1.The academic and political aspects of legal studies must be coordinated and the crucial step is to remove pan-politicization,which presupposes the research freedom and capacity of scholars in light of academic canons and their sense of responsibility and courage in striving for the freedom.我国理论法学研究存在着泛政治化现象,制约了法学研究的水平提升和路径拓展。

1.The error of the popularization on law and politics in the logic;宪法泛政治化的逻辑归谬与历史反思
2.On the political factors of coping with "conflicts without direct interests"“无直接利益冲突”处置泛政治化的因素
3.From Extensive political Thinking to Functional Divided Thinking;从泛政治化思维到职能分化思维的转换
4.Love Elegy in the Political Linguistic Environment;泛政治化语境中的爱情悲歌——宗璞《红豆》之再解读
5.Realistic Reflection and Cause Analysis of Pan-Political Trends of Moral Education;德育泛政治化倾向的现实表现和原因分析
6.Consideration of Pan-Politicization of Moral Education for Colleges;关于大学生道德教育泛政治化问题的思考
7.Coordinating the Academic and Political Aspects of Legal Studies调适法学研究的学术性与政治性——去泛政治化视角的分析
8.To win votes, the many parties politicized the issues discussed and debated at City Forum, turning the RDHK programmed into a battlefield.许多政党为捞选票,把民生问题泛政治化,城市论坛变成“战潮。
9."To win votes, the many parties politicized the issues, turning the RDHK programme into a Battlefield."政党为捞选票,把民生问题泛政治化,城市论坛变成"战场"。
10.The Politicalization of Academic Research An Academic Dissimilation Hindering the Cultural Innovation of Academic Journals;学术泛政治化——影响学报文化创新的学术异化现象
11.Extending Family Order against the Background of Pan-politicization--Take the Two Times of Renewal of the Sun's Genealogy of Le'antang in North Jiangsu as an Example泛政治化背景下的家族秩序续建——以苏北乐安堂孙氏两次修谱为例
12.A more mundane spectre, Bangladesh's intensely politicised judiciary, is now a bigger threat to the country's fragile democracy.世俗更可怕的是孟加拉国激烈的司法泛政治化目前对国家脆弱的民主是更大的威胁。
13.Study on the Problems in University Governance by Administration in China and Countermeasures;我国大学治理的泛行政化问题及对策研究
14.Feudalistic superstition causes serious danger to economy, politics, society and culture of the countryside.封建迷信泛滥给农村的经济、政治、社会和文化造成严重的危害。
15.Pan-Political View of the Western Literary Theory in the 20~(th) Century - Analysis on Terry Eagleton s Literary Criticism View;20世纪西方文论中的政治泛化——伊格尔顿的文学批评观探析
16.What on earth is the political power?政治权力是个宽泛的概念,究竟什么是政治权力?
17.The people's political status has been constantly raised, and their participation in political affairs is becoming more extensive with each passing day.人民的政治地位不断提高,政治参与日益广泛。
18.II. The Chinese People Have Gained Extensive Political Rights二、中国人民获得了广泛的政治权力

1.The academic and political aspects of legal studies must be coordinated and the crucial step is to remove pan-politicization,which presupposes the research freedom and capacity of scholars in light of academic canons and their sense of responsibility and courage in striving for the freedom.我国理论法学研究存在着泛政治化现象,制约了法学研究的水平提升和路径拓展。
3)pan-political view泛政治观
4)panpolitical intention泛政治心态
5)the politicalization of academic journals学术泛政治化
6)pan-political interpretation泛政治化解读

政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。