1.Exploration and practice of foreign experts recruitment;外国文教专家聘请工作的探索与实践

1.MBO of Foreign Experts at Agricultural Universities;农业高校外国文教专家目标管理研究
2.Exploration and practice of foreign experts recruitment;外国文教专家聘请工作的探索与实践
3.Study of the management of foreign experts in the new situations;新形势下外国文教专家管理工作研究
4.Probe into Cross-Cultural Management of Foreign Experts in Colleges and Universities;对高等院校外国文教专家的跨文化管理探析
5.The History of the Engagement of the Foreign Culture and Education Experts in the Colleges and Universities in Our Country;我国高等学校聘请外国文教专家的历史沿革
6.Cultural and educational experts coming to China to work for two years on the cultural exchange project under an agreement signed between two governments, with their wages and salaries being borne by the country;根据两国政府签订文化交流项目来华工作两年以内的文教专家,其工资、薪金所得由该国负担的;
7.Centered on the Writers: A New Model of Teaching College Chinese;论以作家为中心的大学语文专题教学模式
8.Please help me welcome our participants on today's show, Mao Wen, a prominent sleep expert, and Li Mei, a professor of education.下面我们欢迎今天节目的嘉宾:著名的睡眠问题专家毛文和教育专家李梅教授。
9.A specialist in the Arabic language or culture.阿拉伯专家阿拉伯语言或文化的专家
10.Similarly, we hope there will be a contingent of fine 30-to-40-year-old scientists, educationists, writers and specialists in other fields.同样,我们也希望中国出现一大批三四十岁的优秀的科学家、教育家、文学家和其他各种专家。
11.Joint IMCO/FAO/UNESCO/WMO Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution海事组织/粮农组织/教科文组织/气象组织海洋污染的科学方面联合专家组(科学专家组)
12.The expert attested to the genuineness of the document.专家证明该文件系真品。
13.Prof. Chen Wenke:the Expert of Big Country Agriculture and Rural Development Issues;陈文科教授:以农业、农村为主线的大国发展问题研究专家
14.On the Importance of Chinese Cultivation in English Major Education他山之石与自家之玉——浅论英语专业教育中中文的重要性
15.She is an expert in/at teaching children.她是儿童教育专家。
16.Kate' s an expert in / at / on teaching small children.凯特是个幼儿教育专家。
17.The Positioning of Writing Teaching for 3-year Program Chinese Major;简析小教大专中文专业写作教学定位
18.A specialist in the theory of education.教育家教育理论方面的专家

professional Chinese teacher in primary school小学语文专家型教师
3)expert teacher专家教师
1.Fifty five sessions of classroom instruction of expert and non-expert teachers were videotaped and then were coded in terms of the way and the content of classroom discourse.采用课堂观察与录像法,比较分析了55节小学数学课中专家教师与非专家教师在课堂对话方式与内容方面的差异。
2.Through interviewing five expert mathematics teachers after watching purposefully selected videos, and analyzing the transcripts of interviews qualitatively, it was found that the expert teachers evaluate mathematics lessons from the following dimensions, i.一线专家教师如何进行数学课评述在以往的研究中关注较少。
3.Based on the features of the knowledge structure of secondary school mathematics expert teachers, using the examples of developing 109 subject leading teachers, the authors summarized a series of developing models for expert teachers.本文基于中学数学专家教师知识结构的特点,以109个省级学科带头人的培养为例,提出了以"送培到校"为主,"集中讲授"、"学术研讨"、"网上学习"和"教育考察"为辅的专家教师培养模式,并详细论述了该模式在实践中应用的情况。
4)evaluation by experts专家评教
5)expert teachers专家教师
1.This study used questionnaires to assess the subject matter knowledge of thirty two elementary mathematical teachers including expert teachers and non-expert ones with a ratio of 50/50.经采用问卷测查法,考察了32名小学数学专家与非专家教师①的学科知识。
2.Therefore,the research focuses on expert teachers and novice teachers in senior high school to fred out the differences from questioning in class,which can be the reference for the novice teachers\' professional growing up.专家教师设计的问题条理清楚,表述简洁明了,问题的认知水平恰当,并能将物理方法融入物理问题中;新手教师设计的问题多且无条理性,表述比较随意,对问题的认知水平把握不当,不善于将物理方法融入物理问题中。
6)educational expert教育专家
