
1.Hippies, ain't that it?"嬉皮士! 是不是?”
2.The hippies ripped off the grocery store.嬉皮士抢劫了杂货店。
3.I wish you would stop grinning like a Cheshire cat and try to be serious.我希望你正经一点,不要老是嬉皮笑脸。
4."Well, I'm not sure what a hippie looks like.“嗯,我不太知道嬉皮士是什么样儿的。
5.Flower power was a product of the sixties.戴花嬉皮士的信仰是六十年代的产物.
6.The flower children tie-dye their T-shirts.嬉皮士把他们的T恤衫染上花边。
7.He wears his hair long, hipple-style.他留着长长的嬉皮士式的头发。
8.The young people themselves were called @hippies.这些年轻人称自己为“嬉皮士”,
9.A person with long hair, especially a hippie.留长发者留着长发的人,尤指嬉皮
10.The drivers, like hippieg, egg the guys on.那些司机像嬉皮士一样,常惹事生非。
11.In western cities, hippies walk abroad.在西方城市中,嬉皮士随处可见。
12.The hippies' etymology is contentious.关于嬉皮士的语源是有争议的。
13.Joe : He dresses like a hippy. Give me a break.乔:他穿得活像个嬉皮,放过我吧。
14.In 1967 she hit the hippy trail to India.1967 年,她踏上嬉皮士之路去了印度。
15.Ageing hippies are responsible for only a few such operations.嬉皮士们只负责其中一小部分的操作。
16.There are fewer longhairs around here than there were in the sixties.这附近的嬉皮士现在60年代少多了。
17.The first hippie asked Sister, how did you break you leg?一个嬉皮士问,“麽麽,您的腿怎么断的?”
18.They are grave or impertinent all the day long.他们这一天里不是庄严肃穆就是嬉皮笑脸。

1.Hippies-Rebel of Traditional Culture;嬉皮士——传统文化的反叛者
3)Hippie's spirit嬉皮精神
4)hippie movement嬉皮运动
1.Fashion in Turbulent Time——Analysis on hippie effect on fashion in 1960s;动荡时代的时装——浅析60年代嬉皮士对服装发展的影响
1.The main forms of the confronting culture of 1960s are the negative hippy culture and the positive young student movement.消极的嬉皮士文化和积极的青年学生运动是60年代对抗文化的主要形式。

斗嬉1.亦作"斗嬉"。 2.相斗而取乐。