
1.From Marriage-upon-Graduation to Eagerness-to-Marry: The Changes of the Present-day Female College Students Values;从“毕婚族”到“急嫁族”看当代女大学生价值观的变化
2.On Bi-family in the Song Dynasty--Focus on Genealogy,Officialdom and Marriage;宋代毕氏家族论略——以世系、仕宦与婚姻为中心
3.He purposed that he would marry after graduation.他意欲毕业后结婚。
4.take a cottage course[美](大学生)毕业前结婚
5.Same-Surname Marriage,Inter-Clan Marriage,and Multi-Identity Marriage of the Wa Ethnic Minority in Bannai Village班奈佤族的同姓婚、交错婚和堆砌婚
6.The Breakthrough from "Marriages among the Same Ethnic Group" to "Marriages among Different Ethnic Groups"--A discussion on the inter-ethnic group marriages of Yi people in Liangshan;从“民族内婚”到“族际通婚”的突破——关于凉山彝族族际通婚的探讨
7.On the Causes of the In-&Ex-Clan Marriage;论氏族社会族内、族外婚形成的原因
8.Ethnic Hui s exogamy and endogamy in the process of its development;回族形成发展过程中的族际族内通婚
9.Marrying leave and late marriage leave should be used in the year after marriage, or it will be regards as abandonment.婚假和晚婚假应在结婚(后)的一年内使用完毕,否则视作放弃。
10.the consummation of one's life's work, one's ambitions, a marriage毕生努力的圆满成功、 夙愿的得偿、 完婚.
11.The Remains of Marriage by Kidnapping in the Marital Custom of the Hans of Hehuang Area,Qinghai Province;河湟汉族婚俗中抢婚文化的“遗留物”
12.4. Obligation not to marry within the gens.4﹒氏族内部不得通婚。
13.A Comparative Study of the Bi-mo of Yi Group and the Dongba of Naxi Group;彝族“毕摩”与纳西族“东巴”的比较研究
14.An exogamous patrilineal clan.一个异族通婚的父系氏族
15.The Influence of Clan Authority on Traditional Marriage System of Zhuang Nationality;试论族权对壮族传统婚姻制度的影响
16.He was willing to go to her father on bended knee to ask if he could marry her.他很想毕恭毕敬地走到她父亲跟前,问自己是否可以跟她结婚。
17.Of those, there were more newly graduated brides than there were grooms, Xinhua said.据新华社报道,其中结婚的女大学毕业生比男毕业生多。
18.In no time at all he was a senior in college and was to marry the year following his graduation.转眼已到大学第四年,只等明年毕业结婚。

1.On Bi-family in the Song Dynasty——Focus on Genealogy,Officialdom and Marriage;宋代毕氏家族论略——以世系、仕宦与婚姻为中心
3)exogamy and endogamy族外婚与族内婚
4)Marriage of distinguished family望族婚姻
5)wedding ceremony of Tu nationality土族婚礼
1.This article combines the relevant literature data and first briefly describes wedding ceremony of Tu nationality.本文结合相关文献,从简要描述土族婚礼仪式入手,重点对土族婚礼文化价值进行探讨,认为土族婚礼具有历史传承价值、艺术审美价值、社会现实价值、科学研究价值。
6)marriage among nationalities民族通婚
