1.Die vorliegende Arbeit wendet sich den chinesischen und deutschen interpersonalen Beziehungsvorstellungen zu und versucht, ausgehend von den deutschen und chinesischen Kulturstandards die Besonderheit der deutschen und chinesischen Beziehungsvorstellungen aus interkultureller Sicht zu ermitteln, um die Verst?ndigung und Zusammenarbeit zwischen China und Deutschland zu f?rdern.而中德两国在人际交往方式上又有很大的不同,往往受到了本国文化的巨大影响,这种影响可以用文化核心标准来表现,因此论文会分别论述影响两国人际关系观的文化核心标准,分析其中的差异所带来的负面影响,并在此基础上为减少及避免这些负面影响提出一些建设性意见。
2)core culture核心文化
1.An Analysis of Creating Core Culture of Newly-Built Universities浅析新建本科院校的核心文化建设
2.It is posed that the base culture such as science culture,commodity culture,employee culture and image culture just was essentials of corporate core competence; only core culture was the real origin of corporate core competence.但是包括科技文化、商品文化、员工文化和形象文化在内的基准文化只是构成企业核心竞争力的基本因素,核心文化才是企业核心竞争力的真正源泉。
3.The corporate culture can be divided into two parts: the core culture and the un-core culture.所谓企业核心文化,是指企业文化中居于核心地位,对企业的长期生存与稳定发展起着决定性作用的部分;而居于核心文化以外的部分,称为非核心文化。
3)Culture core文化核心

1.Honesty-Faith--Study of the Key Values of the State-owned Enterprise Culture;诚信——国有企业文化核心价值观研究
2.Chinese culture is the parent and nucleus of Taiwan culture.台湾文化的母体和核心是中华文化。
3.Humanist Spirit:Ideological Kernel of Mass Culture Criticism;人文精神:大众文化批评的核心理念
4.Based on the Core Competitiveness of the Corporate Culture Change and Core Research;基于核心竞争力的企业文化内核与变革研究
5.Jewish culture is a culture with introverted character with core of Judaism.犹太文化是一种以犹太教为核心的内敛性文化。
6.Pattra-leaf culture refers to the traditional culture of the Dai nationality with Pattra-leaf scriptures as the core.贝叶文化是指以贝叶经为核心的傣族传统文化。
7.Value Dimensions of Culture in ICC Competence and Culture Teaching Methodology;跨文化交际核心价值观和文化教学方法论研究
8.Simple analysis on enterprise s cultural construction taking enterprise s ethics culture as the core;浅析以企业伦理文化为核心的企业文化建设
9.Study On Developing Core Skills in the Background of Curriculum Culture and Activity Culture;论课程文化与活动文化背景下的核心技能开发
10."Harmony Culture":The Key Value and Contemporary Meaning of Zhaojun Culture“和文化”:昭君文化的核心价值及其当代意义
11.C ultural strength is the source of core competence in enterprise.文化力是企业核心竞争力的源泉。
12.The core of the Chinese culture is the mutual correlation of both “ Confucian school and Taoist school”.中国文化的核心是“儒道”互补。
13.Research on the Construction of Enterprise Culture and Core-competitiveness of Private Enterprise;民营企业文化建设与核心竞争力研究
14.The Research on the Core Competitive of Fujian s Cultural Industry;福建文化产业发展的核心竞争力研究
15.The Research on Corporate Culture Based on Core Competence;基于核心竞争力的企业文化问题研究
16.Analyses on the Corporate Culture Innovation and Corporate Core Competence;企业文化创新与企业核心竞争力分析
17.Research on Corporate Culture Building Based on Core Competence;基于核心竞争力的企业文化建设研究
18.On the Harmony of Enterprise Ethical Culture;以“和”为核心的企业伦理文化研究

core culture核心文化
1.An Analysis of Creating Core Culture of Newly-Built Universities浅析新建本科院校的核心文化建设
2.It is posed that the base culture such as science culture,commodity culture,employee culture and image culture just was essentials of corporate core competence; only core culture was the real origin of corporate core competence.但是包括科技文化、商品文化、员工文化和形象文化在内的基准文化只是构成企业核心竞争力的基本因素,核心文化才是企业核心竞争力的真正源泉。
3.The corporate culture can be divided into two parts: the core culture and the un-core culture.所谓企业核心文化,是指企业文化中居于核心地位,对企业的长期生存与稳定发展起着决定性作用的部分;而居于核心文化以外的部分,称为非核心文化。
3)Culture core文化核心
4)culture criteria文化标准
5)Nuclear power standardization核电标准化
6)core labor standards核心劳工标准
1.It is helpful not only to the construction of a harmonious society and the implementation of the core labor standards,but also to the improvement of the fair competition among enterprises and the realization of the labor rights of laborers.劳动监察制度既是劳动法制的一个有机组成部分,同时也是劳动法制继续发展的必要保障,不仅有助于建设和谐社会和贯彻核心劳工标准,也有益于促进企业间的公平竞争和实现劳动者的劳动权。

文化核心  见文化区。