1.The UK adopts the pattern of practice-oriented social work education,but the USA adopts the one of academy-oriented,which lead to different discipline status and different professional development degree of social work in these two countries.英国和美国分别采用实务取向与学术取向的社会工作教育模式,不同的教育模式决定了英美社会工作的学科地位不同,并且导致了英美社会工作专业化发展程度也不一样。

2.Observation of Dong Yue s Opinions on his Academic and literature Activities--Based on Dong Yue s Comments to ZhengChuanXianShengJi;董说的学术取向和文学识见探析——从董说对《震川先生集》的批点谈起
3.Mass-oriental Research--the Value Orientation of Academic Research Nowadays;面向大众:当今学术研究的价值取向
4.Dilemma and Transformation for Research on Web-based Learning Environment从技术取向到文化取向——网络学习困境的解脱
5.Happy Orientation of Wushu Teaching in Middle School under the New Courses Standard;新课标下中学武术教学的“快乐”取向
6.A New Orientation of Science Education:Connecting Science and Art;科学与艺术相关联:科学教育的新取向
7.Nine Drawbacks on the Quantifying Trend of the Current Evaluation to Academy现行学术评价定量化取向的九大弊端
8.Educational Technology:Theoretical study of “Development Orientation” of Education;教育技术学——“开发取向”的教育理论探究
9.Scientism and Humanism: The Development of Computer Art;科学主义与人文主义:电脑艺术的取向
10.Discussing the Technical Orientation on the Software Development for Geography Teaching of Elementary and Middle School;论中小学地理教学软件开发中的技术取向
11.The academic career of Mr. Pan Guang dan shows the scholoastic meaning of comprehensive choice direction of anthropological research.潘光旦先生的学术生涯说明了人类学研究综合性取向的学术意义。
12.Family Background and Cultural Orientation of Rulers of the Kingdom of Wu略论孙吴统治者之阶级出身及其学术文化取向
13.Design-based Research:An New Approach for Educational Technology;基于设计的研究:教育技术学研究的新取向
14.Influences on Universities′ Academic Researchby Utilitarianism Orientation;功利主义价值取向对高校学术研究的影响
15.The practice orientation of IT public course teaching in high normal institutes;高师信息技术公共课教学的教育实践取向
16.On the Nationalized Cultural Orientation of Zhang Taiyan s Linguistic Research Activities;试论章太炎语言学术活动的民族主义文化取向
17.From Academy to Market: Values of Classifying Higher Education Institutions;从学术到市场:高等教育机构分类的价值取向
18.Zhejiang Spirit--Concentrative Reflection of Value Orientation of Zhejiang East Learning and Cultare;浙江精神:浙东学术文化价值取向的集中表现

1.What contributes to the reason is the technology-orientation in research on web-based learning environment.其背后的真正根源在于网络学习环境研究的技术取向。
3)philosophy orientation哲学取向
1.Based on plenty of latest study,this paper discusses three main orientations of wisdom study in modern psychology field:philosophy orientation,implicit theory orientation and exterior theory orientation.在综合大量最新研究的基础上,讨论了当今心理学界考察智慧的3种主要研究取向:哲学取向、内隐理论取向和外显理论取向。
4)aesthetics orientation美学取向
1.The new century martial arts film will pay more attention to image modeling,audio-visual film elements,and more color and props using,beautiful scene and martial arts scenes using digital graphics design,which will expresses its aesthetics orientation in the visual performance.新世纪武侠电影注重影像造型,更多挖掘电影的视听元素,充分调动色彩和道具的作用,选取极度唯美的场景,运用数字化特技设计的武打场面,表现了视觉中心的美学取向。
6)learning orientation学习取向
1.A study was made through questionnaires on different behaviors of the students in class which includes learning orientation,verbal participation,dominating others,support-seeking,self-disclosure,self-assurance,sociability and the relationship between behaviors of the students in class and their achievements in the final examination.本文主要通过调查问卷对少数民族大学生的学习取向、口头参与、争强好胜、寻求帮助、自我表露、自信,以及和同学交往七个方面的课堂表现差异与大学英语考试成绩之间的关系进行分析研究,发现学生的课堂表现差异与考试成绩之间存在着密切的关系。
2.The results showed that virtual team learning orientation and behavior had positive relationship with virtual team effectiveness and organizational effectiveness.本研究对虚拟团队学习取向和学习行为对团队效能和组织效能的效果产生的影响进行了研究。

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