ideal location of academic and culture exchange for experts and scholars from home and abroad in the fields of science and technology, education, entertainment and art as well as people with other professional backgrounds.它是科技界,教育界,文艺界以及其他学术界来自海内外的专家学者理想的学术文化交流场所。
9.Investigations on the Precondition of Studies on Political Philosophy in China s Academic Community;中国学术界政治哲学研究的前提检讨
10.It is non-governmental and tripartite in nature, comprising members from the government, the business sector and the academia.成员包括政府、商界和学术界三方面的代表。
11.It still exists in academic circles and in economic circles too.学术界也好,经济界也好,都还有教条主义。
12.Professor Watson will leave the academic world to take a job in industry.华森教授将要离开学术界到工业界去工作。
13.Professor Watson is leaving the academic world to take a job in industry.沃森教授将要离开学术界到工业界去工作。
14.Professor Watson is leaving the academic world to take a job in industry华森教授将要离开学术界到工业界去工作
15.The problem is also common in academia and the legal profession, experts say.专家说,此问题在学术界和法界也很普遍。
16.This also attracts the attention of the press and academic circles.这一变化也逐步为新闻业界和学术界所关注。
17.Review of China's Studies on the Question of World History System in the 21st Century新世纪我国学术界关于世界史体系问题的研究
18.The Latest Research on the Sino-Soviet Border Conflict in 1969 by Academic Circles Abroad国外学术界对1969年中苏边界冲突的最新研究

academic circle学术界
1.Since the sixties of twentieth century,researches in the concept of modernization have been widely made in the academic circles of economics,politics and history,and great successes have been achieved.但关于现代化一词的确切含义 ,学术界迄今仍无一致的看法。
3)world academic community世界学术界
4)academic definition学术界定
1.There have been great controversies over the academic definition of original culture.原生态文化的学术界定历来存在极大纷争,原生态文化虽在概念的界定上有不严格之处,但从实践的角度看,有其存在的合理性,由此提出原生态文化的大概念观点。
5)academic state学术境界
1.The times ask teachers to reach the state of scholarship, academic state, education state and professional ethics state.时代要求教师在完善自身形象的同时达到一定的学术境界、育人境界和职业道德境界。
6)the studies in the world世界学术

发光地寄色界无色界天乘【发光地寄色界无色界天乘】  谓三地菩萨,明修八禅定行,同于色界四禅,无色界四空处,故云发光地寄色无色界天乘。(八禅定者,色界、无色界各四禅定也。四禅者,初禅、二禅、三禅、四禅也。四空者,即空处、识处、无所有处、非非想处也。)