2)Alien Feeling in Role角色差距
3)Rectilinear Distance直角距离
1.Optimization of Facilities Location Based on Rectilinear Distance;基于直角距离的设施选址优化问题
4)green gap绿色距离
1.A study of industrial classification and green gap based on the energy-saving and emissions-reducing in Shandong Province基于节能减排的山东省工业绿色距离和产业分类研究
2.This paper takes four indices : energy consumption,water resource consumption,the emissions of COD and SO_2 of every ten thousand yuan GDP as the basis to establish two comprehensive indices: green gap and green contribution,which are the embodiment of harmonious d.该文以万元GDP能源消耗、水资源消耗、COD排放、SO2排放4个指标为基础,建立体现经济与环境协调发展的绿色距离和绿色贡献2个综合性指标,以生态省和生态市相应指标为标准,分析了我国大陆地区各省份对应4个指标的绿色距离和绿色贡献现状。
3.According to the standard of national ecology city,four indexes of Xi an city-energy consumption,water consumption,the emissions of COD and SO2 of one thousand industrial output in 1985-2005 are chosen and their green gap and ecology realization degree are appraised.建设生态西安是"十一·五"规划的重要目标,而工业生产的绿色距离及生态化实现度测评可为其提供科学依据。

1.Study on the Industrial Green Gap and Ecological Industrial Classification in Yunnan Province;云南省工业绿色距离与生态产业分类研究
2.Green Gap and Industry Reclassification of Industrial Development in Shandong Province;山东省工业发展的绿色距离与产业的重新分类
3.A study of industrial classification and green gap based on the energy-saving and emissions-reducing in Shandong Province基于节能减排的山东省工业绿色距离和产业分类研究
4.Green or brown flexible petiole, variable internode length. Large trailer.绿色或咖啡色的柔软叶柄,节间距离易变。大的悬垂型。
5.Green Supply Chain Benchmarking Based on Gap Analysis;基于差距分析的绿色供应链标杆测评
6.range hand wheel距离手轮, 距离盘
7.Cognition Difference of Drivers about Space Distance of Red and Green Obstacles at Night驾驶员对夜间红绿障碍物空间距离判识差异
8.Research of blue-green laser for distence measurement under water蓝绿激光水下作用距离测量的实验研究
9.From greenbelt to greenway--Cased on greenbelt in Beijing;从绿化隔离带到绿色通道——以北京市绿化隔离带为例
10.Colour helps them judge distance and shape.颜色能帮它们判断距离和形状。
11.Human Face Detecting System Based on Skin Color and Hausdorff Distance;基于肤色和Hausdorff距离的人脸检测系统
12.Adhere to the "Zero Distance" Idea,Do a Professional Characteristics;坚持“零距离”理念,办出专业特色
13.Studies on Functional Activity of Pickled Greening Garlic and Separation and Properties of the Green Pigments;醋浸绿蒜的功能及其绿变色素的分离、性质研究
14.Color Grading Based on Three-dimensional Euclidean Distance基于三维欧式距离的纸张颜色色差分级
15.dusty jade green浅灰绿[色],豆绿[色]
16.Studies on the Extraction, Isolation and Property of the Pigment in Greening Garlic;大蒜绿色素提取、分离及其性质的研究
17.Research on Clutch Friction Material Used in Automobile with Green Process汽车用离合器摩擦材料绿色工艺研究
18.Wheat leaf mitochondria are isolated with differential centrifugation.用差速离心法分离绿色小麦叶片线粒体。

Alien Feeling in Role角色差距
3)Rectilinear Distance直角距离
1.Optimization of Facilities Location Based on Rectilinear Distance;基于直角距离的设施选址优化问题
4)green gap绿色距离
1.A study of industrial classification and green gap based on the energy-saving and emissions-reducing in Shandong Province基于节能减排的山东省工业绿色距离和产业分类研究
2.This paper takes four indices : energy consumption,water resource consumption,the emissions of COD and SO_2 of every ten thousand yuan GDP as the basis to establish two comprehensive indices: green gap and green contribution,which are the embodiment of harmonious d.该文以万元GDP能源消耗、水资源消耗、COD排放、SO2排放4个指标为基础,建立体现经济与环境协调发展的绿色距离和绿色贡献2个综合性指标,以生态省和生态市相应指标为标准,分析了我国大陆地区各省份对应4个指标的绿色距离和绿色贡献现状。
3.According to the standard of national ecology city,four indexes of Xi an city-energy consumption,water consumption,the emissions of COD and SO2 of one thousand industrial output in 1985-2005 are chosen and their green gap and ecology realization degree are appraised.建设生态西安是"十一·五"规划的重要目标,而工业生产的绿色距离及生态化实现度测评可为其提供科学依据。
5)color distance颜色距离
1.The goal is to conquer the fault that the Euclidean distance in the traditional cylindrical coordinates cannot reasonably discriminate different colors once the color value is widely different By altering image s luminance based on its situation veracity of the color distance model is improved.并在此颜色距离模型下设计了一种彩色Min边缘检测算子,有效地提取了图像的边缘信息。
6)distance of sphere centre angle球心角距离

领导者角色差距领导者角色差距distance to a leader's role  领导者角色差距(distanee to a leader,srofe)领导者的现实角色行为与理想角色(即领导角色规范与角色期望)之间的差距。在现实生活中,由于领导者对自己角色的认识和理解上的偏差,领导者自身素质的限制,以及领导行为环境条件的制约,所以,领导者的角色实现与领导者理想角色之间差距的存在是客观的必然。领导者应该做的、能够做到的,是通过自身的努力尽量缩小这种差距,以使领导角色的社会功能得以最大限度的发挥。此外,通过领导班子群体的合理配备、优化组织,发挥领导群体的系统功能,则可以最大限度地缩小、乃至消除这种差异。 (范粉章撰王树茂审)