1.Cultural Conflict and Cultural Toleration:the Collision and Coexistence between Karen and Burmese文化冲突与容忍:缅甸克伦族和缅族的碰撞与并存

1.The Constitutional Reform of Burma and the Founding State Movement of Karens;缅甸的二元制改革与克伦族建邦运动
2.Cultural Conflict and Cultural Toleration:the Collision and Coexistence between Karen and Burmese文化冲突与容忍:缅甸克伦族和缅族的碰撞与并存
3.Karen Naitonal Union克伦民族联盟(克民盟)
4.Any of the Tibeto-Burman languages of this people.克伦语克伦人讲的藏缅语族诸语言中的一种
5.Hugh MacLennan--Spokesman for Canadian National Identity加拿大民族特性的代言人——休·迈克伦南
6.the "Jishenhui"(Fair to Pay Tribute to the God of Mountain) of the Oroqen nationality, and the Bear Dance of the Ewenki nationality.鄂伦春族的"祭(山)神会",鄂温克族的熊舞等等。
7.The traditional Ewenki,Oroqen,and Daghur music viewed from modern perspectives;现代视野中的鄂温克族、鄂伦春族、达斡尔族传统音乐
8.A member of a Thai people inhabiting southern and eastern Burma.克伦人居住在缅甸南部和东部的泰族居民
9.The Traditional Music of the Ewenki,Orunchun and Daghur People in the Modern Field of Vision;现代视野中的鄂温克、鄂伦春、达斡尔族传统音乐
10.The Research about the Solon Ewenki's Inter-ethnic Marital Satiafaction索伦鄂温克人族际家庭的婚姻满意度研究
11.The Contemporary Change of the Hunting Economy;狩猎经济文化类型的当代变迁——鄂伦春族、鄂温克族猎民生计调查
12.(742-814) king of the Franks; conqueror of the Lombards and Saxons.(742-814)法兰克的国王;伦巴第族人和萨克逊人的征服者。
13.Preface to Cromwell《〈克伦威尔〉序》
14.For example, Shaman of Oroqen and Ewenki nationalities always decorate their clothes with beast bones or teeth;例如:鄂伦春、鄂温克族萨满的服饰上,都要缀以兽骨、兽牙;
15.The Differences and Similarities and their cause of Formation of the Folk Music of Daghur,Ewenki and Oronchun Peoples;达斡尔、鄂温克、鄂伦春民族民间音乐的异同及其成因
16.The Comparative Studies between the Procedures of Shamanism Divine Songs of Ewenki,Orunchun and Daghur Peoples;鄂温克、鄂伦春、达斡尔族萨满神歌程式之比较研究
17.A Comparative Study on the Effects of Two Kinds of Bring-up Methods on Children s Intelligence and Personality Development among Mongolian and Ewenki、Oroqen、Duar;两种育儿方式对蒙古族及鄂温克、鄂伦春、达斡尔族儿童智力和个性发展影响的比较研究
18.As the Ewenki were proficient in riding and shooting, the Qing government often transferred them to fight, Suo Lun powerful enemy well known.由于鄂温克族精于骑射 ,清政府常常抽调他们出征作战 ,于是“索伦劲旅闻天下”。

3)Olunchun nationality鄂伦春族
1.Investigation and Discussion on the Community Management Pattern of the Hunters of Olunchun Nationality Taking the Nuomin Hunter Community of Olunchun Autonomous Banner as an Example;鄂伦春族猎民社区化管理模式的调查和探讨——以鄂伦春自治旗诺敏猎民社区为例
2.There are four disciplines related with the research of Olunchun nationality: history,ethnology-anthropology,linguistics and folk literature.有关鄂伦春族的研究主要涉及历史学、民族学、人类学、语言学和民间文学等学科和领域。
4)ethnical ethics民族伦理
1.The ethnical ethics is nearly in the inferior position in modern historical stage,and the whole ethical system has been hit by the external ethnical ethics.民族伦理在"世界历史时代"的处境可谓是形格势禁,其世代传承的完备体系频频招致外来伦理文化的侵袭。
2.There are two basic categorrie of the attribute in the ethnical ethics : the dharma of ethnics and the ethnical character of morality.民族伦理的属性结构领域有两个基础性的范畴:"道德的民族性"与"民族的道德性,"道德的民族性说明道德主体的特殊性,而民族的道德性则表明道德主体如何特殊的问题。
5)the Hui Ethics回族伦理
1.Study on the Strengthening of the Hui Ethics and Its Functions;加强回族伦理及其作用的研究
6)clan ethics宗族伦理
1.The ethics of the Judaist society is usually called the religious ethics, and the correspondingly, the social ethics of China after the Sung dynasty can be called as the clan ethics.犹太教社会的伦理,通常称之为宗教伦理;与此对应,中国宋代以后社会的伦理,我们可以将其叫做宗族伦理。
2.The patriarchal clan system and the clan ethics are the most striking cultural characteristics of ancient China.宗法制度和宗族伦理是中国古代最具特色的文化现象。
