1.Based on the specification of subject-human and object-human,the status and functions of human in the relations of Human-Earth-GIS are discussed,and the relations of Human-Earth,Earth-GIS and Human-GIS are analyzed in this paper.通过主体人与客体人的区分,探讨两者在“人-地-GIS”关系中的地位与作用,分析人-地、地-GIS与人-GIS的相关关系。

1.Study on the Personality of Gymnastic Technical Innovation Principal Part;竞技体操技术创新主体人格因素研究
2.Man and configuration Subjective man s end in configurationism;人与结构——结构主义对主体之人的终结
3.person who considers vivisection is justifiable主张活体解剖的人.
4.The trunk or torso of a human being or an animal.人或动物的躯干或主体。
5.From Subjectivity of Mankind to Subjectivity of Individual:the Notion of Subjectivity in Li Zehou s Practice Aesthetics;从人类主体性到个体主体性——论李泽厚实践美学的主体性观念
6.Commissioner on Democratic Institutions and Human Rights including the Rights of Persons belonging to Minorities民主体制和人权包括少数人人权专员
7.Individualism --Subjective Cultural Spirit the Iliad个人主义是《伊利亚特》的主体文化精神
8.Subjective Personality & the Building of a Harmonious Socialist Society;主体性人格与构建社会主义和谐社会
9.Marxist Subject Philosophy of Practice and Anthropocentrism;马克思实践主体哲学与人类中心主义
10.Post-modernism and Cultivating Human s Principal Part in Education;后现代主义与教育中人的主体性培养
11.Liberal universalism embodies individualistic basic spirit.自由主义普遍主义体现着个人主义的基本精神。
12.Old and New Individualism--The Theory on Subject of Democracy in the Reform Era of American;新旧个人主义——美国改革时代的民主主体论
13.See the Western Humanism and Marxist Wane from the Perspective of Main-body Paradox;从主体悖论看西方人本主义马克思主义的式微
14.An Introduction to the Democratic Subject--on the ultimate relationship between man and democratization and its enlightenment民主主体引论——人与民主化的终极关系及其启示
15.Intersubjectivity:a New Angle to View the Subjectivity of the Floating Population from Rural Areas;从主体间性论农村流动人口主体性困境
16.On the Surpassing of the Inter-subjected Education over the Individual-subjected Education;主体间性教育对个人主体性教育的超越
17.Education and Development of Subjectivity: an Outline of Education for New Subjectivity;教育与人的主体性发展——新主体教育论纲
18.Reflection on the Individual-subjected Education and Construction Human-subjected Education;个人主体教育的反思与类主体教育的建构

subject personality主体人格
1.Lu Xun protruded and stood fast to subject personality all his life,taking "cultivating moral character" as the objective of his struggles.鲁迅终其一生都表现出对主体人格的极力彰显与坚守,他以“立人”为奋斗目标。
2.His subject personality consists of three factors.嵇康的人格重在作为一个主体的“人”的自觉意识,他把人与人生作为审美的对象,将人生审美化、艺术化了,审美人格构成他主体人格的第一个层面;他崇尚自然、具有反抗意味的放达通脱、任性任情的个性构成他主体人格的自由层面;他的理想人格———“君子”形象既有道家的玄远、自然的理想色彩,又有亲切的人间气息,他以现实人生实践着自己的理想人格,使玄学精神有了可实践性。
3)the main body of human rights人权主体
1.This article discusses the divergences of the opinions of Karl Marx and Milne on the main body of human rights.文章着重讨论马克思与米尔恩关于人权主体的分歧。
2.From the analysis of universality,class nature,individuality and collectivity of the main body of human rights,we can find difference in constitutional governmental concept of the main body of human rights issue between "The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" and the Constitution of our country.从人权主体的普遍性与阶级性、人权主体的个体性与集体性角度分析,《公民权利与政治权利国际公约》和我国宪法在人权主体问题上的宪政理念存有差异。
4)mankind subject人类主体
1.So we can analyze social structure and development from following factors of mankind subject, adjusting strength and object.从人类主体角度看,人类生存发展系统存在着主体、调节力量、客体三个基本要素,而社会是由低层次人类生存发展系统组合而成的高层次人类生存发展系统。
5)main body crowd主体人群
1.The construction of high and new technique park has entered second-undertaking stage, and urbanization is inevitably, but the constitution of main body crowd of high and new technique park decide high and new technique park plan incompletely equate to the urban planning.我国高新区建设已进入"二次创业"阶段,城市化是其必然,但高新区的主体人群构成决定了高新区规划并不完全等同于城市规划。
6)subjective personality主体人格
1.The formation of subjective personality of the scholars of the Wei and Jin dynasties viewed through their experience of unsuccessful officialdom;从魏晋文人对“不遇”的态度论其主体人格的形成
2.But the most fundamental and nuclear is the subjective personality of man.在市场经济文化背景下 ,人们应具备很多良好的道德和心理素质 ,但最根本、最核心的是人的主体人格。
