1.The generalization and research of cyberism can not only reinforce our mastery of the characteristics of the Internet era,but also open an important respect of philosophic creation,and display a new scope of human development.网络主义是顺应信息网络时代对信息网络技术的重视进而对一般意义上的网络问题的关注而兴起的一种重要思潮。
2)On Cyberism论网络主义
3)anarchy in the cyberspace网络无政府主义

1.On the Challenges of Anarchy in the Cyberspace to the Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities;论网络无政府主义对大学生思政教育的挑战
2.anarchistic adj.无政府主义[者]的
3.debate on anarchism“无政府主义”的论战 advocate of anarchism.鼓吹无政府主义的人。
5.Actually, that was anarchy.那实际上是无政府主义。
6.of or related to anarchism or tending toward anarchism.无政府主义的或者倾向于无政府主义的。
7.An advocate or a participant in anarchism.无政府主义者无政府主义的鼓吹或参与者
8.An adherent of anarchy or a leader practicing it.无政府主义者无政府主义的信徒或领袖
9.They practise ultra-individualism and anarchy.他们搞极端个人主义、无政府主义。
10.Guilds can be democratic, anarchistic, totalitarian, or some other type of government.行会可以实行民主主义,无政府主义,极权主义,或其他类型的政府。
11.Likely to produce or result in anarchy.鼓吹无政府主义的妄想产生无政府或以无政府为结果
12.Government authority and civil society are increasingly threatened by transnational networks of crime, narcotics, money-laundering and terrorism.政府当局和民间社会日益受到()国犯罪、品、钱和恐怖主义网络的威胁。
13.Government-Disciplined lnternational Habitual Law--An Analysis on Online Arbitration and Cyber Law;政府主导的国际习惯法——论网络仲裁和网络法
14.Active resistance and terrorism against the state, as used by some anarchists.反政府恐怖活动一些无政府主义者进行的反政府抵抗或恐怖活动
15.Never allow present liberalism, never allow anarchism.决不允许出现自由主义,不能发生无政府主义。
16.He was a poet, an anarchist and a vegan.他是一个诗人、无政府主义者和纯素食主义者。
17.Nationalism,Anarchism and Modern Culture of China;国家主义、无政府主义与中国现当代文化
18.Anarchism in "Mutual Aid Theory" and Li Da-zhao s Marxist Views;“互助论”无政府主义与李大钊的马克思主义观

On Cyberism论网络主义
3)anarchy in the cyberspace网络无政府主义
1.Discussion on Nationalism of Network in the Perspective of Communication;网络民族主义的传播学探讨
5)Network Imperialism网络帝国主义
1.The combination of them put forward the conception of cyberterrorism.两者的结合产生了网络恐怖主义这一概念。
2.The contradictions between our country s network fast development and the public cybersecurity measure lagging behind reflected the contemporary counter-cyberterrorism feasibility and arduousness.网络恐怖主义是一个非传统安全领域的、新的全球性问题,是对公共信息安全的野蛮挑战。
