1.For a long time, Cinematic representations of the transgender characters have been notorious for their portrayal of the transgender as psychopaths, serial murders or figures for fun.长期以来,电影中展现的跨性别角色不是精神病患者,系列谋杀者,就是滑稽小丑。

1.Transgender subject s gender expression in Stone Butch Blues;《蓝调石墙T》中跨性别主体的性别表达
2.Respecting Gender Differences and Improving Cross Gender Cultural Communication尊重性别差异 促进跨性别文化交际
3.The Influence of Gender Difference in Language Use on Mixed-sex Communication;语言的性别差异及其对跨性别交际的影响
4.Differences in Gender Discourse System--Based on Intergender Miscommunication;析性别语篇系统的差异——从跨性别交际失误谈起
5.The Evolution of Sexism Language in English and the Misunderstanding in Communication;英语性别歧视语的演变与跨性别交际中的误解
6.Cross-Gendered Brand Extensions: Effects of Consumer Gender Identity and Product Type跨性别品牌延伸:性别认同、产品品类的影响
7.Undoing the Hegemonic Modes of Gender and Sexuality-Transsexuals Re-read in the Two Films Boys Don t Cry and Transamerica;反性别的霸权模式而行之:重读《男孩不哭》和《穿越美国》中跨性别身份
8.Gender Differences in Conversation and Its Impact on the Inter-gender Communication;会话中性别语言差异及其对跨性别文化交际的影响
9.On Perplexities in Male-female Cultural Communications;性别文化差异给跨性别文化交际带来的矛盾与困惑
10.From Equality of the Male and the Female to Gender Equality;从男女平等到性别平等——当代妇女观与“跨性别”弱势群体
11.An Analysis of the Cross-gender Miscommunication in Hills Like White Elephants;《白象似的群山》中的跨性别交际失误分析
12.A Cross-gender Analysis of Thomas Hardy s Creation of "Tess";对托马斯·哈代作品中人物“苔丝”的跨性别分析
13.The Analysis of Gender Differences and Similarities in Speech Communication between Chinese and Western Cultures;浅析东西方文化影响下跨性别交际的异同
14.A Functional Study of Cross-gender Discourse in Women in Love《恋爱中的女人》中跨性别话语的功能语言学研究
15.Critical Analyses on the Power Relationship in Cross-sex Conversation-in the Speech Community of a Dream of Red Mansions;红楼梦言语社团跨性别交谈权势关系批判性分析
16.Research on the Interactive Relationship between Language and Power in Mixed-gender Communication in English Movies;英文电影中跨性别交际的语言与权力互动关系的研究
17.Gender Differences and Discourse Styles in Intercultural Communication;跨文化交际中的性别差异和话语风格
18.Socialization of the Sex Role under the View of Cross-culture;透视跨文化视野下的性别角色社会化

intergender discourse跨性别语篇
1.Understanding intergender discourse and the causes is conducive to effective communication.通过了解跨性别语篇差异的主要表现,分析产生差异的根源,有利于人们更有效地进行交际。
3)Cross-sex communication跨性别交际
1.Genderlect difference, a universal phenomenon in society does exist in communication and sometimes misunderstandi- ng arises in the cross-sex communication.本文探讨了性别语言差异的特征、产生原因,以及其在语言功能上的反映和对跨性别交际的影响。
4)cross-gender communication跨性别交际
1.During the process of cross-gender communication, especially oral communication, men and women differ on terms of phonetics, tone, vocabulary, grammar and others when they communicate.跨性别交际是跨文化交际的一种形式,是跨文化交际中一种亚文化间人们所进行的面对面的交流。
2.During the process of cross-gender communication, different gender-roles require them to act in accordance with their own roles, and be the member of their own gender groups.跨性别交际是跨文化交际的一种形式,是跨文化交际中一种亚文化间人们所进行的面对面的交流。
3.Based on this, this paper also probes into some specific strategies in the hope that they can improve the quality of cross-gender communication.跨性别交际是社会语言学里的一个主要课题。
5)cross-sex differences跨性别差异
6)gender-crossing narrative跨性别叙述

奥运会性别检测奥运会性别检测  奥运会性别检测竞技运动,尤其是体能类运目,在一定程度上是运动员的肌肉力量和耐力赛,男性占有一定的优势。历史上就出现过一些运动员外表的男性参加女子项目比赛的事情。如的沃尔什(Stella Walsh)以斯坦尼斯拉娃·瓦拉谢(Stanislawa Walasiewiez)为名,曾获1932年洛杉运会女子百米冠军和1936年柏林奥运会女子百军。1980年在其去世后进行尸体解剖时,发现她项比女兰奇奥亚男J咐月八,﹂﹃书.石义压比几︸卜卜以一,J性外生殖器及含混的染色体。 1938年创造女子跳高世界纪录的德国选手韦延(Dora Ratjen)也不是真正的女运动员。1968年尧届冬奥会和第19届夏奥会后,国际奥委会要求妻女子项目或性别混合项目的所有女运动员进行性另测。检测的目的是为了消除竞赛中的欺骗,维护梦会女子比赛的公平性。 1972年慕尼黑奥运会共进行960例女性检测,女运动员总数的82%;1992年巴塞罗那奥运会岌了2406例检测,占女运动员总数的80%。慕尼男运会采用头发根检测技术。为了提高检测的准确1976年蒙特利尔奥运会采用口腔涂抹技术。199二阿尔贝维尔冬奥会开始使用更为完善的分析口腔到的遗传生物化学技术,使测试的可靠性接近100检查的结果一般是保密的。特ro加检运占行奥氏年胞,oo