
1.Cultural Diversity of Interpersonal Space--A Study of Proxemics;人际距离行为的文化差异——近体学初探
2.Students Studying Abroad and System Forming of Aesthetics Course in Modern China;留学生与近代中国美学学科的体制化
3.The Returned Students and the Systemization of the Psychology in Modern China;留学生与近代中国心理学科的体制化
4.Study On The Returned Students Overseas and the Institutionalization of Modern Chinese Chemistry留学生与中国近代化学体制化的研究
5.The Analysis of Actuality and Strategy on "Press Close to Life and Community" in the Middle School Chemistry Teaching;中学化学教学中体现“贴近生活,贴近社会”理念的现状与对策分析
6.Professional Jurist Colony and China Modern Legal System Transition职业法学家群体与近代中国法制转型
7.Talks about the "Independent College" in the Modern Higher Education System;近代高等教育体系中的“独立学院”略论
8.The Study of Systematc Development Process of Chinese Modern Scientific and Technological Culture;试论中国近代科学文化的体系化进程
9.The Founder of Physical Education Philosophy in Modern Time in China-YAN Fu;中国近代体育哲学的奠基人——严复
10.The Utility of the Discovery of Gas in the Revolution of Chemistry;气体的发现在近代化学革命中的作用
11.Rising of the Modern Physical Education at School in China (1901-1911);我国近代学校体育的兴起(1901-1911年)
12.Teaching and Study Analysis of the Recent History of China s Economy;中国近代经济史学科体系建设与展望
13.Analyse of Current Situation on Gymnastic Teaching Research of Recent Ten Years in China;近十年我国体操教学研究的统计分析
14.The evolution and development of school physical education in modern China;近代我国学校体育的演进轨迹与发展
15.System of Modernization" in the Subject on the Modern History of the World in China;我国世界近代史学科中的“现代化体系”
16.Retrospection and Review on Physical Education of Chinese and Japanese Schools in Recent Times;近代中日两国学校体育的回顾与反思
17.The Study on the Development of School Sports in the Modern Northeast China: 1906-1931近代东北地区学校体育发展研究:1906-1931
18.Photorefractive property of near-stoichiometric Fe:LiTaO_3 crystal近化学计量比Fe:LiTaO_3晶体的光折变性能

Poetics based on the study of early Tang poetry近体诗学
3)Modern Earth-science system近代地学体系
4)modern scholastic physical education近代学校体育
1.The difference between Chinese and western educational cultures is an un-neglectable issue in the development of modern scholastic physical education in China;中西方教育文化的差异是中国近代学校体育发展中不容忽视的问题
5)hydrostatic approximation流体静力学近似
6)Approximate Principle近体
1.This article aims to expound that only by making use of the meaningful cultural content in the textbook, devising relevant and meaningful activities, and applying "Approximate Principle" in classroom teaching can we succeed in getting rid of traditional "teacher-centered" Intensive Reading teaching paradigm, rousing students interest, motivating students and cultivating their thinking abilities.精读课要想摆脱传统的以教师为中心的讲座式课堂教学模式,增强学生学习的兴趣、动机和效果,促进他们思维能力的发展,教师一方面可以通过从教材中提取挖掘能引起学生共鸣的富于文化性、意义性的思想内容并设置相关的学习任务和活动;另一方面可以通过在课堂教学中适当地运用"近体原则",从而帮助学生进行具有个人意义的建构。

高体近红鲌 俗名: 大眼刁、圆大眼 产地及产期: 分布于长江上游。 介绍: 口端位,下颌较上颌稍长。眼大,吻长与眼径相等。侧线鳞57-63。背鳍起点位于吻端与尾鳍基部的中点。胸鳍末端不达腹鳍基部。臀鳍条3,21-25。  个体不大,一般体长为100-200毫米。3-4月产卵。天然数量不多。