1.The Rural Barter of South Hebei Province——An Anthropological Research of Local Economy冀南乡村的物物交换——地方经济的人类学研究
2.Based on the principle of making the past serve the present, the paper expounds systematically the course of changes of trade markets from the ancient to the present time, and analyses the characteristics of trade markets in the four historical stages of bartering in the primitive society, retail shop system in the ancient time, combination of markets with retail shops, and the p.本文遵循古为今用的原则 ,运用高度概括的语言 ,比较全面系统地论述了我国从古到今贸易市场变迁的历程 ,分析了原始时期的物物交换、古代“市肆”制、“坊市合一”制、当今特色商业街等四个历史阶段的贸易市场的特征 ,承前启后 ,脉络清晰 ,可以说是一部中国贸易市场史的缩影。

1.uliar to a seminatural economy半自然经济的物物交换
2.Most trade was still done by barter.大部分交易仍采用物物交换的方式。
3.Gradually, the primary barter was replaced by the commodity exchange conducted by money.最开始的物物交换逐渐被以货币为媒介的商品交换所取代。
4.On these islands a system of barter is used在这些岛上仍然实行着物物交换的制度。
5.The Rural Barter of South Hebei Province--An Anthropological Research of Local Economy冀南乡村的物物交换——地方经济的人类学研究
6.interchange gifts [letters]交换礼物 [信件]
7.To make an exchange of one thing for another.交换用一物与另一物进行交换
8.(phr v)bargain sth away ;give sth away(esp sth valuable in exchange for sth less so)牺牲某物(尤指以贵物交换贱物)
9.and exchange gifts and greetings.交换礼物,互致问候。
10.gifts exchanged as a pledge of friendship交换的象徵友谊的礼物.
11.exchange present互赠礼物,交换礼品
12.Convention concerning the International Exchange of Publications国际间交换出版物公约
13.base-exchanging compounds碱[阳离子]交换化合物
14.Money is the commonest medium by which people can exchange goods.钱是人们交换货物最常用的中介物。
15.All goods and resources having value in terms of exchange or use.财物有交换或使用价值的物品和资源
16.Acquisition through the payment of money or its equivalent.交换通过交付货币或其等价物而获得
17.To trade goods or services without the exchange of money.以物易物买卖商品或服务,但不以钱作为交换物
18.Crossing over The exchange of material between homologous chromatids by the formation of chiasmata.交换:同源染色单体之间形成交叉时遗传物质的交换现象。

To exchange;barter.交换;物物交换
3)waste exchange废物交换
1.This paper identifies the different waste exchange patterns in China and other countries,and discusses the reasons why the patterns in developed countries do not work well in China.废物交换是生态工业园区的特征要素,其高级实现形式是废物交换网络平台。
2.An information system has been developed for the management of solid waste exchange which is a means of waste recycling and recovery and a kind of exchange between waste generators and potential waste users, based on the relativity of waste.在废物交换模式分析的基础上,对交换进行了分类,并总结其各自的作用。
3.This paper analyzed three kinds of waste exchange systems in eco-industry from management measure,economical benefit and environmental benefit.本文通过分析三种不同生态工业中的废物交换,并对其管理手段、经济效益和环境效益进行对比,显示建立工业生态废弃物交换系统有利于实现资源利用效率的最大化和污染排放的最小化。
4)Gift exchange礼物交换
1.In recent years,this gift exchange has become more and more popular and even been transformed to other forms.中国是一个讲究人情的国家,人情关系是人与人之间交往的准则,其一般通过礼物交换来表达。
2.Nowadays, the junior high school students fall over themselves for gift exchange.当前,学生十分热衷于礼物交换。
5)goods exchange实物交换
1.The paper expresses that goods exchange is not the premise of classic theory of labor value,which is only an example used by Marx to analyze value entityThe paper points out that we should analyze our country′s income distribution problem with the labor theory of valu古典经济学劳动价值论的分析前提不是实物交换 ,其理论的局限性是因为研究方法的缺陷。
6)physical swapping物理交换

吡啶烷基衍生物蒸馏残余物氯化苄季铵化物CAS:97375-31-0中文名称:吡啶烷基衍生物蒸馏残余物氯化苄季铵化物英文名称:Pyridine, alkyl derivs., distn. residues, benzyl chloride-quaternized