
1.The Present Situation of Residents' Subjective Well-being in Keqiang District,Shaoxing City绍兴柯桥居民主观幸福感现状及探究
2.A Glorious Thorny Road--Recording of 20 Years Development of Keqiao Primary School in Shaoxing County;光荣的荆棘路——绍兴县柯桥小学二十年发展纪略
3.The Regeneration of Landscape in Historic Heritage Site--A Comment on the Scenery Planning and Design of Keyan Scenic Spot in Shaoxing遗产地的景观再生——评绍兴柯岩风景区规划及景点设计
4.An Interpretation of “Yangxunqiao Phenomenon”;解读“杨汛桥现象”——绍兴县杨汛桥镇经济社会发展的调研与思考
5.Cloud Bone-shaped Rock represents the best.它于东湖、山、佛寺称为绍兴“四大奇观”,柯岩石最令人叹为观止的是“云骨”。
6.Introduction: As I went over London Bridge,介绍:我走过伦敦塔桥,
7.In this paper, the construction of the deck surfacing of the Bridge is presented.介绍巴东长江公路大桥桥面铺装情况。
8.Shaoxing Wolong Door Openners & Poller Shutter Operattors Co., Ltd.绍兴卧龙门业有限公司
9.Ren Bonian (1840-1896) was a native of Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province.任伯年(1840-1895),浙江绍兴人。
10.Shaoxing Zhan Wang Enterprise Group Co.绍兴展望企业集团公司
11.He lived at the West Gate Shaoxing Zhejiang .他住在浙江绍兴西门。
12.Strategic Link: to Attract Transnational Corporations into Shaoxing;跨国公司入驻绍兴的现状与绍兴的对策
13.It was awfully discouraging, Aleck!艾莱柯,这可太让人扫兴了!
14.Aleck glowed; she was profoundly happy.艾莱柯心潮澎湃,她高兴极了。
15.Cowperwood was in no way pleased by this rough denouement.这样草草收场,柯帕乌绝不会高兴的。
17.Mr. Collins, I'd like to introduce Mr. Chen, our president.柯林斯先生,我想向您介绍我们的总裁,陈先生。
18.The Epic"Manasi" of the kirgiz Nationality of being Introduced to the World;向世界介绍我国柯尔克孜族史诗《玛纳斯》

1.Consideration after the collision incidents involving ships against bridges in the Shaoxing area;对绍兴辖区船舶触损桥梁事故的思考
2.Current Situation of Air Quality in Shaoxing City and its Countermeasures;绍兴城市空气质量现状及控制措施
3.Characteristic and foreground of Shaoxing Muzi soy sauce;试析绍兴母子酱油特性及发展产业化的前景
3)Shaoxing rice wine绍兴黄酒
1.Impact of different lysis methods for the extraction of total DNA on wheat Qu from Shaoxing rice wine;不同破壁方法提取绍兴黄酒麦曲中的微生物总DNA
2.Study on a-amylase from wheat Qu of Shaoxing rice wine;绍兴黄酒麦曲中α-淀粉酶的初步研究
4)Shaoxing yellow rice wine绍兴酒
1.The content of isovaleraldehyde, furfurall and benzaldehyde in eight kinds of Shaoxing yellow rice wine of different age was determined by GC/MC coupled with dynamic headspace sample injection.建立了用动态顶空进样与气质联用法测定绍兴酒中异戊醛、糠醛、苯甲醛含量的方法,并对8种绍兴酒进行了检测。
2.A simple and rapid method (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry coupled with purge and trap method) had been developed for the determination of 19 kinds of volatile alcohol & ester compounds in Shaoxing yellow rice wine of different age.建立了吹扫捕集与气相色谱-质联用测定绍兴酒中19种挥发性醇、酯类化合物含量的方法,并对8种绍兴酒进行了检测。
5)Shaoxing yellow rice wine绍兴黄酒
1.The health-care function of Shaoxing yellow rice wine;绍兴黄酒的保健养生功能
2.The determining factors of sterilization temperature in Shaoxing yellow rice wine;决定绍兴黄酒灭菌温度的因素
3.Control of Serous Acid in the Production of Shaoxing Yellow Rice Wine;绍兴黄酒生产中米浆酸的控制
6)Shaoxing's textile industry绍兴纺织

绍兴柯桥  历史的长河承载着岁月的沧桑、传统文化与现代文明交相辉映又融为一体的江南水乡名镇绍兴柯桥,历代名人荟萃,代有人杰,这里充盈着江南水乡那种黛瓦粉墙,枕河人家,柔橹一声,扁舟咿呀的浓郁风情;这里有闻名遐尔的鉴湖水;碧波万顷湖光秀丽的瓜渚湖;国家级重点文物保护单位,集塘、堤、路、桥于一体的古纤道;保存完善、具有江南特色的古镇建筑群;鬼斧神工的石文化杰作柯岩……这里与历史文化名城绍兴市区毗邻,大禹陵、周恩来祖居、鲁迅纪念馆、兰亭、印山越国王陵等名胜古迹近在咫尺。绍兴柯桥经济开发区是1993年经浙江省人民政府批准设立的省级经济开发区,开发区位于长江三角洲繁华的沪(上海)、杭(杭州)、甬(宁波)经济带上,杭甬铁路、104国道(北京至福州)和浙东大运河横贯境内,由开发区向北至杭甬高速公路道口仅8公里,区位优势十分明显。自1998年以来已连续五年进入浙江省综合指标考核前十位省级开发区行列,是浙江省首家通过ISO14001环境管理体系认证的省级开发区。绍兴县是中国经济十强县(市),柯桥是绍兴县的县城所在地,其周边集聚了绍兴县约60经济总量,拥有规模庞大的轻纺产业群和享誉海内外的中国轻纺城,开发区自93年设立以来,先后规划开发了柯西工业园区、柯东高新技术产业园区,其中柯西工业园区和柯东高新技术产业园区已基本建成,柯北工业园区也初具形象,2003年,开发区又倾力推出了柯西服装工业园区和柯北服装工业城,目前正全面启动开发,项目落户势头强劲,柯桥开发区正日益成为国内外客商投资热点和绍兴县经济发展最重要的增长区。大鹏一日同风起,扶摇直上九万里,在新世纪里,作为浙江省先进开发区的柯桥开发区将致力塑造与国际惯例和国际市场接轨的投资环境,以园区建设为载体,大力增强投资吸引力,加快产业集聚和城市化进程,为把柯桥开发区建设成为全省一流经济开发区而不断开拓创新、锐意进取。