1.The Da Quan conception proposed by scholar Feng Youlan is explained from three dimensions of ontology,ethics and epistemology.文章从本体论、道德论和认识论三个维度对冯友兰的大全概念做了解读。
2)moral paradox道德悖论
1.Based on a contrast between deontic paradox and moral paradox,argue that moral paradox is not a strictly logical paradox,but a moral quasi-paradox dilemma.基于道义悖论与"道德悖论"的比较分析,论证后者不能归于严格的逻辑悖论,而应视作一种"类悖论道德困境";结合逻辑悖论社会文化功能的探讨,指明开展类悖论道德困境研究的重要价值。
2.The ways of logical paradox solution are important resources for moral paradox solution.逻辑悖论消解中的路径和方法是消解道德悖论的重要资源。
3.Because we use reason to analyze a moral act from different aspects and make opposite conclusions,moral paradox comes forth.道德悖论的出现,主要是因为人们运用理智,从不同的方面对于同一个道德行为进行分析,从而得出了相互对立的结论。

1.Ways of Resolving Moral Paradox-From the Point of View of Resolving Logical Paradox;道德悖论的消解路向——基于逻辑解悖角度的思考
2.The Morality Antinomy and Modern Reconstruction of “Sexual Ethic”“性伦理”的道德悖论及其现代重构
3.Moral Paradox Research Needs to Expand in Three Cognitive Directions;道德悖论研究需要拓展三个认知路向
4.Consideration of Moral Paradox Attribute-From the Point of View of Logic;关于道德悖论属性的思考——从逻辑的观点看
5.The Various States of the Ethical Entity and Their Ethical-Moral Dilemma;伦理实体的诸形态及其内在的伦理—道德悖论
6.Identification in Disputed Paternity:the Moral Paradox,Brought by Scientific and Technological Achievements in Defending Family Ethics;亲子鉴定:科技维护家庭伦理存在的道德悖论
7.“Moral Paradox” in Market Economy and Improving the Quality of Modern Staff;市场经济的“道德悖论”与现代员工素质建树
8.An Ethical Interpretation of The Communist Manifesto--From the Perspective of Moral Paradox《共产党宣言》的伦理解读——以道德悖论为视角
9.On Solutions to Traditional Moral Paradox from the Perspective of Wang Chuanshan s JingQuan Thoughts;从王船山礼之经权思想管窥传统道德悖论的解决
10.Moral Paradox or Value Conflict? --Deciphering Socrates′ Ethic Problems;是道德悖论,还是价值冲突?——苏格拉底伦理问题解读
11.“Prisoner Antinomy”: The Rationality of Morals and the Moral Education of the People;“囚徒悖论”:道德的合理性和国民的道德教育
12.The Paradox of "Moral Should" in the Perspective of "Existence"从“存在”的视域看“道德应该”的悖论
13.Tian s Moralization--On The Contrary Things Between The State of Panmorality And The Thinking of Tianren;天之德化——论泛道德之境与天人之思的乖悖
14.Literature moral venting demand and moral surpassing --A paradox of relation between literature and morality;文学的道德诉求与道德超越——文学与道德关系的一个悖论
15.On Strategy of Moral Panic and its Paradox in the Age of Technicalism;论技术主义时代的道德恐慌策略及其悖论
16.Paradox of Unmoral Choice s Legality-Analysis of Conflict between Legal Protection and Moral Advocation;不道德选择的合法性之悖论问题——析论法律保护与道德提倡的相悖现象
17.On Human Hypocritical Quality--A Discussion on Paradox in Moral Education浅析人的虚伪品质——兼析道德教育中的悖论现象
18.The Inner Dialectics of Ethics in Stories Written in Thatched Cottage by JI Yun;伦理道德的悖论——从《阅微草堂笔记》非道德化的一面说起

