2)love and desire爱欲
1.This paper has investigated the love and desire of Greek culture in three ways of history,mythology and aesthetics.从历史、神话与美学三个层面探讨了古希腊文化精神中的"爱欲"问题,指出"爱欲"内部的二元划分是构成古希腊文化精神的阴阳两面,也是传统西方思想的内在对立紧张的源头之一。
2.Lady Chatterley s lover is a song of love and desire, Connie is gradually given a new life in constant change of sex scene.《查特莱夫人的情人》是一首爱欲的颂歌,康妮在性爱场景的不断演变中逐步走向了爱欲的新生 之路;古华的小说《贞女》体现了重复的修辞术,呈现为一种突出的美学特征。

1.So it does, the freedom and education are the Eros, are the pursuit of the eternity.教育就是“爱欲”,在“爱欲”中追寻永恒。
2.Comments on Marcuse Eros and Civilization;爱欲解放与现代文明——评《爱欲与文明》
3.Rationality Eros politics--on Eros and civilization理性、爱欲、政治——解读《爱欲与文明》
4.Love, Desire of Love and Libido --On the sexual ethics of “Western Marxism”;爱情、爱欲与性欲——评“西方马克思主义”性伦理学
5.Gender-Oppression in the Transformation of"Eros" to"Agape";从“爱欲”到“圣爱”观念转化中的性别压迫
6.A Physiological Interpretation of Sexual Urge of Females in Ancient Love Dramas;古代爱情戏中女性爱欲的生理学解读
7.Eros of Age of Enlightenment-about The fiction "Love or Pain"启蒙时代的爱欲——阅读《是爱情还是苦痛?》
8.His is a hellish promiscuity, desperate not so much for love as for loss.那是地狱般混乱的爱欲沉沦,爱比不爱更绝望。
9.The Object and Desire of Love--Thinking about Plato s Symposium;爱的对象与渴望——柏拉图《会饮篇》爱欲理论解析
10.Mrs Maylie's grief was terrible.麦丽爱夫人,悲恸欲绝。
11.Dominated by sexual love or desire.受性爱或性欲影响的
12.be motivated by greed, fear, love, etc受贪欲、 恐惧、 爱等驱使.
13."Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex, But Were Afraid To Ask"情欲奇谭/性爱宝典
14.To have a feeling of intense desire and attraction toward(a person).爱,抚爱对(某人)有强烈的欲望和吸引力
15.To experience deep affection or intense desire for another.爱体验对某人的深切喜爱或强烈欲望
16.my desire for her/to make love with her我对她的强烈的情欲[与她做爱的强烈欲望
17.Tzu Kung wanted to do away with the sacrifice of the sheep on the first of the month. Confucius said, "Tz'u, you love the sheep; I love the ceremony."子贡欲去告朔之羊。子曰:「赐也尔爱其羊,我爱其礼。」
18.Love with Flesh and Blood but without Heart--A Great Defect in the Depiction of Love in San Yan;有欲无情的爱情——“三言”爱情描写的重大缺陷

love and desire爱欲
1.This paper has investigated the love and desire of Greek culture in three ways of history,mythology and aesthetics.从历史、神话与美学三个层面探讨了古希腊文化精神中的"爱欲"问题,指出"爱欲"内部的二元划分是构成古希腊文化精神的阴阳两面,也是传统西方思想的内在对立紧张的源头之一。
2.Lady Chatterley s lover is a song of love and desire, Connie is gradually given a new life in constant change of sex scene.《查特莱夫人的情人》是一首爱欲的颂歌,康妮在性爱场景的不断演变中逐步走向了爱欲的新生 之路;古华的小说《贞女》体现了重复的修辞术,呈现为一种突出的美学特征。
1.Gender-Oppression in the Transformation of"Eros" to"Agape";从“爱欲”到“圣爱”观念转化中的性别压迫
2.Study on “Eros liberation” of Marcuse;马尔库塞“爱欲解放论”的本质探析
3.Rationality Eros politics——on Eros and civilization理性、爱欲、政治——解读《爱欲与文明》
1.His latest novel Scandal or Romance provides the readers with a new angle and creates the artistic image of "Liu Mila" with anxiety and love.新作《丑行或浪漫》为读者提供了一个新的视角,塑造了刘蜜蜡这个充满焦灼和爱欲的肉身形象,但并未能为张炜的写作昭示一条明确的坦途。
2.In his life of vagrancy, the female inspired his love, and helped him comprehend the true meaning of art.流浪的一生中 ,女性激发了他的爱欲 ,使他领悟了艺术的真谛 ,并在艺术创作中找到了内心的和谐 ,灵魂得到升华 ,最终走向人的本原———永恒的母性。
5)Eros and Thanatos爱欲与死欲
6)Eros liberation爱欲解放
1.Rethinking about Marcuse s Eros Liberation;对马尔库塞爱欲解放论的再思考
2.Aiming at human dissimilation, he thinks “Eros Liberation" is the way to human Liberation.关注人,关注人的生存现状,对人的本质的探讨成了他众多著作所围绕的中心,针对人的全面异化的现状,他提出了“爱欲解放”的拯救方法,用他的马克思主义观影响了一代人。

欲爱【欲爱】 (术语)菩萨喜乐正法,谓之法爱,凡夫贪爱五欲之境,谓之欲爱,又欲界之贪爱也。对于色爱而言。楞严经一曰:“阿难白佛:我见如来三十二相胜妙殊绝形体,映彻犹如琉璃,常自思惟:此相非是欲爱所生。何以故?欲气粗浊腥臊交遘,脓血杂乱,不能发生胜净妙明紫金光聚。”