2)Sequence pair序列偶
1.Performance analysis of the spread spectrum communication system based on sequence pairs;基于序列偶的扩频通信系统性能分析
2.Research on ZCZ Array Pair and Complementary Sequence Pair TheoryZCZ阵列偶与互补序列偶理论的研究
3.It is odd-periodic perfect almost binary sequence pair.提出了一种新的具有良好奇周期相关特性的最佳离散信号———奇周期最佳几乎二进序列偶。

1.Research on ZCZ Array Pair and Complementary Sequence Pair TheoryZCZ阵列偶与互补序列偶理论的研究
2.Study on the Correlation Properties of Sequence Pair and the Ternary Signal Pair序列偶相关性与三元信号偶理论研究
3.Research on Binary Complementary Sequence and Binary Complementary Sequence Pairs;二元互补序列及二元互补序列偶理论的研究
4.Binary Sequence Pair Sets with Zero Correlation Zone from Quadratic Difference Set and Difference Set Pair由平方剩余差集与差集偶构造二元ZCZ序列偶
5.Divisible Difference Set Pair and Approach for the Study of Almost Perfect Binary Sequence Pair可分差集偶与几乎最佳二元序列偶的研究
6.Research on Application of Sequence Pairs in DS-CDMA Communication System;序列偶应用于DS-CDMA通信系统的研究
7.Study of methods for constructing punctured binary complementary sequence pairs屏蔽二元互补序列偶构造方法的研究
8.Research on Generalized Pseudorandom Punctured Binary Sequence Pairs广义伪随机屏蔽二进序列偶理论研究
9.Research on the Territorial Perfect Sequence and the Almost Territorial Perfect Sequence区域最佳及区域准最佳序列偶的研究
10.Study of Punctured Binary Sequence Pair with Two-Level Autocorrelation二值自相关屏蔽二进序列偶理论研究
11.The Search Method of Perfect Binary Complementary Sequence Pairs and Aperiodic Binary Sequence;最佳二元互补序列偶及非周期二元序列的搜索算法的研究
12.Research of ZCZ ternary sequence pairs set based on pseudorandom sequence基于伪随机序列的零相关区三元序列偶集的研究
13.The Design of the ZCZ Sequence Pair Set in the Quasi-Synchronous CDMA System;准同步CDMA系统中零相关区序列偶集合的设计
14.Research on Application of Low/Zero Correlation Zone Sequence Pairs in Spread Spectrum Communication System;低/零相关区序列偶应用于扩频通信系统的研究
15.A class of sequence pairs set with zero correlation zone based on interleaving technique一类由交织方式构造的零相关区序列偶
16.Research on Application of Binary Sequence Pair with Two-Level Periodic Autocorrelation二元二值周期自相关序列偶的应用研究
17.Spectrum Characters and Synchronization Performance of Almost Perfect Punctured Sequence Pairs几乎最佳屏蔽序列偶的谱特性及同步性能研究
18.We arrange its elements in ascending order, they are odd, even, odd, even, odd.我们按其上升的顺序排列为奇、偶、奇、偶、奇。

Sequence pair序列偶
1.Performance analysis of the spread spectrum communication system based on sequence pairs;基于序列偶的扩频通信系统性能分析
2.Research on ZCZ Array Pair and Complementary Sequence Pair TheoryZCZ阵列偶与互补序列偶理论的研究
3.It is odd-periodic perfect almost binary sequence pair.提出了一种新的具有良好奇周期相关特性的最佳离散信号———奇周期最佳几乎二进序列偶。
3)dual schedule对偶排序
1.With the definition of parameters on machine of scheduling,this paper introduces dual schedule and then studies its application on single machine problem,open shop problem and flow shop problem.文章引进关于机器的一些参数,提出了排序问题的对偶排序。
4)Sequence pairs序列偶
1.Applied analysis of sequence pairs in Kalman multiuser;序列偶在盲多用户检测中的应用
2.The study of Low/Zero Correlation Zone sequence pairs spread spectrum communication system;低/零相关区序列偶应用于扩频通信系统的性能分析
3.Research on the periodic correlation functions and the bounds of sequence pairs;序列偶循环相关函数及其界的研究
5)ordered couples of states状态序偶
1.By applying a new technique for establishing the strong limit theorems in probability theory in recent years, the strong limit theorems on the frequencies of occurrence of states and ordered couples of states for even-odd Markov chains indexed by a nonhomogeneous tree are studied.定义一类非齐次树——奇偶树,利用近年来研究概率论强极限定理的新方法,研究奇偶树上奇偶马氏链场关于状态和状态序偶出现频率的强极限定理,得到奇偶树上马氏链场关于状态和状态序偶出现频率的强大数定律,将齐次树图上马氏链场中的相关结果推广到了非齐次树图上。
2.As corollaries,a class of strong limit theorems for frequencies of states and ordered couples of states on Cayley tree are obtained.作为推论得到了广义随机选择系统中任意Cayley树上状态频率和状态序偶的一类极限定理。
6)ordered duality on the right右序对偶
1.Let (E,E +) and (F,F +) be partially ordered vector spaces which form an ordered duality on the right,the duality of two different τ(E,F)-neighborhood of 0 was studied,where τ(E,F) denotes the Mackey topology on E.研究右序对偶半序线性空间中两个不同的Mackey邻域的对偶,给出一类对偶定理的一般形式,削弱了关于序凸与可分解,绝对序凸与绝对控及正序凸与正控的对偶定理的某些条件并简化了其证明。

“质子-电子偶极-偶极”质子弛豫增强“质子-电子偶极-偶极”质子弛豫增强  物理学术语。原子核外层中不成对的电子质量小,但磁动性很强,可使局部磁场波动增强,促使氢质子弛豫加快,从而使T1和T2缩短,这种效应即为PEDDPRE。过渡元素和镧系元素大部分在d和f轨道有多个不成对电子,所以其离子往往具有PEDDPRE,可用来作顺磁性对比剂,如钆(Gd)。Gd在外层有7个不成对电子,具有很强的顺磁性。