moral paradox道德悖论
1.Based on a contrast between deontic paradox and moral paradox,argue that moral paradox is not a strictly logical paradox,but a moral quasi-paradox dilemma.基于道义悖论与"道德悖论"的比较分析,论证后者不能归于严格的逻辑悖论,而应视作一种"类悖论道德困境";结合逻辑悖论社会文化功能的探讨,指明开展类悖论道德困境研究的重要价值。
2.The ways of logical paradox solution are important resources for moral paradox solution.逻辑悖论消解中的路径和方法是消解道德悖论的重要资源。
3.Because we use reason to analyze a moral act from different aspects and make opposite conclusions,moral paradox comes forth.道德悖论的出现,主要是因为人们运用理智,从不同的方面对于同一个道德行为进行分析,从而得出了相互对立的结论。
3)morals evolutionism道德化论
4)moral justification道德论证
1.Different from the traditional moral justification, economic analysis is a constructive and predictive kind of interpretation.与传统的道德论证对侵权法的解释不同,经济分析是一种建设性、前瞻性的解释。
5)moral theories道德理论
1.Human Nature, Cultural Tradition and the Rationality of Moral Theories A discussion on the American post analytical arguments over moral theories;人性、文化传统与道德理论的合理性——美国后分析道德理论争论述评
6)forum morality论坛道德
1.Currently, there exist three kinds of moral forms such as platform morality, life morality and forum morality which are represented by their different characteristics and relations in the moral education.当前,在学校中现实存在着讲坛道德、生活道德和论坛道德三种道德形态,这三种道德形态在学校道德教育中呈现出各自不同的特点和关系,对它们的关注是我们搞好学校道德教育工作的基础。

《道德经论兵要义述》《道德经论兵要义述》Daodejing Lunbing Yaoyi Shu  而备认为至灭「兵于上以损求胜非善干又下。对人上智”;过迁腐支)之争。③对战争要有准备。注重为止占兵,“用其所不用”;反对麻痹轻敌,“好战于外,犹有胜负;无备于内,绝亡”。对战争的到来要有预见性,以唱未动之际,息战于不争之前”。④战叫不欲求欲,以不为求为,以迁求直,匕益,以柔克刚,以无事取天下。认为习难,持胜难;要持胜,君主就要有道,自为卑小,常示寡弱,而不可为强梁于 《道德经论兵要义述》认为统治灌民应该“以智”征伐,人民却不能“{反抗,暴露了封建统治阶级的愚民思电分夸大“无为”、“不争”的作用,带羊气息。(于汝Daodeling Lunbing Yaoyi Shu《道德经论兵要义述》(D。odejin,Lunbing Yaoyi Shu:Military Essenrials in Taoism)中国唐代以《道德经》各章首食立篇,道、儒、兵思想杂揉的政略性乒书。又称《道德真经论兵要义述》、《道径经论兵要义》。81章。撰者王真,少习倍业,后“久从戎府”,曾以朝议郎出任汉奸刺史兼掌军事。鉴干安史之乱后,藩镇害据、战乱不止的局势,于元和四年(809七月向宪宗上此书。明《正统道藏》、《芡委别藏》等有收录。 该书军事观点主要是:①战争起源于“争”,“争者,兵战之源,祸乱之本”。要印兵去战,统治者必须上德、上仁、上义、士礼,“无为兵战之事”,“不争”奢侈之物,力戒“满溢”之志。“无为者,敢兵之源;不争者,息战之本”,“既绝矜尚,遂无斗争”。②治国治军要道、德、仁、义、礼萧而用之。它改变《老子》的本意,将其“经圣弃智”、“绝仁弃义”释为“绝有迹之圣,弃矜诈之智”,“绝矫妄之仁,弃诡诱之义”,将“礼者,乱之首”释为“礼者,玛乱之首”。认为《老子》“功成身退”并刁I“必使其避位而去也,但欲其功成而不有之耳”。强调统治者要谦柔用晦,“以道化环下”,对人民要“慈”,如此则天下莫能华