1.Patron-the Provider maintains Uygur Twelve Muqam to survive;“恩主”——维系维吾尔《十二木卡姆》生存的供养者

1.Patron-the Provider maintains Uygur Twelve Muqam to survive;“恩主”——维系维吾尔《十二木卡姆》生存的供养者
2.Consequently, the black mother, normally working as a domestic or nursemaid, was the family provider by default.结果,通常充当家庭佣人和保姆的黑人母亲们,就是不出场的家庭供养者
3.Research on Art Supporters in Tang and Song Dynasties;唐宋时期艺术捐资者——供养人研究
4.A class of women kept by wealthy lovers or protectors.姘妇被有钱的情人或保护者所供养的一类女人
5.Optimal Time for Enteral Nutrition for Patients Suffering from Severe Craniocerebral Injury重度颅脑损伤患者术后肠内营养供给时间探讨
6.Both fell on the auspicious day of lunar 25th, day to make offerings to Dakinis.两者都刚好在吉祥的农历廿五日供养空行日完成。
7.Conclusions:PEG solves the problems of enteral nutrition for patients who can not take food by eating.PEG为各种不能经口进食患者解决了肠内供给营养问题。
8.A private establishment that provides living quarters and care for the elderly or the chronically ill.私人疗养院为老人或慢性病患者提供住处和护理的私人机构
9.Nevertheless, by a mere change of the destination of these iron goods, he can cause labourers to befed.然而,只要改变一下铁制品的用途,他就能供养劳动者。
10.Capital worth ten thousand pounds is employed in production -- in maintaining labourers and providing tools and materials;价值一万镑的资本被用于生产——用于养活劳动者并提供工具和原料。
11.Devotees may bring simple offerings of flowers, candles and joss-sticks to lay at the feet of their teacher.归皈者会献上朴素的鲜花,蜡烛和香去供养他们的老师。
12.Article76 The State shall develop social welfare undertakings, construct public welfare facilities, and provide labourers with conditions for taking rest, recuperation and rehabilitation.第七十六条国家发展社会福利事业,兴建公共福利设施,为劳动者休息、养和疗养提供条件。
13.The State develops social welfare undertakings, build public welfare facilities to provide the conditions for the workers to rest, convalesce and recuperate.国家发展社会福利事业,兴建公共福利设施,为劳动者休息、休养和疗养提供条件。
14.France and Britain will have a much more favourable age pyramid, with more than two workers per pensioner.法国和英国会有有利的多的年龄金字塔,每个退休者会有超过两个工作的人供养。
15.Since there are so many choices available to consumers, guidelines for selecting foods to provide adequate nutrition have been developed.对消费者来说有如此之多的选择,因此选择提供充足营养的食物指南发展起来。
16.Urease inhibitors allow producers the opportunity to surface apply N at later stages of plant growth closer to time of most rapid plant uptake.脲酶抑制剂为农业生产者在接近植物吸收养分最快的生长后期表施氮肥提供了条件。
17.In numerous laboratories through the world, these workers and their students continued to evolve the basic information which has become the science nutrition.在全世界许多试验室里,这些工作者及其学生继续提供已经成为营养科学的基本资料。
18.The privately-owned company doubles Allen' s salary, but does not provide him with a pension fund, medical insurance, or an apartment.那家私人企业给小王两倍的工资,但是不提供养老金、医疗保险或者住房。

1.Study on graft-versus-leukemia effects of donor lymphocyte infusion after nonmyeloablative allogeneic bone marrow transplantation;非清除性异基因骨髓移植后输注供者淋巴细胞治疗白血病的实验研究
2.Objective:To evaluate the renal function and quality of life after in live relative kidney donors the operation.目的:对亲属活体肾移植供者术后的肾功能和生活质量进行调查。
3.Objective To investigate the diagnosis role and value of urinary donor-derived DNA in acute rejection after kidney transplantation.目的 探讨肾移植受者尿液中供者细胞DNA的检测在诊断急性排斥反应的应用及其价值。
5)bone marrow donor骨髓供者
6)Unrelated donor无关供者
1.The paper summarized nursing methods of 39 unrelated donors with peripheral blood stem cell donation.总结报道对39例无偿捐献外周血干细胞供者的护理方法:无关供者39名,经检查与患者HLA-A、B、DRB1 3个位点6个等位基因全相合,外周造血干细胞动员后,经肘静脉采集干细胞。
2.In this paper is evaluated the effect of a modified Bucy regimen for unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation on the patients with multiple relapse acute leukemia.文章探讨无关供者骨髓移植治疗多次复发急性白血病的疗效 。

财供养【财供养】 (术语)三供养之一。以世间之财宝,供养诸佛菩萨也。