
1.Educational Research Mode: from Dual Contradiction to Pluralistic Integration;教育研究范式:从二元对立到多元整合
2.education Integration mode of college sport and its elements大学体育学科“多元整合教育模式”及整合要素构建的研究
3.Research on the Multi - integrated Channel Model of Liquid Milk in China;我国液态奶营销渠道多元整合模式研究——光明乳业渠道多元整合模式实证研究
4.A Study on Educational Model of Multi-Integration for Abandoned Children in Welfare Institutes;儿童福利院失依儿童多元整合教育模式研究
5."Three conceptions" and the establishment of the "mode of multi-element integrated education" in college physical education;“三大理念”与大学体育“多元整合教育模式”的构建
6.Diversity in Unity:Interethnic Integration & Legality in a Multi-Ethnic Country;多元一体:多民族国家内部的族际整合与合法性
7.The Conformity of Multi-Intelligences Theory and Task-based Language Teaching Method;多元智能理论与英语任务型教学整合
8.The value collision and value integration under the pluralism;多元化背景下的价值冲突与价值整合
9.The Integration of Theory of Multiple Intelligence and College English Teaching;多元智能理论与大学英语教学的整合
10.Social Theory: Integeration,Disintegration or Differentiation?;社会(学)理论:整合、瓦解,还是多元分化?
11.On the Conflict and Integration of DiverseCultures in Modern China;试论当代中国多元文化的冲突与整合
12.On the integration of Literature Critics;中国文学批评理论的整合与多元发展
13.Multiculturalism Policy and Integration;多元文化主义政策对整合的意义——以加拿大多元文化主义政策为例
14.Ritual Events: A Way to Integrate the Multi-centered Village Communities;仪式性事件:多元中心村庄社会整合的途径
15.Studies on the Strategies of Integrating Multiple Intelligences with Kindergarten Curricula;多元智能与幼儿园课程整合的策略研究
16.Study on Complex Finishing with Aloe, Poly-carboxylic Acids to Cotton Fabric;芦荟/多元羧酸对纯棉织物复合整理的研究
17.The Nurture of Students’Quality for the Course of Literary and Artistic & the Reforming and Innovation of Teaching;文艺学课程多元教学整合与学生素质创新
18.Student Development From Assessment Concepts of MI And perceived self-efficacy;自我效能与多元智能评价观整合下的学生发展

combination of plural patterns多元整合论
3)multi-integrated model多元整合模式
4)multi-element data merging多元数据整合
5)integration of multi-value多元价值整合
6)pluralism of three religions三教多元整合
